
I know the magic words. I own the most real magic.

Honestly, I don’t play.

I own the most real magic, no fools. This magic allows you to save love even after ten, even after fifteen years of marriage.

Even after eighty.

This magic fixes broken marriages and brings together couples who have not slept in the same bed for a year. This magic improves the relationship between husband and wife, between beloved and beloved. Even between children and parents.

This is magic, but it is available to all people.

I will share my knowledge with you.

It’s simple.

In the evening, falling asleep, take your husband (wife) by the hand and say: «It’s good that we are together.»

Say, «I’m glad we got married.»

Say, «I’m glad I chose you.»

Say, «I’m glad you’re my wife.»

Say: «I am happy to return every evening to you.»

Say, «If I had a choice, I would choose you again.»

Say anything along those lines. Find phrases that will be close to you personally. Let them be graceful, tongue-tied, strange and witty — the main thing is that your words of love be sincere.

Find these phrases and say them to your spouse.

Tell them to your children (with the sensible correction that they are children). Teach your children to say these phrases to you. Thank them if they say such phrases without your training.

You can’t wait for an answer. Just say and go to sleep.

Everything will change in the morning. That’s magic.

I hear, I hear — someone is now boiling inside. Like, how can you say “I’m glad I live with you” to this fool who doesn’t cook breakfast for you. Or this fat-bellied orangutan, which cannot bear the tree for the third week.

I hear, I hear…

That’s what I say — try it. Find strength in yourself, remember that you once thought differently about your spouse, and say «and yet I want to live with you.»

And in the morning you will have breakfast. And the tree will go to the trash. Just because you said the magic words.

Do this at least once a week, and your family will never need the services of a psychologist.

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