Muscles ache after training: what to do? Video

Muscles ache after training: what to do? Video

After significant physical exertion, for example, training, carrying heavy loads, working in the country, etc., muscle and joint pain may appear. This is either due to an increase in the level of lactic acid in muscle tissue, or due to microtrauma of muscle fibers. The level of pain syndrome directly depends both on the magnitude and duration of physical activity, and on the degree of fitness of a person. What are some ways you can relieve pain?

Muscles ache after exercise

How to reduce muscle pain after exercise without medication

The easiest and most affordable option for pain relief after exercise is to take a warm bath. For greater effect, add sea salt to the water – from 100 to 200 grams. The water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C. The pain will quickly diminish. Along with water treatments, take strong black tea with sugar immediately after your workout.

An even more effective method is a contrast shower. Alternating exposure to cold and heat will help, firstly, reduce inflammation, and secondly, accelerate blood circulation and reduce pain. Start with a cold shower, adjusting the water temperature within the range of 10-15 ° C, the duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 seconds. Then take a warm shower: temperature 37–40 ° С, duration – from 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. The pain will either disappear altogether, or in extreme cases it will become much weaker.

If you are unable to take a bath or shower, alternately apply ice packs and a hot water bottle to the affected areas. Apply cold first (for about 10 minutes), then heat (for 20 minutes)

Exercise is a fairly effective way of dealing with exercise-induced pain. At first glance, this method may seem paradoxical, but it is very effective. For example, if your muscles are aching after exercise, try working in your vegetable garden by digging. Just first, be sure to warm up your muscles by doing a preliminary warm-up. Otherwise, instead of relieving the pain, it can only intensify.

In some cases, reflexology methods such as acupuncture will help. Such methods are very popular in oriental medicine. But, of course, only a qualified specialist should carry out such a procedure.

Finally, massage is an excellent and highly effective way to relieve muscle pain after intense physical exertion.

During a massage session conducted by an experienced specialist, especially when using warming ointments, gels or oils, blood flow to muscle tissues is activated, metabolism improves, spasm relieves

In addition, this procedure relaxes and soothes. In the overwhelming majority of cases, after a good massage, even very severe pain ceases to bother. You can give a light massage at home by rubbing your skin lightly.

What medications can be used to relieve muscle pain

However, there are times when medication is indispensable. For example, if it is not possible to get a massage session or the pain is so strong that neither a hot bath nor a contrast shower bring noticeable relief. Then you have to resort to drug therapy.

There are many drugs that have a fairly effective analgesic effect.

Depending on the individual reaction of your body, you can take, for example, the following tablets:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Ketorol
  • Baralgin
  • Sedalgin
  • Maxigan

It is better to take medications in combination with pills that relieve muscle spasms, for example, with “No-shpa”, “Spazmalgon”. Some people are well helped by such a simple and well-known medicine as aspirin.

Of course, it is better to use a drug that is well known to you, which will not lead to negative side effects. For example, the same aspirin cannot be used for stomach ulcers and in a number of other cases.

There are also a number of ointments and gels that have pain relieving and warming effects. You can use, for example, Nayatox ointment, which contains the venom of the Central Asian cobra. Or Ketonal gel. Both of these remedies quickly relieve pain. They should be rubbed into the problem area until a feeling of warmth occurs, and then dress warmly or cover the sore spot with a thick cloth or towel.

If medications do not help you, seek immediate medical attention.

You may have torn or sprained your ligaments during exercise. In this case, you just need qualified help. Remember this and do not self-medicate.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is best not to bring the matter to the occurrence of severe pain after exercise at all. To do this, you need to exercise regularly enough, keep your body in good shape. Such regular, reasonably dosed exercise is beneficial for the heart and for all other organs. Then, even if you have to endure a large and prolonged physical activity, the pain will be rather weak and bearable. Or you will not experience any discomfort at all. Before you start exercising, you should warm up your muscles well. And then the pain after class will be minimal.

It is also interesting to read: how to improve your mood.

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