Mustang Feeding Technology experts explain why it is necessary to raise calves on milk replacer

Whole milk replacer or milk replacer is a milk formula in dry or diluted form, which is fully consistent with the whole mother’s milk of an animal. In the case when cattle are bred on an industrial scale, the use of whole milk for feeding calves becomes unprofitable for farmers.

Therefore, many resort to milk replacer and thus preserve the health of animals and, as a result, their survival.

Mustang Feeding Technology experts explain why it is necessary to raise calves on milk replacer

More about the benefits of milk replacer

Increases farmers’ profits. 1 kg of milk powder is cheaper than 1 kg of whole milk, while milk powder cannot harm the health of calves, since its components are completely sterilized. The number of liters of whole milk from a cow increases, while calves are protected from various diseases.

Identical to natural milk. The composition of milk replacer completely repeats mother’s milk, and also contains vitamins and microelements necessary in the first year of life. But, unlike whole milk, there are no infectious agents and bacteria.

It has a well-balanced and stable composition. The cow may be sick or stressed, all of which will be reflected in the whole milk and passed on to the calves. They, too, can become infected or deficient in certain vitamins in their mother’s milk. And the composition of milk replacer is verified and is always the same, regardless of the state of the calving cow. Thanks to this, calves grow normally, develop and do not overeat. They are provided with a constant vitamin and mineral complex at any time of the year.

Not toxic to calves. Milk replacer is easily absorbed and digested by calves, because it is ideally adapted to their gastrointestinal tract. It does not contain pathogenic microflora – on the contrary, it includes an antidiarrheal antibiotic that protects calves from death in the first year of life.

Easy to prepare. Dry milk replacer is diluted according to the manufacturer’s instructions and, as a rule, is not difficult to prepare.

Convenient to store. The main condition for storing milk replacer is a dry and cool place. Diluted milk replacer should not be stored.

Has an affordable price. Therefore, milk replacer can also be used by private farmers who have a small scale of production.

How to properly feed calves on milk replacer

Newborn calves are fed with maternal colostrum for five days. Cow colostrum is a thicker mixture than milk, which contains many nutrients for calves. It flushes their gastrointestinal tract, inhibits the growth of E. coli and starts the immune system. During this period, nothing else can be fed to the calves. Colostrum is given up to ten times a day.

On the fifth day, cow’s milk becomes more liquid. and similar to normal.

On the tenth day, milk replacer is introduced – be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and dosages. If the animal refuses milk, then this indicates its illness or weakness – to understand what is the reason, consult a veterinarian. If the calf does not drink the daily norm, then he may die.

Milk replacer is diluted only before use. Pour it into a clean bowl scalded with boiling water. It is impossible to dilute milk replacer an hour before feeding or give it out a few hours after preparation – it will no longer be of any use to calves.

How many liters of milk replacer do calves need

Average indicators are approximately as follows:

  • up to 7 liters of milk replacer per day in the first week after birth;
  • 7 liters of milk replacer in the second week;
  • 8 liters of milk replacer from the third to the fifth week;
  • 6 l milk replacer from six months to a year
  • 4 liters of milk replacer in a full year and transfer to compound feed.

Common mistakes while feeding milk replacer

The use of low-quality milk replacer. For example, those that contain flaxseed – such milk replacer is cheaper than others, but they make the mixture thicker and more astringent, which should not be normal.  

Use of unsuitable milk replacer. Mixtures for newborn calves from 5-10 days old are not absorbed by calves who are already three weeks old and vice versa.

Incorrect temperature conditions. If you use cool water to dilute milk replacer, then the mixture will clump and not dissolve completely, which means it will not give up all its nutrients and vitamins. If you take too hot water, it will kill all the useful components that are contained in the substitute. 

The ideal water for breeding is 50-55 degrees Celsius. Calves need to be fed when the mixture has cooled to 38 degrees. Cold mix can give calves a cold. For accurate measurements, it is better to use a thermometer.

Wrong timing. The time of drinking should be the same – this is how the calves get used to feeding, and their gastrointestinal tract begins to secrete gastric juice by a certain time (a conditioned reflex is triggered). This is necessary so that the digestion of calves is correct and harmonious, then the milk replacer will be absorbed in the body much better.

Measure the mixture without measuring cup. The dosage is important so that the calves receive exactly the amount of nutrients that is necessary for their normal development. If you measure incorrectly, but the viscosity of the milk will decrease or increase, and this will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the calf. Particularly for diarrhea.

Do not solder calves with water after feeding milk replacer. Milk substitutes are more concentrated than mother’s milk, so calves must have free access to clean water to quench their thirst. If they don’t drink water within 30 minutes of drinking, they may get poisoned.

Water the calves from a bucket. Calves drink from a bucket in large portions, so the mixture is less absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it is fraught with diarrhea. For feeding, it is better to use special teat drinkers to bring watering closer to the natural environment of calves.

There are enough recipes and manufacturers of whole milk substitutes on the market. Pay attention to the composition, consult and be sure to follow the feeding technology: for example, such technologies are available in “Mustang TK”. At the request of farmers, we also calculate the ration from our feeds and premixes and select individual recommendations for keeping and feeding animals – for cattle, pig breeding and poultry farming.

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