Mustard powder from wireworm 

Chemicals accumulate in the soil and gradually deplete it. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to use folk methods for pest control. And if external means that practically do not contact the ground can be used to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, then this will not work in the fight against the wireworm. In any case, you have to choose between chemistry and folk remedies. The observations of many gardeners show that the wireworm reacts poorly to some plants, including mustard. In this article, we will consider methods of dealing with this pest using a proven folk method.

Mustard powder from wireworm 

Description of the pest

The wireworm and the click beetle are one and the same. Only the wireworm is a larva, and the beetle is an adult. The pest lives no more than 5 years. In spring, young larvae are born, which do not harm potato plantings. They feed mainly on humus. The next year, the larva becomes stiff and turns yellow. It is these adult larvae that feed on potato tubers. Before the young individual becomes a beetle, another 2 years will pass. During this period, the insect is especially dangerous for young plants.

3 years after birth, the larva turns into a chrysalis, and by autumn it becomes an adult click beetle. In the fifth year of life, the insect lays eggs again, and then everything happens according to the scheme described above.

Attention! An adult larva can grow up to 2 cm in length.

Mustard powder from wireworm 

For some period, the larva may be on the surface of the soil, looking for food for itself. Then the wireworm can go deep inside, where it will not harm the beds in any way. For the whole season, the insect can rise out several times. Most often, the wireworm is found in areas in the spring and in the last month of summer or early September.

The larva prefers moist soil. That is why in the midst of the heat, when the soil is especially dry, it is deeper. The insect feels great in acidic and moist soils. The appearance of a pest can be provoked by too thick planting of potatoes, the presence of a large number of weeds.

At the same time, the wireworm does not like soil fertilized with nitrogen. From the above, it follows that in order to combat it, it is necessary to lower the acidity of the soil. Such a habitat is not suitable for the normal life of an insect.

Mustard powder from wireworm 

Fighting wireworm

It is only necessary to start the fight against the wireworm if the insects damage most of the potato crop. The fact is that wireworms are also part of the ecosystem, and in small quantities they will not greatly harm plants.

Chemical preparations do not always give good results. The reason is that the wireworm can go deep into the soil, where the drug simply will not reach it. For this reason, it is much more useful and efficient to use folk methods. With their help, you can significantly reduce the number of insects in your area.

The experience of some gardeners shows that mustard or mustard powder does an excellent job with wireworm. Below we will look at different ways to use mustard for these purposes.

Mustard powder from wireworm

The wireworm is afraid and does not like mustard very much. This can be beneficially used in the fight against insects. For example, some gardeners throw some mustard powder into the potato hole. This method does not harm either the soil or the potato crop. So you don’t have to worry about your plants. But the wireworm is unlikely to be delighted with such a surprise.

Mustard powder from wireworm 

Attention! You can also add hot pepper to the powder.

How to sow mustard from a wireworm

Many gardeners sow mustard on their plots immediately after harvest. It quickly rises and covers the ground with a dense carpet. Then, for the winter, the site is dug up along with the plants. This procedure not only helps to get rid of the wireworm, but also improves the quality and fertility of the soil.

Mustard is sown around the end of August. Seeds are bought at the rate of 250 grams per hundred square meters of land. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepared seeds are sown, throwing them away from themselves. Thus, it will turn out to sow the mustard much more evenly.
  2. Then they take a metal rake and sprinkle the seeds with soil with their help.
  3. The first shoots will appear in 4 days. After 14 days, the area will be completely overgrown with mustard.
Important! You can not dig up the plants for the winter.

Some gardeners leave mustard to winter under the snow. There it decomposes on its own until spring.

The Internet is simply full of positive reviews about this method. Many note that the number of larvae has decreased by almost 80%. Such results are simply amazing.

Mustard powder from wireworm 


Mustard against wireworm is not the only, but very effective means of dealing with this insect. Moreover, it can be both white mustard and dry. Seeds should be planted immediately after harvest so that the plants have time to grow before frost. The next year, potatoes are planted on this site. In the fall, the procedure can be repeated, and so every year. Some gardeners even sow mustard seeds between rows of potatoes.

Mustard powder from wireworm 

Then, when the plant grows, it is mowed and the soil is mulched. Whatever method you use, we are sure that mustard will help you overcome the pest.

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