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Muscles. Archive.

Below are two diets that will make your waist thinner and your muscles larger.

Almost no one wants to give up the opportunity to build some more muscle. We all know people who began to swing intensively and just as quickly threw, saying that genes interfere with gaining mass, you see, while, undoubtedly, they forgot about breakfast, dined at two o’clock in the afternoon, and dined long after midnight for some unknown reason … In order to become more, it really takes a lot, but wisely. The following are two simple meal plans. The first is suitable for those who urgently want to gain mountains of muscle, the second – for those who want to maintain the existing muscle mass and at the same time get rid of unnecessary fat.


1. Eat and grow.

In order to build muscle mass, you need to pay attention to many things, but above all – on calories and on Whey Protein… Better yet, consume protein isolate. Those who have been able to achieve regular exercise need to somehow force themselves to sit down at the table at least regularly. You may think that there is always – it’s hard enough: go shopping every day, stand at the stove every night, and then carry with you numerous trays with carrots and boiled meat. Is it easier to lose weight in your opinion? For fun, talk to young ladies who are struggling with excess weight – find out what they have to experience during shock diets.


In order for you to have the strength to exercise, it is imperative that you pay close attention to foods that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates. In sufficient quantities, they will provide you with stamina and strength, even if you go to the gym twice a day. Carbohydrates are converted into glycogen, which is fuel for muscles, and therefore, if its reserves in the body are insufficient, muscles become smaller and appear sluggish. It’s just that carbohydrates are involved in muscle growth, albeit indirectly. They help proteins fulfill their primary function of building and repairing muscle tissue. When carbohydrate starvation begins in the body, it begins to burn its own proteins, which have been assimilated with such difficulty, and muscles “deflate”. Therefore, include the following carbohydrate-rich foods in your diet: pasta, potatoes, rice, legumes, juices, fruits, bread, jam, and raisins.


It is believed that fat is the strictest prohibition for a person who exercises seriously. But if you are trying to build muscle mass, then you cannot do without fat. Moreover, in limited quantities, fats help maintain normal levels of testosterone and growth hormone in the blood. Your joints also need fat – without it, your shoulders and knees will be more at risk during hard training. Many people are concerned about the amount of fat consumed, while it is better to pay attention to what kind of fat you eat. Unsaturated fats are the most harmless, they participate in muscle growth and are the least deposited. These miracle fats are found in avocados, olive oil, salmon, seeds, and nuts. But remember that even they are not entirely harmless, so use these foods sparingly and in moderation.


Those looking to build muscle quickly need to eat a hefty amount of protein. Research has shown that the optimal amount of protein for muscle growth is 2 grams per kilogram of your weight. But a lot depends on the characteristics of your body, and some athletes determine the norm for themselves as much as 1 grams – and nothing, everyone is alive. Choose foods that contain a complex protein, that is, consisting of essential amino acids. These include fish, poultry, lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, crab meat, soybeans, and eggs.


Diet for building muscle.

1st meal

2 slices of cereal bread, scrambled eggs made from 2 eggs and 2 egg white, 300 slices of low-fat cheese, XNUMX tbsp. spoons of honey or jam, XNUMX ml of orange juice without sugar.

2st meal

500 g rice, 85 g steak, 100 g cooked beans, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (low sodium).

3st meal

230 g boiled potatoes, 140 g salmon, 100 g steamed zucchini, 1 banana.

4st meal

120 g chicken breasts, 1 bran bun, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise, 50 g lettuce, 3 figs.

5st meal

200 g potatoes, 120 g turkey, 50-100 g fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce), 1 wholemeal toast.

6st meal

Sandwich: pita bread, ketchup, 120 g of chicken.

Total: about 3600 kcal, 195 g of protein, 72 g of fat, 543 g of carbohydrates.

2. Eat to lose weight.

If you do not have big problems with weight, then for sure, from fitness and healthy nutrition you want one thing – to look athletic and fit, in other words, get rid of flabby muscles and give them relief. To achieve this result, you need to “feed” the muscles well and boycott the adipose tissue. This process is quite difficult and resembles a tug-of-war. The classic technique is to alternate periods of adding mass and fighting everything that is superfluous. But if you have discipline and know your body well, it is quite possible to combine these phases.


With regard to carbohydrates (their types and quantities), our two schemes are fundamentally different. It is necessary to give up luxurious dinners and the habit of eating everything that comes to hand – it’s time to carefully select carbohydrates. Avoid or minimize carbohydrates that are high in starch – crackers, fruit juices, white bread. Choose potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice – these foods contain fiber, which gives you a feeling of fullness, while you eat relatively little. Also remember about vegetables: they help burn extra calories. For example, 100 g of pasta contains 120 calories, and the same amount of broccoli, rich in fiber, is only 50.


Do not feel that those who want to lose weight should give up fat in all its forms. Just cut out foods that are high in fat, such as milk, cheese, and butter. Eat foods containing unsaturated fat (listed below in the “Protein” section). Fat should be no more than 20% of your total calories in your diet. In order to know exactly How long fat you can eat per day, do a simple mathematical operation: multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.66. The resulting figure is the amount of fat in grams that you can safely eat in a day.


Likewise, as with a diet aimed at increasing muscle mass, here you need to put a special emphasis on protein and eat it at the rate of two grams per kilogram of your weight. Your muscles will become more prominent and visible – provided, of course, that you exercise regularly.

The fact is that proteins, even if they are few, give a feeling of fullness – therefore, you can reduce the intake of carbohydrates, and therefore calories. You should also be aware that there are foods that are rich in both protein and fat, so you have to become picky. Low fat in turkey, chicken meat (preferably skinless), egg whites, skim milk, grilled fish, shrimp, lean red meat, and canned tuna.

Diet for maintaining muscle mass and burning fat.

1st meal

Omelet of 1 egg and 2 egg whites, 2 slices of low-fat cheese, 2. tbsp. spoons of honey or jam, 2 slices of grain bread, 120 ml of orange juice without sugar.

2st meal

200 g of rice, 120 g of meat, 120 g of carrots, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.

3st meal

200 g boiled potatoes, 140 g tuna or other lean fish, 120 g zucchini with onions mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat dressing.

4st meal

70 g wholemeal pasta, 120 g chicken breasts, 120 g cauliflower, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato sauce.

5st meal

200 g potatoes, 120 g poultry, salad with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

6th meal.

120 g oatmeal, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of whey protein, a mixture of 2 egg whites and 120 g of strawberries.

Total: about 2698 kcal, 190 g of protein, 54 g of fat, 363 g of carbohydrates.

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