Multivitamins: benefits and harms. Video
Residents of megalopolises are accustomed to blaming avitaminosis for many health problems, which lies in wait for them at any time of the year. Well, it’s even easier to write off everyday fatigue in winter for a lack of vitamins. Television advertising is replete with means by which, supposedly, you can solve a lot of problems at the same time, but before you buy a tube of pills, you should be aware that they can bring not only benefits, but also harm.
The harm and benefits of vitamins
What you need to know about multivitamins
Conventionally, any vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies are subdivided into therapeutic and prophylactic. The former should be used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor in the doses prescribed by him. For example, vitamins for women that contain iron should be consumed separately from those that contain calcium, so as not to interfere with the absorption of each other. Ca and D work in a similar way. Without a sufficient amount of the latter, calcium is simply not assimilated.
Vitamins are fat-soluble, like vitamin A, which are absorbed only with the intake of fats, and water-soluble. The latter can be simply washed down with water. The latter are considered harmless, because they do not accumulate in the body.
The benefits of vitamins and minerals
With a lack of vitamins, which, ideally, an adult or a child should receive with food, various negative sensations can occur, ranging from general weakness to problems with the skin, hair and teeth. It all depends on which particular vitamin or mineral is lacking in the body. With a lack of calcium, nails can break and teeth deteriorate, and in the absence of the proper amount of vitamin A, eyesight can suffer. And this goes for each of the vitamins or minerals. Therefore, it is advisable to organize such a diet in which the body will receive the daily dose of vitamins and minerals it needs, and if this is not possible, then compensate for their lack by using vitamin complexes.
The most dangerous are fat-soluble vitamins, which have a storage property. With excessive use of them in large doses, they are able to persist in tissues and lead to negative consequences. Excess vitamin A can lead to seizures, and vitamin D to premature calcification of bones in young children, as well as calcium deposition in internal organs. And these are just a few examples of what the benefits and harms of vitamins can be.
All this once again demonstrates that vitamins so useful at first glance are still primarily a medicine, therefore you should not drink them just like that and uncontrollably
Any vitamin complexes should be consumed only in consultation with the attending physician, especially when it comes to complexes for children, which can not only cause an overdose, but also contribute to the appearance of allergies. And it is much safer to still organize a balanced and full of vitamins nutrition than trying to make up for their lack by taking pills.
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