Mulberry wine: 3 recipes at home

In the process of making wine from mulberries, it is important to use ripe black berries and sort them out carefully so that rotten fruits do not get into the must. Otherwise, all your work may go down the drain.

They also make mulberry: liqueur, tincture

Mulberry wine according to the classic recipe


  1. Black mulberry – 2,8 kg

  2. White sugar – 450 g

  3. Chopped raisins – 450 g

  4. Water – 3 L

  5. Wine yeast – 1 pack

  6. Pectin enzyme – 1 tsp.

  7. Juice of two lemons

Method of preparation

  1. From water and granulated sugar, you need to cook a simple syrup.

  2. While it is cooking, wash the mulberries, remove the tails and transfer to a container with a wide neck (for example, a plastic bucket or a large bowl) and add chopped raisins, and then pour boiling syrup over the berry.

  3. After cooling the mass to a temperature of 24–26 degrees, we introduce pectin enzyme, lemon juice and leave for 12 hours.

  4. After 12 hours, add wine yeast, cover the container with gauze and leave it warm for 3-4 days. Every day, twice a day, you need to mix the wort with a wooden spatula.

  5. As soon as active fermentation begins, the drink should be filtered, the cake squeezed out, poured into a clean dark glass container and a water seal installed. At this stage, the wort will be about two months.

  6. Two months later, we drain the young wine from the sediment through silicone twine and install the water seal again. After two months, we repeat this procedure again.

  7. The finished wine is bottled and sent to the cellar for aging.

  8. The first sample can be taken after 6 months, but the wine acquires the perfect balance of flavors only after two years of aging.

Spicy homemade mulberry wine

In this recipe, fresh mint can be replaced with dried mint – 1 tablespoon, and champagne yeast can be used instead of wine yeast.


  1. Ripe mulberry – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 1,4 kg

  3. Water – 3,8 L

  4. Cinnamon stick – 2 pc.

  5. Chopped fresh mint – 3 tbsp. l.

  6. Wine yeast – 1/2 tsp

  7. Juice of two lemons

Method of preparation

  1. The cooking sequence is very similar to the previous recipe – we cook the syrup, prepare the berry and knead it a little.

  2. We put mulberries, cinnamon, lemon juice, mint in a container and pour hot syrup.

  3. After the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature of 24–26 degrees, pour it into a fermenter, add yeast, cover with gauze and leave warm for 7–10 days. Be sure to stir the wort twice a day.

  4. After 10 days, strain the wort into a clean container, squeeze out the cake and install a glove with a small hole on one finger or a water lock.

  5. After the end of fermentation, the young wine should be drained from the sediment and bottled in dark glass.

  6. Before tasting, we keep the drink for at least six months.

Aromatic mulberry wine


  1. Black mulberry – 4,3 kg

  2. Natural apple juice – 6 l

  3. Honey – 400 g

  4. Sugar – 1 kg

  5. Chopped stalk of rhubarb – 400 g

  6. Strawberry – 200 g

  7. Lemon zest and juice of three lemons

  8. Wine yeast – 1 pack

Method of preparation

  1. All ingredients (except yeast) are placed in a saucepan of a suitable volume and heated to 60 degrees, mix well so that the honey is completely dissolved.

  2. Remove the pan from the heat and cool its contents, without removing the lid, to 24-26 degrees.

  3. Pour the wort into the fermentation container, add wine yeast, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 3-4 days.

  4. As soon as active fermentation begins, the liquid should be filtered, squeezed out and poured into a glass container.

  5. We install a water seal, after 30 days we drain the young wine from the sediment and install a water seal again.

  6. A month later, we repeat the procedure described in paragraph 6 again and then bottle the wine.

  7. Before tasting, the wine should be kept in a cool place for at least 3-6 months.

Relevance: 16.03.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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