Ryadovka is a very common agaric ground mushroom with a cap of different colors or just white. Young fruiting bodies have convex or hemispherical caps, which become flat or prostrate in adulthood, with ragged edges.
Ryadovka needs special attention when harvesting, because many types of these fruiting bodies, growing in groups, are inedible and even poisonous. In this article, we will pay attention to the fused row – a conditionally edible mushroom. Many mushroom pickers consider it a valuable and edible fruiting body, which, when cooked, turns out to be very tasty.
The white fused row or twisted row got its name as a result of the fact that it grows in large close clusters. These groups of rows often grow together with hats and legs. A photo of a fused row will become an additional guideline for you to successfully search for a mushroom.
Description of the white fused row
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo and description of the row of white fused.
Latin name: Lyophyllum tried.
Family: Lyophyllic.
Sort by: Lifillum.
Class: Agaricomycetes.
Synonyms: the row is twisted.
Hat: reaches a diameter of 3 cm to 10, and sometimes 15 cm. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, then flat-convex. The surface is smooth and dry, velvety to the touch, white in color. During rains, it acquires a bluish or gray-olive hue. The edges of the cap are tucked down, and in older specimens they become wavy.
Leg: length from 4 cm to 12, thickness from 0,5 cm to 2 cm. It has a flattened or cylindrical shape, velvety to the touch. The structure is fibrous, becoming hollow with age, but the white color remains unchanged throughout the growth of the fungus. The fused bases of the legs form a semblance of a common root.
Pulp: elastic, has a white color, with a smell reminiscent of cucumber.
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Records: mushroom rowing fused is a lamellar species with moderately frequent plates that weakly descend onto the stem or grow widely to it. In young mushrooms, the plates are white or light cream, in adults they become pale yellow.
Disputes: white color, with a smooth surface, elliptical shape.
Application: fused rows have immunostimulatory effects and have the ability to inhibit the development of tumors.
Edibility: It is considered an edible mushroom, but recently it has been classified as a conditionally edible species. However, there are no cases of poisoning caused by fused rows.
Spread: grows in forests of various types from late August to October. Often it can be found along forest paths, in illuminated areas of the forest. Fruits in fused bunches up to 20 specimens of different sizes.
Similarities and differences: the characteristic way of fruiting the row is difficult to confuse with other types of mushrooms. Other types of porcini mushrooms do not form such growths at the roots. However, they can be confused with edible fused mushrooms – collibia, as well as marble honey agaric, which causes brown rot of the tree.
Beginning mushroom pickers are still wondering: is the fused row poisonous or not? As mentioned above, this mushroom was previously considered edible, but now it is classified as an inedible species and even poisonous. But experienced lovers of “silent hunting” still do not stop collecting rows of fused rows in order to cook delicious dishes and preparations from them.
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Cooking mushroom fused row
The preparation of a fused row is practically no different from the preparation of other species of this family. I must say that cleaning and soaking are carried out in the same way. Boiling the rows should be carried out in salted water with the addition of a pinch of citric acid for 20-30 minutes. After pre-processing, they can be fried, stewed, pickled or salted. Many culinary specialists claim that in a pickled and salted form, the fused row has an amazing taste.
Only after reading in detail the description and photo of the fused row (Lyophyllum connatum), you can decide whether it is poisonous or not. You can ask experienced mushroom pickers for advice, taste the cooked row and then make the final decision.