Truffle mushroom is valued by gourmets all over the world for its unique taste and aroma, which is difficult to confuse, and there is little to compare with. People pay a lot of money for the opportunity to taste gourmet dishes, in which it is present. The cost of individual copies is so high that the “black diamond of Provence” really justifies the nickname given to it by French admirers.
What is a truffle
Truffle (Tuber) is a genus of ascomycetes or marsupial fungi from the Truffle family. The fruit bodies of these representatives of the mushroom kingdom develop underground and resemble small fleshy tubers in their appearance. Among the variety of varieties there are edible ones, some of them are highly valued for their taste and considered a delicacy.
«Трюфелями» называют также грибы, не относящиеся к роду Tuber, например, ризопогон обыкновенный.

They are similar in shape and growth patterns.
Sometimes such ordinary truffles are sold under the guise of real ones.
Почему гриб трюфель такой дорогой
Truffle is the most expensive mushroom in the world. Its value is due to its rarity and specific taste, which has been appreciated by gourmets for many centuries in a row. The white truffle from the Piedmontese city of Alba in the province of Cuneo takes the lead in terms of price. This locality annually hosts the World White Truffle Auction, which attracts connoisseurs of these mushrooms from all over the world. To appreciate the order of prices, it is enough to give a few examples:
- в 2010 году 13 грибов ушли с молотка за рекордную сумму в 307200 €;
- гурман из Гонконга заплатил за единственный экземпляр 105000 €;
- the most expensive is recognized as a mushroom weighing 750 g, sold for $ 209000.

Truffle sold at auction in Alba
The high cost can be explained by the fact that every year the number of mushrooms is steadily decreasing. In the growing regions, a decline in agriculture is observed, many oak groves where the mushroom settles are abandoned. However, farmers are in no hurry to increase the area of their mushroom plantations, fearing a decrease in prices for the delicacy. In this case, landowners would need to farm large areas to make the same profit.
Какие бывают трюфели
Not all types of truffles are valuable in cooking – mushrooms differ both in taste and in intensity of aroma. Piedmontese white truffles (Tuber magnatum) are most in demand, which are less common in nature than others and bear fruit only from October until the onset of winter cold. The growth area covers the north-west of Italy, especially the Piedmont region and adjacent regions of France. Italian or real white truffle, as this variety is also called, is also found in other countries of Southern Europe, but much less frequently.
The fruiting body of the fungus develops underground and is an irregular, bizarre tuber from 2 to 12 cm in diameter. Large specimens can weigh 0,3-1 kg or more. The surface is velvety and pleasant to the touch, the color of the shell varies from light ocher to brownish. The pulp of the mushroom is of a dense structure, yellowish or light gray, in some cases reddish with an intricate brown-cream pattern. In the photo of the truffle mushroom in the section, it is clearly visible.

Piedmontese white truffle – the most expensive mushroom in the world
The second in the popularity rating is the black French truffle (Tuber melanosporum), otherwise it is called Perigord after the name of the historical region of Perigord, in which it is most often found. The fungus is distributed throughout France, in central Italy and Spain. The collection season is from November to March, the peak is after the New Year.
Подземный клубень обычно не превышает 3-9 см в диаметре. Его форма может быть как округлой, так и неправильной. Оболочка молодых плодовых тел красно-коричневая, но по мере созревания становится угольно-черной. Поверхность гриба неровная с многочисленными гранеными бугорками.
The flesh is firm, grayish or pinkish brown. As with the previous variety, on the cut you can see a marble pattern in reddish-white tones. With age, the flesh becomes deep brown or purple-black, but the veins do not disappear. The Perigord species has a pronounced aroma and a pleasant bitter taste.

Черный трюфель успешно культивируют в Китае
Еще одна разновидность ценных грибов – трюфель зимний черный (Tuber brumale). Он распространен в Италии, Франции, Швейцарии и Украине. Свое название получил по времени созревания плодовых тел, которое приходится на ноябрь-март.
The shape is irregular spherical or almost round. The size can reach 20 cm in diameter with a weight of 1-1,5 kg. Young mushrooms are red-violet, mature specimens are almost black. The shell (peridium) is strewn with small warts in the form of polygons.
Мякоть сначала беловатая, потом темнеет и становится серой или пепельно-фиолетовой, испещренной многочисленными прожилками белого или желтовато-коричневого цвета. Гастрономическая ценность ниже, чем у белого трюфеля, вкус которого гурманы считают более выраженным и насыщенным. Аромат сильный и приятный, некоторым напоминает мускус.

Winter black truffle is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine
В России произрастает лишь один вид трюфеля – летний или черный русский (Tuber aestivum). Он также распространен в странах Центральной Европы. Подземное тело гриба имеет клубневидную или округлую форму, диаметр – 2,5-10 см. Поверхность покрыта пирамидальными бородавками. Окрас гриба колеблется от коричневато- до сине-черного.
The pulp of young fruiting bodies is quite dense, but becomes loose over time. As it grows, its color changes from whitish to yellow or gray-brown. On the cut, a marble pattern of light veins is visible. The photo of the summer truffle corresponds to the description of the mushroom and more clearly demonstrates its appearance.

