Mulberry vodka: an overview of 5 brands

Mulberry vodka – a drink known since the early Middle Ages and characteristic of the inhabitants of Transcaucasia. In particular, for the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Vodka is valued for its healing properties: it normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on metabolism. A strong drink is made by fermenting the fruits of the mulberry tree.

vodka cocktail recipes

Artsakh Mulberry Golden, 57%

Produced by the Armenian independent company Artsakh Brandy Company. She owns her own vineyards, orchards where pomegranate, dogwood and mulberry are grown. The fruits of the latter have become a component of vodka, the production technology of which is shrouded in mystery.

Armenia is the only country where mulberries are grown on an industrial scale. The fruits are harvested in June, as soon as the sugar content reaches its maximum. Long-term transportation is not possible for them. Aged in barrels for three years. All these features, as well as a combination of tradition and modern technology, make the drink unique.

Vodka dark chestnut color with red tints, crystal clear. Oily, even slightly viscous. The taste reveals a bouquet of creamy, vanilla, cinnamon and berry notes. The aroma is sweetish, berry-woody, similar to cognac. Soft delicate aftertaste.

Armenian Mulberry, 40%

The manufacturer is a family business Armenia Wine, which not only keeps traditional recipes, but also actively uses modern technologies. This allows the production to successfully develop and gain popularity among consumers.

Armenia Wine wines are shipped all over the world. As part of vodka alcohol infusion of white mulberry, which grows on the hills of the Ararat valley under the sun, high quality alcohol and pure mountain water.

The vodka is clear, has a balanced taste with hints of fruit and wood. Mulberry berries are heard in a mild aroma. The aftertaste is pleasant.

Kizlyarka Mulberry, 40%

Kizlyar Cognac Factory is one of the most famous and titled producers of strong alcohol within the Russian market. It has existed since the XNUMXth century and is located in Dagestan. Mulberry vodka is a novelty in the assortment, only selected spirits and mulberries are used. Artificial additives are excluded.

Transparent. It combines tartness and elegance with light fruity undertones. The aroma is typical vodka. The finish is long with hints of vanilla.

Armenian Garden, 45%

Produced by the Armenian family business Aratta Distillery. Traditional methods handed down by ancestors are used to create fruit distillates. The company owns its own gardens in the Ararat valley. Fruits grown in ecologically clean areas are carefully selected and fermented with the addition of natural yeast. This is followed by a double distillation in alambicas and filtration.

The vodka is clear without a cloudy tint. Soft with a full taste of unobtrusive sweetness and hints of vanilla. The aroma is woven from flowers and fruits. Vanilla is revealed in the long-lasting aftertaste.

Hatuk, 45%

The producer is the Yerevan factory of champagne wines. It focuses on tradition, product quality and natural ingredients. The company owns its own laboratory, which monitors the quality. All equipment has been upgraded.

The plant occupies a leading position among alcohol producers, and its products are sincerely appreciated by customers. The drinks have special organoleptic properties due to the berries grown in the ideal natural conditions of Armenia. Vodka is produced according to traditional recipes.

It has a transparent color and an oily texture. Soft, herbal shades and white mulberry berries are revealed in the aroma. The finish is long with woody and herbal nuances.

Relevance: 14.07.2020

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka brands

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