Muscle strain – what is it? Methods of treating a torn muscle

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A torn muscle is an unpleasant and painful ailment that especially affects people who practice sports. It happens especially when we forget about warming up before intense exercise. Typically, a muscle tear affects the muscles of the lower extremities. The recovery period depends on the degree of rupture and the group (number) of muscles strained in this way.

What is a muscle tear?

Strain is an injury in which a number of muscle fibers are broken. ABOUT torn a muscle we say that the amount of broken fibers is higher than 5%. Usually, the rupture occurs where the belly of the muscle becomes the tendon. Damage to the fibers causes them to shift against each other and lose their coherence. As a result of such an injury, inflammation arises, which makes it much more difficult to move (pain occurs). Strain is a more serious injury than a muscle strain and is rated on a three point scale.

In the case of the XNUMXst degree muscle tears Pain is minor, passes fairly quickly and does not limit mobility.

At the XNUMXnd degree muscle tears the pain is moderate and restricts your movements. There is swelling and bruising of the area after the injury, associated with the developing inflammation.

In the case of the third degree muscle tears the pain is severe, the muscle area is swollen and bruised, and there are also cramps torn muscle.

You can support your muscles and prevent problems with them through proper prophylaxis with supplements. We recommend, for example, Menachinox K2 + D3 Forte Xenico, which has a positive effect on the skeletal, joint and muscular system.

The causes of a muscle tear

The most common cause muscle tears is to do intense exercise (training) without warming up. The muscle that is not prepared for the effort is excessively overloaded and, as a result, it may become stretched or even stretched tearing apart.

Other reasons muscle tears is his overload due to lifting heavy objects, overstretching the muscle and sudden movement (for example, taking a run, changing the direction of running, jumping to the ball). Cause muscle tears there may also be a punch or a hit against a muscle while it was tight.

If you feel that there is something wrong with your muscles, it is worth smearing them with monastery linseed on the skin in the area of ​​Musculus Klimuszko muscles. It has analgesic properties, and additionally has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Symptoms of muscle tear

Symptoms of a torn muscle is inflammation, pain (sharp, stinging and pinpoint), swelling at the site of injury, bruising (hematoma), if blood vessels are also damaged, sensitivity to touch, increasing pain during movements, frequent contractions torn muscle and a painful dimple at the site of the injury with a thickening around the wound.

Methods of therapy in the event of muscle tear

In the case of muscle tears first aid is essential to prevent the formation of large swelling and hematoma. After the injury resulting a torn muscle the movements of the limb with the damaged muscle should be minimized as soon as possible. Apply a cold compress to the site of the injury – you can use frozen peas or ice cubes wrapped in a towel. Cold compresses will constrict blood vessels and will be very effective in preventing edema and hematoma. The compresses should be applied regularly until the strongest pain is gone. For this purpose, try the compresses that you can buy on Medonet Market at attractive prices:

  1. FLEX Mini compress for cold and warm compresses,
  2. FLEX Standard compress for cold and warm compresses,
  3. FLEX Medium compress for cold and warm compresses,
  4. FLEX Max compress for cold and warm compresses.

It is also good to apply gentle pressure on the site of the injury with an elastic bandage (however, do not put it on too tightly). A pressure dressing is designed to prevent the build-up of exudate and reduce swelling. It is not necessary to immobilize the affected limb, what’s more – it may be harmful as it may lead to stiffness torn muscle. I quit torn muscle it is best to lift it up, that is, for example, put it on a platform made of pillows. This will facilitate the drainage of blood from the affected limb.

After these initial steps, it is best to see a doctor who will assess the injury and rule out a bone fracture, for example. For this purpose, an X-ray image is taken. But it won’t tell you anything about the condition of the muscle, it will only rule out a fracture. For diagnosis torn muscle ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging is used. If the traumatic hematoma is large, the doctor may order a Doppler ultrasound of the muscle to assess blood flow in the vessels and detect possible abnormalities in the arteries and veins.

Do you want to improve the body’s efficiency to perform endurance exercises more accurately? Try L-Glutamine available on Medonet Market.

Take care of your muscles and joints with the products from the Panaseus Sports Supplement Kit. In addition, they support cleansing the body of toxins and reducing body fat.

Case therapy torn muscle it is primarily rest – for a minimum of 5 days, physical activity should be limited. Regular cold compresses should also be used to reduce swelling and internal bleeding. After a few days, when the swelling and pain have disappeared, start stretching the muscle gently so that it does not become stiff. Rehabilitation exercises are also recommended to improve and strengthen the damaged muscle. For this purpose, isometric, concentric and stretching exercises are useful, which will improve contractility and flexibility a strained muscle. Resistance exercises to increase muscle strength are also good, as are techniques to reduce muscle tension and exercises to improve circulation – for example, fascia therapy and post-isometric muscle relaxation. In the treatment of torn muscle physical therapy and massage of soft and scar tissue are used.

If you experience muscle and joint pain, try the Thermolka Cannaderm warming patches, which you can buy at an attractive price at Medonet Market.

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