The pink row, which is also known as the violet row, is a type of fruit bodies belonging to the Ryadovkovye family. This is a good edible mushroom, which in terms of taste is equated to a purple row. However, some mushroom lovers do not dare to take and cook this type of fruiting body due to the light violet aroma that can remain in its structure even after heat treatment.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description and photo belonging to the pink line in more detail.
Description of the pink row (Lepista irina)
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Latin name: Get over it.
Family: Ordinary (Tricholomataceae). In some sources, this type of fungus was transferred to the genus Govorushka (Clitocybe).
Synonyms: violet rowing, violet lepista. Latin synonyms: Clitocybe irina, Gyrophila irina, Tricholoma irinum, Agaricus irinus, Rhodopaxillus irinus.
Hat: quite large, 5-15 cm in diameter, fleshy, in young specimens it is presented in the form of a sphere. Then it acquires a bell-shaped form and already in deep adulthood becomes prostrate, with wavy uneven edges. The surface of the cap is dry and smooth to the touch. The color is white with a noticeable pink tinge, which becomes reddish brown at maturity. The area located in the very center of the cap has a darker shade than along the edges.
Leg: 5-11 cm high, up to 2 cm thick, strong, fibrous, slightly widened at the base, sometimes even.
The photo shows that the pink leg of the row is covered with characteristic vertical strokes, but they can not always be seen. The surface may be whitish, pale, or pink-cream.
Pulp: thick, dense, white in color, pleasant floral smell and sweetish taste. The flesh of the leg is fibrous and rather hard, especially at the base.
Records: free, frequent, adhering to the stem, sometimes not reaching it. The color of the plates in young mushrooms is whitish, after which they turn pink, and in maturity a delicate shade resembling the color of cinnamon is noticeable.
Edibility: edible mushroom, but cases of mild poisoning have been known. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the fungus was collected in environmentally polluted places – near factories, highways and other industrial enterprises.
Application: There are many processing methods for pink row mushrooms. Most often they are marinated, salted and fried. Sometimes the fruiting body is frozen or dried.
Spread: European countries and North America. In Our Country, pink row mushrooms can be found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, as well as in the Amur Region. Grows in groups, rows, choosing mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests. It occurs in autumn (late August-October), forming “witch rings”. It grows simultaneously with the purple row (Lepista nuda) – an edible mushroom. Often both species are found in the same places.
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Distribution of pink rows in Primorye
Ryadovka is considered one of the most common fruiting bodies in Primorsky Krai. This fungus prefers sandy soil covered with moss, settles in pine forests, sometimes in parks and gardens. The peak harvest is in September-early October. The pink row is no exception – in Primorye it can be found almost everywhere. After all, it is known that broad-leaved-cedar and dark-coniferous-cedar forests are widespread throughout the region. In addition, Primorye has a monsoonal, warm climate, characterized by a large amount of precipitation. In turn, these conditions are excellent for the growth and abundant fruiting of mushrooms.