Option 1
Purpose: relax your back muscles.
“Now we will be weightlifters. Imagine there is a heavy barbell on the floor. Inhale, lift the bar off the floor with outstretched arms, lift it up. Very hard. Exhale, barbell on the floor, rest. Let’s try again».
Option 2
Purpose: relax the muscles of the arms and back, enable the child to feel successful.
“Now let’s take a lighter barbell and lift it over our heads. They took a breath, raised the bar, fixed this position so that the judges counted your victory. It’s hard to stand like that, drop the barbell, exhale. Relax. Hooray! You are all champions. You can bow to the audience. Everyone applauds you, bow once more like champions.” The exercise can be performed several times.
Purpose: relax your arm muscles.
“Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:
under our roof
Hanging white nail
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall.
(V. Seliverstov)
That’s right, it’s an icicle. Let’s imagine that we are artists and we are putting on a play for kids. The announcer (that’s me) reads this riddle to them, and you will portray icicles. When I read the first two lines, you will inhale and raise your hands above your head, and on the third, fourth, drop your relaxed hands down. So, we are rehearsing … And now we are performing. It turned out great!
Purpose: relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest.
“Let’s put on another little play. It’s called «Humpty Dumpty».
Humpty Dumpty
Sitting on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty
I fell in a dream.
(S. Marshak)
First, we will turn the torso to the right and left, while the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words «fell down in a dream» — we sharply tilt the body down.
Purpose: remove muscle clamps in the shoulder girdle.
“Guys, let’s try to turn into a screw. To do this, put your heels and socks together. At my command “Start,” we will turn the body to the left, then to the right. At the same time, the arms will freely follow the body in the same direction. Started!.. Stop!”
The etude may be accompanied by the music of N. Rimsky-Korsakov’s Dance of the Buffoons from the opera The Snow Maiden.
«Pump and Ball»
Purpose: relax as many muscles in the body as possible.
“Guys, split into pairs. One of you is a big inflatable ball, the other is inflating this ball with a pump. The ball stands with its whole body limp, on half-bent legs, arms, neck relaxed. The body is tilted slightly forward, the head is lowered (the ball is not filled with air). The comrade begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movement of the hands (they pump air) with the sound “s”. With each air supply, the ball inflates more and more. Hearing the first sound «s», he inhales a portion of air, simultaneously straightening his legs at the knees, after the second «s» the torso straightened, after the third — the head rises at the ball, after the fourth — the cheeks puffed out and even the arms moved away from the sides. The ball is inflated. The pump has stopped pumping. The comrade pulls the pump hose out of the ball … Air comes out of the ball with force with the sound «sh». The body went limp again, returned to its original position. Then the players change roles.
Relaxing Games
The following three games are taken from the book «How to teach children to cooperate» by K. Fopel. They will help to create a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, friendly and open communication of children with each other in the kindergarten group.
«Dancing Hands»
Purpose: if children are restless or upset, this game will give them (especially distressed, restless) the opportunity to clarify their feelings and relax internally.
“Lay out large sheets of wrapping paper (or old wallpaper) on the floor. Take 2 crayons each. Choose a crayon of the color you like for each hand. Now lie back on the spread paper so that your hands, from the wrist to the elbow, are above the paper. (In other words, so that the children have room to draw.) Close your eyes, and when the music starts, you can draw on the paper with both hands. Move your hands to the beat of the music. Then you can see what happened” (2-3 minutes).
The game is played to music.
«Blind Dance»
Purpose: development of trust in each other, removal of excessive muscle tension.
«Pair up. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be «blind». The other will remain «sighted» and will be able to drive the «blind». Now hold hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. Help your partner tie the bandage.
As a preparatory step, you can sit the children in pairs and ask them to hold hands. The one who sees moves his hands to the music, and a blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without releasing his hands, 1-2 minutes. Then the children switch roles. If an anxious child refuses to close his eyes, reassure him and do not insist. Let her dance with her eyes open.
As the child gets rid of anxiety states, you can begin to play the game not sitting, but moving around the room.
Other games and exercises to teach your child to relax
- Fighting
- Mouth to lock
- Balloon
- Magic Journey
- Waterfall of the world
- My pearl
- Get a star
- Relaxation and breathing exercises for group activities with children