Recipes for cooking ram mushroom are presented in large quantities. Choosing from such a variety of suitable option is not so simple. The product is popular in cooking due to its rich aroma and nutty notes in taste. To cook a ram, special skills are not required.
Features of cooking sheep mushrooms
Mushroom ram (curly vulture) differs from others in its bizarre appearance. It is a voluminous bush of many fan-shaped hats. In diameter, the fruiting body can be 80 cm. The weight of the curly vulture reaches 10 kg. It belongs to the category of edible species of the Meripilov family. But in order to properly prepare it, you need to take into account certain nuances.
For mushroom pickers, curly vulture is a real find. Due to its color, it is distinguished by the ability to disguise itself as the bark of a tree. In addition, the fetus grows, albeit quickly, but infrequently. At the site of the cut of the mycelium, a new crop does not always appear.
It is customary to eat young fruits that are not covered with a dark coating. You can cook not only the pulp, but also mushroom powder. It is made on the basis of a dried product. Soups, sauces and main dishes are prepared from curly griffon, the photo of which is given below.

It is recommended to collect grifola from late August to early September.
How to prepare griffola curly for cooking
Before cooking, the ram mushroom is processed. First, it is divided into small branches. The tops are cut off, as it is rigid. Care should be taken while washing as its flesh is very fragile. Fruits covered with dark spots should be discarded. After that, the grifola is cut into small slices. Boil the ram mushroom for 10 minutes in lightly salted water. After cooking, the product must be prepared by frying or marinating. Mushroom mixture is used as a filling for baking or as an independent dish. It can be cooked in combination with onions, meat, potatoes and other mushroom fruits.
Sheep mushroom recipes
There are several ways to cook sheep mushroom. Each of them has certain nuances. To make a ram mushroom dish tasty and fragrant, you must follow the recipe and the algorithm of actions.
Mushroom soup
- 7 potato;
- 1 bulb;
- 1 carrots;
- 300 g curly vulture;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 Art. l. vegetable oils;
- 1 Art. flour;
- greenery;
- salt and pepper – to taste.

Mushroom soup is recommended to eat hot
Stages of preparation:
- From flour, eggs and salt you need to prepare the dough for pasta. It is divided into small strips and left to dry on a board.
- Meanwhile, the mushroom harvest is being prepared. In the chopped state, they are thrown into boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes.
- The vegetables are peeled and chopped into small cubes, and then added to the broth and the soup is cooked for another half hour.
- The next step is to throw pasta into the pan. After 10 minutes of cooking, vegetable oil and herbs are added to the soup.
Curly griffola in sour cream with cheese
- 60 g of white wine;
- 40 g butter;
- 200 g mushroom pulp;
- 180 g sour cream;
- 40 g cheese;
- pepper, salt to taste.
- Mushrooms are washed and cut into pieces.
- Spread butter and mushroom pulp on a hot frying pan.
- After 10 minutes of stewing, wine is poured into the dish. Then it is cooked for another five minutes.
- A few minutes before readiness, sour cream and grated cheese are added to the main ingredients.
- Everything is thoroughly mixed, after which the lid is closed, and the fire is turned off.

You can use herbs to decorate the dish.
Mushroom sauce
- 400 g mushrooms;
- Xnumx cream;
- 1 bulb;
- 30 g of brandy;
- 1 bouillon cube;
- 60 ml of vegetable oil;
- 100 ml of water;
- salt and pepper – to taste.
Stages of preparation:
- Washed mushrooms are cut into small strips.
- Onions are chopped into cubes.
- Chopped products must be cooked in a saucepan in vegetable oil.
- In a separate container, a cube is bred in water. Cognac and spices are added to the resulting broth. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and then poured into a saucepan.
- After boiling, cream is added to the sauce. Cook the dish for another five minutes.

Mushroom sauce will be a great addition to meat dishes
Ham and mushroom salad
- Xnumx g ham;
- 1 cucumber;
- 1 bulb;
- 300 g vultures;
- 30 g of mayonnaise;
- 30 g of vegetable oil;
- herbs and salt – to taste.
- The mushroom is divided into inflorescences and poured with boiling water. You need to cook them for 15 minutes. After cooling, the pulp is cut into cubes.
- Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown.
- Cucumber and ham are cut into strips.
- All components are placed in a deep container, salted and poured with mayonnaise.

