Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics

Before embarking on planting a grape crop, each gardener determines for himself which type of grape is most preferable for his garden plot and for him personally. If you plan to use berries for the production of wines, then Muscat is the grape that is best suited for these purposes. The article gives a general description of Muscat varieties, and also describes some of the most interesting representatives of the Muscat group. Perhaps this will help you make the right choice.

Characteristics of nutmeg varieties

Muscats were popular in ancient Greece and Rome. Since 1828, these grape varieties began to be grown in the Crimea – they produced high-quality muscat wines with a specific taste and delicate aroma, which were highly valued by wine experts.

Do not confuse Muscat wine with Muscatel wine. Muscatel is a common name for wines of low quality, which are made by mixing fruits of the Muscat group with other varieties.

The aroma of musk (the French, and after them the whole world, called it in their own way – muscat) is characteristic of this group of varieties due to the content of specific, ternopoid, compounds in the berry peel and in the pulp near it. Such fruits have an original taste, and are also sweeter than berries of other varieties. They also contain a large amount of phytoncides and have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Most nutmeg, including reference ones, for example, Alexandria, do not have sufficient frost resistance, and are also susceptible to infections of fungal diseases, so it is very difficult to grow them in summer cottages.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics


Over time, new nutmeg varieties appear that withstand frost and are not affected by diseases. For example, Khrustalny, Donskoy, Red have increased frost resistance and are slightly affected by fungal diseases. And amber muscat – grapes specially bred for the regions of Central Asia, has a high yield and a high sugar content in fruits.

Below is a description of some popular varieties.


This grape comes from Arabia or Egypt. Distributed in Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, France and Italy. Likes a warm climate. It is better to plant on clay soil, adding pebbles. The ideal place for it is rocky slopes, well lit by the sun. White loves potash fertilizers, which are effective from the beginning of fruiting.

When describing a bunch, it should be noted that it is cylindrical, on average the mass does not exceed 110 g, but sometimes it reaches 450 g. The berries are round, medium in size, the pulp is tender with a slight aroma and a high sugar content – up to 20-30%. It is distinguished by the color of the berries – they are waxy. Bushes have a strong growth force. It takes 140 days for the fruit to ripen, with 90% of the vine ripening. The yield is average, up to 6 tons per 1 hectare. They try to harvest late (for Crimea this is the end of September), so that the berries accumulate more sugar.

Muscat is ideal for creating vintage dessert wines, Muscat sparkling wines and juices. White Muscat is susceptible to gray mold, mildew and oidium infection. Often suffers from spider mites and phylloxera.

Frost resistance is weak, often suffers from spring frosts. With a lack of moisture, the strength of shoot growth is significantly reduced.

The Muscat hybrid white Shatilov of the Siberian selection differs from its relative in good disease resistance and strong frost resistance, due to which it grows well in Siberia and the Urals.

The Muscat hybrid white Shatilov of the Siberian selection is distinguished by good disease resistance and strong frost resistance, thanks to which it grows well in Siberia and the Urals.

Muscat pink hybrid – grapes can accumulate sugar, due to which it is used in the southern regions and the Crimea for the production of high quality liqueur wines.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics


Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is a grape obtained by the breeder Pavlovsky by crossing varieties Talisman and XVII-10-26, with an early ripening period (100-110 days). Flowers are self-pollinated. The vine ripens for the entire length of the shoot. Clusters can weigh up to 600 g. Berries are red-violet, up to 10 g. Crispy flesh is covered with a delicate thin peel, which is not felt when consumed.

Frost-resistant, withstands up to -24 degrees below zero. The yield is high, while the fruits can be located on the vine for a long time, while maintaining taste and commercial qualities. Berries keep their shape and taste well during transportation.

Disease resistance is average.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics


Muscat Donskoy is a grape that belongs to an early ripening period (115 days are required). It was bred in 1946, but is still popular among gardeners. Bushes vigorous. Clusters of medium size, usually not exceeding 200 g. Accumulation of sugar – up to 30%. The maturity of shoots fluctuates around 50%. Yields are consistently high. The black berry is small, weighing no more than 2 g.

Donskoy was bred in 1946, but is still popular among gardeners.

It is moderately resistant to fungal infections, can be affected by phylloxera. Frost resistance is high, withstands frosts down to -28 degrees. The grapes are unpretentious: they easily adapt to the soil, they begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year.

Donskoy is prone to crop overload, therefore, to improve the quality of fruits, it requires rationing.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics


Muscat Pleven is an early Bulgarian variety, the ripening period of which does not exceed 115 days. The average weight of bunches is 600 g. The berry is oval, warm amber in color, weighing up to 9 g. The pulp is juicy. Sugar content up to 22%. It has a high maturation of the vine – up to 85%.

Pleven is an early fruiting grape, the harvest appears already in the third year after planting. It withstands frosts down to -25 degrees, it is slightly affected by fungal infections.

If you often use fertilizers (mineral and organic), then you can get larger fruits and grapes.

Due to the high characteristics of berries and simple agricultural technology, Pleven enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics


Muscat grapes of Swiss origin with early ripening. Clusters are medium, weighing up to 300 g and with a large black berry up to 20 mm in diameter and weighing up to 5 g.

The yield is average. The fruits are used to make red muscat wines.

Blau fruit can be damaged by wasps, has an average resistance to fungal diseases. However, it is extremely frost-resistant – it is not afraid of frosts down to -29 degrees.

The Muscat group does not occupy a leading position in the vineyards of gardeners due to the difficulty of growing these capricious varieties, but those who have the courage to grow these grapes through constant care are rewarded with very tasty fruits, and quite early. Especially this group will be of interest to wine growers who grow wine varieties – after all, Muscat wines have an amazing aroma and taste.

Muscat grape varieties: description and characteristics

Video “Caring for grapes”

This video will tell you how to properly carry out green operations in the vineyard.

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