Muravyov-Amursky: biography of the legendary governor of Siberia

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Who is depicted on the 5000 bill?

Many people ask themselves the question: who is depicted on the 5000 Russian ruble banknote? Someone thinks that this is Emperor Nicholas I, Alexander I, Alexander II or Khabarov. Someone imagined Lermontov …

In fact, the place of honor on the bill (the largest denomination since 2006) is given to Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky. This is a Russian statesman, diplomat, founder of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, governor-general of Eastern Siberia in 1847-1861.

Muravyov-Amursky: biography of the legendary governor of Siberia

In the history of Russia, he played an important role in returning the Amur to the country, which was ceded to China in 1689.

Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky

He was born into an old noble family on August 23 (zodiac sign Leo) 1809. Having received a thorough education at the boarding school in St. Petersburg, he continued his studies at the Page Corps.

After graduating from a prestigious educational institution, the eighteen-year-old boy entered military service. He took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-29, having received a golden sword with the inscription “For Courage”. He served in the Caucasus, was wounded twice.

As the head of the Black Sea coastline, he did a lot to strengthen the coast. In 1841 he was promoted to major general. Due to the aggravated illness, Muravyov leaves the army forever.

To improve his health, he goes to France. While in Paris, Nikolai Nikolaevich meets Catherine de Rishmont, his future wife.

Upon his return to Russia, N. Muravyov was assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1846 he was appointed Tula military and civilian governor. Soon he turned to Nicholas I with a proposal to abolish the serfdom of the peasants, but received no answer.

Governor of Eastern Siberia

A year later, Nicholas I appoints Muravyov as governor of Eastern Siberia. The sovereign entrusts him with 1/3 of the territory of Russia: from Krasnoyarsk to the Pacific coast, including Alaska. In these parts, gold was mined for the Russian Empire.

Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, these lands have stood without an owner. They could well have been captured by major powers: England, France or Germany. Therefore, Russia urgently needed to define its borders.

For a long time, no one dared to deal with this important issue, the bosses changed, but the problem remained open. To delimit the territory required the signing of an agreement with neighboring China. On the very first day of his appointment, Muravyov reported to the emperor that he was ready to resolve the border issue.

The sovereign’s answer was: “Do whatever you want necessary. But resolve the border issue without military intervention. ”

While in St. Petersburg before his departure, Muravyov studied documents on Eastern Siberia, got acquainted with the reports, met people who knew the problems of this region well.

Soon the new master of Siberia began to put things in order on the ground. First of all, he fired all subordinates caught in corruption. He dismissed the gold miners who were stealing.

Then he assembled his team of people whom he knew and whom he trusted. Established new reporting procedures and vigilant oversight.

Title “Count of Amur”

From January 1854 to May 1858 Muravyov negotiated with the Chinese government on the border of the eastern outskirts of Russia. As a result, the Aygun contract was signed, according to which Amur became the border of the two countries.

For the Chinese treaty Muravyov received the title of “Count of Amur”. The second part was added to his surname – Amursky.

Subsequently, the governor-general tried to populate the deserted places along the Amur, but they were not successful. Muravyov-Amursky worried about the fate of Kamchatka, filed petitions for arming the Far East.

Ten years before the abolition of serfdom, he dismissed the serfs without the knowledge of the emperor. In return for his freedom, he offered to voluntarily join his army. Soon the army of Muravyov-Amursky numbered 3000.

In 1861, Nikolai Nikolaevich left the post of governor-general, due to the rejection of his project on dividing eastern Siberia into two general-governorships. He was appointed a member of the State Council.

Life after retirement

After retirement, Muravyov-Amursky moved to France. There he lived in Paris with his beloved wife for twenty years, occasionally arriving in Russia for meetings of the State Council.

In November 1881, Nikolai Nikolaevich died of gangrene. Buried in the Montmartre cemetery in Paris. In 1990 he was reburied in Vladivostok.

Don’t miss the interesting information in this video “Muravyov-Amursky: biography”

This day in history. November 30, 2017. Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky – Governor of Siberia

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