To enrich the taste, grated cheese can be added to the salad.
Curly Griffola in a frying pan
- 300 g vultures;
- 1 onions;
- salt and pepper – to taste.
Cooking process:
- The main ingredient is washed, cleaned of hard tops and cut into cubes.
- Mushroom pulp is poured with water and put on fire. You need to cook it for 10 minutes.
- The boiled product should be cooked together with onions, frying for half an hour. Salt and pepper are added at the very end.

Curly Griffola is rich in vitamins D, P and B
How to cook curly griffol for the winter
After harvesting, part of the griffola can be prepared for the winter. For these purposes, freezing, drying, pickling and salting are used. In each individual case, it is possible to extend the shelf life of the product and preserve its useful properties. The taste of the fungus does not change.
How to dry a ram mushroom
Soup can be prepared on the basis of dried ram mushroom. The advantages of this form of product include a long shelf life. In addition, dried curly griffon has a rather pronounced aroma. The preparation process involves dry cleaning. Fruit bodies are cleaned of sand and dirt with a brush, and then wiped with a clean cloth. The next step is to cut the product into small pieces. They are laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. It is advisable to prepare newspaper or cotton cloth as bedding in advance. There are several types of pulp drying:
- in the oven;
- in the dryer;
- in the microwave;
- in a stove;
- on air.
During drying, the pulp should be stirred regularly. The duration of the process depends on the method of exposure. On average, it takes 7-8 hours. If you cook dried griffol correctly, it will retain its beneficial properties for five years.

For drying a small amount of mushrooms, the microwave is the best option.
How to marinate a mutton mushroom
In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the ram mushroom for a long time, you should cook it with a marinade. The dish is rolled up in sterile jars. It will be a perfect decoration for your holiday table. Pickled griffola can be prepared with boiled potatoes and any kind of meat.
- 1 L of water;
- 500 g mushrooms;
- 3 garlic cloves;
- 7 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
- 3 bud of carnation;
- 4 black peppercorns;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 1 Art. l salts;
- 1,5 st. l. Sahara.
Cooking process:
- Mushrooms are washed and cut into large pieces.
- First they need to be cooked by pouring water and putting on fire. After boiling, the dish is cooked for 20 minutes.
- Ready mushrooms are filtered and washed with cool water.
- Glass jars are sterilized. After that, put a clove of garlic on the bottom.
- Next, you should prepare the marinade by pouring vinegar into boiling water and adding spices.
- Banks are filled with mushrooms, leaving a small amount of free space. Then they are poured with hot marinade. After that, the jars are closed with sterile lids.

Preservation after cooling, it is desirable to store in the cold
How to pickle ram mushroom
- 400 g of champignon mushroom;
- 6 currant sheets;
- 4 dill umbrellas;
- 3 horseradish leaves;
- 20 g salt.
Cooking process:
- Mushrooms are washed, after which they cut off the edge of the top. The next step is to divide them into small branches.
- The prepared pulp is laid out on the bottom of the pan. Top it with salt. Sheets of currant, horseradish and dill are laid on it.
- The container is covered with a board or plate of smaller diameter. They put oppression on her.
- To prepare the dish, the pan is removed in a dark place for one month. After the specified time, the product can be eaten.

Before cooking, the product is thoroughly cleaned of dirt.
How to freeze sheep mushrooms
One way to prepare the product is to freeze it. Low temperature increases the shelf life for a long period. Most often, the ram is frozen in small pieces. The product is placed in the freezer, previously placed in portioned packages. Frozen curly griffola needs to be cooked additionally.

Before placing in the freezer, the fruits should be rid of excess moisture.
Terms and conditions of storage of sheep mushrooms
Fresh griffol should be stored in the refrigerator. The optimal time is two days. In dried form, the product is suitable for use for five years. It should be stored in a canvas bag or glass container. It is important to exclude the possibility of moisture ingress. Pickled blanks with ram mushroom must be eaten or used for cooking other dishes within three years.
Recipes for cooking ram mushroom are not difficult. But this does not affect the taste of the finished dish. To get the desired result, the ratio of components and cooking steps should be taken into account.