Muraya flower: care
Muraya is a plant of the rutaceous family, it belongs to perennial evergreen shrubs. In its natural environment, it grows in the tropical forests of East Asia. In indoor conditions, stunted species are usually grown.
Muraya – description of an exotic flower
Under indoor conditions, muraya grows up to 1,5 m, and it begins to grow upward only after the root system fills the space of the flower pot. But after that, the tree begins to rapidly reach up. The growth can be up to 2-3 cm per day.
Muraya flower does not tolerate excess moisture
The leaves of the plant are large and fleshy, dark green in color. The flowers are snow-white, the petals are shaped like a lily. The diameter of the flower can reach 10 cm. After flowering, edible fruits are formed.
The fruits ripening on muraya have medicinal properties. With regular use, an improvement in the general condition of a person is observed, fatigue is relieved. A decoction of the leaves is used as an antiseptic for throat diseases.
Muraya can bear fruit throughout the year, therefore, snow-white flower stalks and ripening berries coexist on it at the same time. The scent of the flower is very pleasant and resembles the scent of jasmine.
Like any houseplant, muraya needs care and attention. When growing, the flower does not need any complex manipulations, but there are certain conditions that must be adhered to in order for the tree to bloom and bear fruit.
The rules are as follows:
- The duration of daylight hours for a plant should be at least 12 hours per day. In winter and autumn, additional lighting may be required. In this case, direct sunlight can cause burn spots on the leaves.
- Watering should be moderate. It is recommended to moisten the soil as its top layer dries up. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced.
- Flower feeding is done in spring and summer 2-3 times every 3 weeks. The use of organic and mineral fertilizers should be alternated.
- For the first 3-4 years, the flower needs an annual transplant. In this case, the diameter of the pot each time should be about 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Subsequently, the size of the container no longer matters. An adult plant is recommended to be replanted every 3 years in order to improve the quality of the soil.
- Pruning is done in the spring. Before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to shorten the long shoots by about 1/3.
Muraya is a unique houseplant and will be a great decoration for your home. And with proper and regular care, you will also have a small home doctor who will always be there and help in difficult times.