Русский вид собирают летом и в начале осени
The summer variety has a sweet, nutty taste. A rather strong, but pleasant smell is somewhat reminiscent of algae.
How truffles are harvested
In France, wild delicacy mushrooms were searched for as early as the 20th century, with the help of pigs and dogs. These animals have such a good sense of smell that they are able to sniff out prey for XNUMX m. Observant Europeans quickly realized that truffles invariably grow in places where flies of the thorn flies swarm, the larvae of which love to settle in mushrooms.
В 1808 году Жозеф Талон собрал желуди с дубов, под которыми находили трюфели, и высадил целую плантацию. Спустя несколько лет под молодыми деревьями он собрал первый урожай ценных грибов, доказав, что их можно культивировать. В 1847 году его опыт повторил Огюст Руссо, посеяв желуди на площади 7 га.
Today, China is the largest supplier of “culinary diamonds”. Mushrooms grown in the Middle Kingdom are much cheaper, but inferior in taste to Italian and French counterparts. The following countries are engaged in growing the delicacy:
- USA;
- New Zealand;
- Australia;
- United Kingdom;
- Sweden;
- Spain.
What does truffle smell like
Many people compare the flavor of truffle to Swiss dark chocolate. To some, its spicy smell is reminiscent of cheese with garlic. There are individuals who claim that the “Alba diamond” smells like worn socks. However, one cannot adhere to a certain opinion without smelling the delicacy mushroom personally.
What does truffle taste like
The taste of the truffle is mushroomy with a subtle hint of roasted walnuts. Some gourmets compare it to sunflower seeds. If the fruiting bodies are held in water, it acquires a taste reminiscent of soy sauce.
The taste perception of different people is different, but most of those who have tried this delicacy note that the taste, although unusual, is very pleasant. It’s all about the androstenol contained in the pulp – the aromatic component responsible for the specific smell of these mushrooms. It is this chemical compound that causes an increase in sex drive in boars, which is why they are looking for them with such enthusiasm.

Quiet hunting with a pig
How to eat truffle
Трюфели употребляют в свежем виде как добавку к основному блюду. Вес ценного гриба на одну порцию не превышает 8 г. Клубень натирают на тонкие слайсы и приправляют:
- lobsters;
- poultry meat;
- potatoes;
- cheese;
- eggs;
- rice;
- Champignon;
- vegetable stew;
- fruit.
In the national cuisine of France and Italy, there are many dishes with a truffle component. Mushrooms are served with foie gras, pastas, scrambled eggs, seafood. Red and white wines well emphasize the delicate taste of the delicacy.
Иногда грибы запекают, а также добавляют в различные соусы, кремы, масло. Из-за короткого срока хранения свежие грибы можно отведать только в период плодоношения. Гастрономы закупают их небольшими партиями по 100 г, до места продажи доставляют в специальных контейнерах.
How to cook mushroom truffle
At home, a valuable product is prepared by adding to omelettes and sauces. Relatively affordable varieties can be fried, stewed, baked, pre-cut into thin slices. To prevent excess fresh mushrooms from spoiling, they are poured with calcined vegetable oil, to which they give their spicy aroma.
На фото блюд гриб трюфель трудно разглядеть, поскольку в каждую порцию добавляют малое количество этой грибной специи.
Interesting facts about truffles
Contrary to popular belief, underground mushrooms are best searched for by specially trained dogs. Breed and size do not play a role, the whole trick is training. However, among all four-legged breeds, the Lagotto Romagnolo or Italian Water Dog is distinguished. They have an excellent sense of smell and love for digging in the ground. Pigs can also be used, however, they do not shine with diligence, and will not look for a long time. In addition, you need to make sure that the animal does not eat a valuable mushroom.
Dog training can take several years, so good truffle hunters are worth their weight in gold (a dog costs up to 10000 €).
The Romans considered the truffle to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Among the fans of this mushroom there are many famous personalities, both historical and modern. Alexandre Dumas, for example, wrote the following words about them: “They are able to make a woman more affectionate, and a man more ardent.”

Трюфельными слайсами блюдо посыпают непосредственно перед подачей на стол
Еще несколько удивительных фактов о деликатесных грибах:
- unlike other forest fruits, truffle pulp is more easily absorbed by the human body;
- продукт содержит психотропное вещество анандамид, которое оказывает воздействие, подобное марихуане;
- in Italy there is a cosmetic company that produces products based on truffles (mushroom extract smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin supple and smooth);
- the largest white truffle was found in Italy, it weighed 2,5 kg;
- the most intense aroma exude fully ripened mushrooms;
- чем больше плодовое тело по размеру, тем выше цена за 100 г;
- in Italy, you need a license to look for truffles in the forest.
Mushroom truffle must be tried, because the taste of rare products is difficult to describe in words. Today, getting a real delicacy is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose a reliable supplier so as not to run into a fake.