Mulberry moonshine

Mulberry moonshine is a unique product. It has a wide application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, pharmacology. There are many variations of this drink, but an important and integral part of the recipe is the classic technology of preparation. It has its own characteristics, on which the shelf life of moonshine from mulberry at home depends.

Useful properties of mulberry tincture on moonshine

The mulberry grows in the Middle East, Iran and Afghanistan. The improvement of economic ties between states affected the further spread of mulberry. Now up to 100 different species of this plant are grown in Our Country.

In terms of composition, the most useful varieties are considered: “Black”, “White honey”, “Smuglyanka”, “Black Baroness”, “Ukrainian-6”.

The mulberry moonshine recipe is used to a greater extent in home medicine. And this is not surprising, because this is the simplest, most cost-effective remedy that can be prepared at home without any problems, while maintaining the beneficial properties of the desired product.

In this case, the composition includes:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, PP);
  • trace elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium);
  • sugars (mono and disaccharides);
  • organic acids;
  • alcohol;
  • beta carotene.

It is the complex action of all these substances that determines the wide spectrum of action of moonshine based on mulberry.

Insist moonshine on mulberry is in the treatment and prevention of completely different diseases. The effect of the drink on the body:

  1. For the prevention of influenza and SARS, it is enough to use mulberry tincture once a day. It will help strengthen the immune system. In addition, alcohol tincture successfully copes with various inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, hearing organs, and the oral cavity.
  2. The recipe for moonshine from mulberries at home is used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, mulberry helps to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.
  3. It is also necessary to make moonshine from mulberry for those who just want to lose weight. In small quantities, as an additional active supplement, it is used to burn excess fat.
  4. Also, in small quantities, alcohol tincture from mulberry is used in the treatment of “light” nervous disorders. Mulberry in this case reduces the effect of stress on a person.
  5. You can use mulberry and other mulberry derivatives for diabetics, since the product helps to reduce blood sugar.

In small volumes, mulberry on moonshine can be used by older people to increase the performance of the musculoskeletal system.

How to make moonshine from mulberry

Before considering in detail the stages of the classical technique for making mulberry moonshine, some nuances should be taken into account.

A little about the specificity of the alcoholic product

In fact, moonshine based on mulberry stands in terms of quality along with Armenian cognac. In Caucasian families, it is prepared without yeast, sugar and other additives. However, due to the small distribution in the territory of the Federation, many people change the basic cooking method, while saving a lot on the berry. Whether this is good or bad depends on the particular variety of berries: some are bitter, others give a sour taste, others do not change their qualities, and others do not affect the state of the product in any way.

Advice! For homemade preparations, it is better to take black mulberry.

Mulberry moonshine is a solution with a greenish-yellow color (due to long exposure) and an aroma of herbs. The fortress is different: 40-80%.

The addition of other ingredients in the process of making moonshine from mulberry can both improve the taste and quality of the drink, and harm the human body. There are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. If you want to keep the future moonshine from mulberry for no more than 24 hours, then in this case you need to add potatoes boiled “in uniform” (calculated as 2,5 kg per 3 liters of the resulting solution).
  2. To increase the strength, you need to add about 1 kg of peas (per 10 liters of solution), previously soaked in cold water. Sprouted wheat is used for the same purpose.
  3. Reducing the foam of moonshine from mulberry can be achieved by adding fermented milk products during the fermentation process.
  4. You should not use citrus products as an additive – they slow down fermentation in the process of making mulberry-based moonshine.
  5. You can remove the excess smell of alcohol by adding a bay leaf before the end of the fermentation process.

You can use mulberry moonshine both in its pure form and together with various meat, fish and vegetable snacks, desserts.

The tincture is widely used in cosmetology and medicine:

  1. It is used in ointments and creams for skin care.
  2. On its basis, compresses and lotions are made for burns and superficial wounds, as well as for ulcerative formations on the skin.
  3. For children, a syrup is prepared based on mulberry moonshine for various inflammatory diseases.
  4. Many pharmacological agents basically contain this product. They are used to treat diseases of almost all body systems.

