Not all mushrooms are suitable for canning, this can be done with porcini, volnushki, mossiness mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, honey agarics, butterflies, chanterelles and aspen mushrooms, and even then, only if they are young, dense and not overripe.

Canning of mushrooms is carried out separately, based on species. However, you can also mix them in various proportions, while adding vegetables.

Freshly picked mushrooms must be sorted by size, while getting rid of wormy, flabby, overripe, spoiled, etc. After that, the remnants of earth, sand, etc. are cleaned off the mushrooms.

After sorting the mushrooms, it is necessary to cut off their root roots, after which they get rid of the damaged places by cutting them out. If the mushroom is too large, you can divide it into a cap and a leg, but small mushrooms are in most cases canned whole. At the same time, for convenience, you can cut the legs of large mushrooms into transverse plates.

It is important to remember that many mushrooms, after cutting, quickly darken when exposed to air, so they need to be processed as quickly as possible, and avoid prolonged exposure to the open air. To preserve them, you can also use a solution of citric acid and table salt, but it is important that it is cold.

After sorting and slicing, the mushrooms are placed in a colander and washed by immersing them in a container of water. When the water drains, the mushrooms are processed, placed in jars, filled with brine, and the jars are then sterilized. This type of preservation will help to achieve a long shelf life of mushrooms.

The duration of sterilization is influenced by the size of the jars, as well as the method that was used during the preparation of the mushrooms, but this time should not be less than 40 minutes. Specific time intervals can be found for each recipe separately.

Canned in one of the proposed ways:

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