Must-haves in every kitchen: 5 time-saving gadgets
And time, you see, is our most valuable resource.
This list was compiled by Australian experts. But, as it seems to us, it is quite applicable in Russian cuisine as well. After all, 24 hours a day is not enough for absolutely all women, regardless of the part of the world where they live.
1. Blender
He can do anything. Here’s the truth: mix, beat, grind. The blender has long replaced the bulky food processor and mixer, combining their best properties. Particularly advanced models can also chop meat, squeeze juice, and knead dough for bread or buns. And very quickly. The only “but” is that the blender will not cope with not the most tender meat, and the greens will simply be wrapped around the nozzle. However, the last problem is easily solved – you can simply chop the greens.
2. Multicooker
And then thousands of mothers said in unison: “Yes!” This is a magical invention, for which its creator is worth a monument. And cook porridge, and bake bread, and cook soup, and stew vegetables – she can do everything. Some models also have a yogurt maker mode, which is generally luxurious! You can program the multicooker to start cooking at a specific time, so that breakfast will be ready when you wake up and dinner when you return from work. It is not for nothing that thousands of recipes have already been invented specifically for the multicooker – you can find some of them HERE.
3. The right dishes
Even if you know how to cook perfectly, and your food is of the highest quality, the whole thing can be ruined by the wrong dishes. Experts believe that every kitchen should have:
non-stick frying pan,
cast iron pan, in which you can cook both on the stove and in the oven,
a split baking dish (you can cook cheesecakes in it, and cakes, not baked goods, and pies that cannot be turned over to remove from the mold),
a saucepan-ladle, in which you can cook both porridge and sauce.
4. Pressure cooker
Sometimes a multicooker does not help either. Let’s say lamb stew can be cooked on the stove, in a slow cooker, and in a pressure cooker. In the first case, cooking will take 2,5 hours, in the second – about seven, and in a pressure cooker – 45 minutes. Peas will be cooked in a slow cooker in an hour and a half, and in a pressure cooker – in a maximum of 15 minutes, potatoes – in 8-10 minutes instead of half an hour. The chicken will reach readiness in just 7 minutes. The difference is obvious. The thing is that the pressure cooker is sealed with a lid. Therefore, the steam does not come out, everything accumulates inside, and the food is cooked under pressure. Previously, pressure cookers were placed on a regular stovetop. And now hybrids of multicooker and pressure cooker have appeared, which combine the advantages of both.
5. Microwave
Well, where is without her. She will cook porridge in a miserable three minutes, bake a portioned sponge cake right in the mug, and the omelet in it will ripen with cosmic speed. The only thing you can’t do in the microwave is to thaw frozen food. Yes, yes, despite the fact that she has such a regime. Otherwise, this is just a gift of fate, and not an achievement of technical progress.
However, in our kitchens you can often find not only modern gadgets, but also Soviet household items, which are already 40 years old. Scroll through our photo gallery – is there anything like that in your closets and cupboards?
Manual mechanical meat grinder. To crank into such meat, a strong man’s hand was needed