Mulberry moonshine extract is added to tablets in small doses for various nervous disorders.

Selecting the main components

Mulberry moonshine

Ideally, mulberry should be pink, but it grows in small quantities. Therefore, a black mulberry will be a good analogue.

The mass of sugar is calculated in a ratio of 1:10 in comparison with the number of berries.

It is recommended to use wine yeast.

Mulberry mash recipe for moonshine

Simple technology.


  • plant berries – 10 kg;
  • water – 16 l;
  • sugar – 2-3 kg.


  1. Sort the berries, remove debris. No need to wash.
  2. Squeeze juice.
  3. Place the mixture in a container, add sugar and water at a temperature of up to 30 degrees. Mix.
  4. Close with a water seal and transfer to a dark, cool place for 15-45 days at a temperature of 17-26 degrees. During this time, the solution should brighten. A precipitate will appear, possibly a bitter taste.
  5. Overtake 2 times.
  6. Keep in a cool dark place for at least six months.

Sugar in this case removes the acidity of the berries.


Mulberry moonshine

Before this process, it is better to squeeze the pulp, leaving only a solution of juice.

Distillation is done 2 times with a difference of a week between visits. 7 days the liquid should also be in a dark cool place.


  1. The distillation is carried out completely until the disappearance of all the smell of alcohol. It is desirable that the room be cool: the temperature should be within 15-18 degrees above zero. The strength of the finished drink will be approximately 30-35%.
  2. It is necessary to distill fractionally, separating the liquid by color and smell. It is recommended that this process be carried out at room temperature. Here you get a solution with a strength of up to 70%.

It is in this process that other berries and herbal leaves of mint, jasmine and chamomile can be added for flavor.

Exposure of mulberry tincture on moonshine

To obtain high-quality moonshine from mulberry, it is necessary to withstand the resulting solution for 6-12 months in special wood barrels, previously burned.

To reduce bitterness, add mulberry chips to the mash. They need to be prepared in advance:

  1. Cut large branches from the tree.
  2. Split into sticks with a diameter of 0,005 m (length – up to 0,01 m).
  3. Boil for 2 hours in a water bath.
  4. Air dry.
  5. Place in oven (medium heat) until browned and lightly smoked.

You will need a few such chips: 2-3 pieces.

Comment! Branches must be collected dry.


Despite all its beneficial properties, mulberry-based moonshine can become a harmful and toxic compound.

So, diabetics should use it with caution. Although mulberry lowers blood sugar, alcohol can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Particular attention when using moonshine from mulberry should be given to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Alcohol is harmful to the development of the fetus. In addition, at high concentrations, moonshine can change the taste and properties of breast milk.

Children under three years of age are not recommended to use mulberry moonshine. And from 3 to 14 years old, the dose should be calculated by age: dilute as many drops of the solution in a glass of water as the child is old.

Mulberry moonshine is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the components of the composition of this product. The consequences can be dire.

Older people, too, should not be too zealous with the use of moonshine from mulberry. There is a risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In overdose, mulberry moonshine acts as a laxative. In severe cases, it leads to dehydration.

It is not recommended to combine such mulberry moonshine with psychotropic drugs. This will only aggravate the condition of the sick person.

Terms and conditions of storage

Mulberry moonshine as a result of aging should have a color from greenish-yellow to dark black. In this case, the solution is quite transparent. Fortress: 30-70%.

In the refrigerator, moonshine is stored for a short time, for 2-3 weeks.

But in a dark, cool room, for example, a cellar, in a glass container, the shelf life of the drink increases to 2-3 years.


Mulberry moonshine has a fairly simple cooking scheme. To get a quality product, you should take into account all the specific aspects and nuances: choose the right ingredients for mulberry moonshine, strictly adhere to the recipe preparation technique, and also create all the conditions for preserving the drink for a long time. For aroma and different tastes, you can add other herbs and berries as desired.

Mulberry Moonshine Recipe – Tutovka

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