Mustard slimming baths
Often, women striving to be beautiful and healthy cannot afford expensive spas. Fortunately, transforming treatments can be done at home, for example, you can take a bath with mustard powder.
Mustard powder is known for its warming properties. It perfectly heats the body, improves blood circulation and fights cellulite, therefore it is effectively used for weight loss. According to reviews, with the help of such baths in a month you can get rid of 8-10 kg of excess weight and “orange peel”.
A glass of warm water is mixed with the same amount of mustard powder until a homogeneous slurry is obtained, after which this mixture is dissolved in a bath (the recommended volume of water is 170-200 liters, and the water temperature should be 36-38 degrees). The duration of the procedures is 7-10 minutes, and they should be carried out 3-4 times a week. The treatment course is 13-15 procedures.
Before taking a mustard bath, you need to do an allergy test: apply a little mustard on the back of your wrist and do not rinse for 27-30 minutes. The result is assessed in a day.
Given the aggressiveness of the mustard bath, it should be taken, guided by the following rules:
- the established duration of the procedure must not be exceeded
- it is not recommended to take a mustard bath without underwear
- one hour before the spa procedure and one hour after it, you cannot eat or drink
- while taking a bath, the area of the heart should be above the surface of the water
If during the spa procedure the heartbeat increases or there is severe discomfort, it means that you need to immediately stop taking the bath and refuse further mustard procedures.
Mustard baths are contraindicated in pregnancy and inflammatory processes.
After a bath with mustard powder, it is recommended to take a shower (without using shower gel or soap), rub your body with a terry towel, put on warm clothes and wrap yourself with a blanket.
In addition, in order to avoid burns, mustard baths are recommended to be alternated with other spa treatments:
- 1st day – bath with mustard powder
- 2nd day – milk bath (1 liter of milk will be needed)
- 3rd day – soda bath (a glass of baking soda is added to the water)
- 4th day – vanilla bath (water is enriched with ½ cup of moisturizing shower gel and 1 tablespoon of vanillin)
- 5th day – a bath with the addition of linden broth (you need ½ l of broth)
- 6th day – mustard bath
- 7th day – bath with the addition of a glass of thick oatmeal and ½ cup of bran
- 8th day – coniferous bath (add ½ l of coniferous broth to the water)
This procedure is especially important in the cold season. Water is poured into a small basin (its temperature should be 36-40 degrees) and 2-3 tablespoons are added. mustard powder.
The recommended duration of the procedure is 17-25 minutes
Such a bath serves as a preventive procedure for hypothermia. It also helps with a runny nose, sore throat, cough.
Also interesting to read: underarm epilation.