Munich Helles

A soft golden lager with a delicate floral aroma and a bittersweet taste with clear nuances of hops and malt. The fresher the drink, the more pronounced the malt in taste, but the variety is not sweet, more inclined towards bitterness. A light note of diacetyl is acceptable in the bouquet.

Color – transparent golden, in the glass forms a stable creamy foam.

The taste is moderate, soft, ripe both at the start and at the finish, despite the fact that malt dominates in the bouquet, the aftertaste should be bitter, without sweetness. The drink is medium-bodied, carbonation is not strong.

A distinctive feature of helles is the accentuation on malt, hops are felt, but in the background. The Munich variation is usually lighter than analogues from other cities and countries. The drink is completely fermented.

The Munich helles appeared more than 100 years ago, in 1894. Conceived as a competition and alternative to the Pilsner, over time it became one of the most popular German types, especially in demand in southern Germany.

It is made from the same ingredients as the Czech lager – Pils malt, Zatec hops, lager yeast – but of German origin.

Taste is similar to a dark Munich dunkel, but less malty, more like a German export helles. Compared to German Pils, less hoppy.

Munich Helles

Strength: 4.7-5.4%.

Density: initial 1.044-1.048, final 1.006-1.012.

Bitterness Index: 16-22 IBU.

Color: 3-5 SRM.

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