Mulberry jam is the aroma of a carefree childhood. An affordable berry is a favorite delicacy of children in early summer. Thanks to good housewives, you can enjoy the mulberry tree all year round.
The benefits and harms of mulberry jam
Mulberry grows along roads, in yards, in summer cottages and does not need special care. People consume the sweet, intensely colored berries in passing, unaware of how useful the mulberry is.
The benefits of mulberry jam are invaluable, according to the season the berry:
- has the ability to bind free radicals and remove toxins and toxins from the body;
- is a storehouse of vitamins (C, E, K, B);
- includes a lot of potassium, which is useful for people suffering from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- restores kidney function, helps to get rid of edema;
- adjusts the level of pressure in hypertension;
- has diuretic properties, endowed with a mild choleretic effect;
- in dried form, it is indicated for people with high blood glucose levels, contributes to its normalization;
- eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
- has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, helps with hepatitis;
- normalizes stool, relieves constipation;
- strengthens the barrier functions of the body, is endowed with the properties to regenerate cells;
- contributes to the rapid production of milk during lactation;
- does not cause allergic reactions and is acceptable for use by allergy sufferers and children from six months;
- is not a high-calorie product and is considered an excellent delicacy for women who follow the figure.
Having consumed mulberry jam at tea in the evening, there is no doubt that the dream will be calm, the psycho-emotional state will be restored after a busy day.
Since the berry is medicinal, it is quite natural that it is not suitable for everyone. There is a category of people diagnosed with individual resistance to the product. The remaining deviations in the state of health arise due to the wrong approach to the selection and use of berries. It is worth considering such points:
- if you choose unripe berries with signs of spoilage for cooking jam, they will provoke a disorder in digestion;
- when combining several varieties of berries, it is important to take into account their harmony, since some combinations can cause fermentation, flatulence, bloating;
- when eating a crop, it is better to choose the time between meals so that the berries do not mix with food;
- having decided to try to treat a child with mulberry for the first time, it is worth doing a quick allergy test;
- when picking ripe juicy berries, you should pay attention to the area – it is strongly not recommended to harvest crops within the city, near roads and factories, since the tree is a sorbent and absorbs exhaust gases and emissions from factories.
It must be remembered that mulberry is a berry not intended for long-term storage. It quickly deteriorates, therefore, the housewives should, immediately after harvesting, process the product for jam, compotes, and drying.
Mulberry Jam Recipes
Mulberry jam cannot be called banal. The berry itself is juicy and sweet, and in each family it is boiled with the addition of its own, spicy note. There are many secrets to make a product special. People often share them among themselves, make their own corrections and get something new and unusual.
General rules for making jam:
- You can preserve any kind of mulberry, but it is worth noting that black and white berries are considered the most delicious;
- in order to speed up the process of collecting mulberries, a clean oilcloth is spread under the tree and the ripe mulberries are shaken off, but the plant should not be intensively shaken, the goal is to ensure that only ripe mulberries fall off;
- the collection should be carefully rinsed, let the water drain completely, grind evenly with sugar;
- the finished product lasts longer if it is placed in sterilized containers and hermetically rolled up with lids.
Black mulberry jam recipe
Black varieties are especially valued for their beneficial properties, ability to strengthen the immune system and antioxidant qualities. By consuming a couple of spoons of jam daily, you can improve the condition of the blood, increase hemoglobin, improve sleep and nerves.
Mulberry jam – a recipe with a photo will help you prepare a delicious dish step by step.
To prepare the jam you will need:
- black mulberry – 1 kg;
- sugar – 700 g;
- citric acid – 0 teaspoon.
Algorithm of actions:
- The prepared berry is put into the container, sugar is poured, and allowed to stand from evening to morning.
- Bring the mixture to a boil, turn off, allow to cool.
- Add citric acid and bring to a boil again.
- Thus, the container with the composition is brought to a boil after complete cooling twice more.
The finished dish is laid out in a sterile container, clogged, lined upside down, wrapped until completely cooled.
White mulberry jam
White mulberry jam looks unusual, it lacks a coloring pigment, but it is just as useful as black one.
To prepare the jam you will need:
- white mulberry – 1 kg;
- sugar – 1 kg;
- vanilla or vanilla sugar – to taste;
- citric acid – a quarter of a teaspoon.
Algorithm of action:
- The crop is rinsed, allowed to drain.
- Water is combined with sugar to make syrup.
- Combine all the ingredients, bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, allow to cool.
- The process is repeated two more times.
- At the last stage, add citric acid, vanilla, cook for another 5 minutes.
The finished product is poured into clean jars, rolled up, stored in a refrigerator, cellar, basement.
Black mulberry jam without cooking
If the berry is not subjected to heat treatment, it completely retains its composition and healing properties.
To make jam take:
- mulberry – 1 kg;
- sugar — 1, 5 kg.
Algorithm of actions:
- After washing the products, give them time to dry well. There should be no water left in the mulberry.
- The two ingredients are combined and interrupted with a blender until smooth and without grains.
The mass is laid out in sterile jars, closed tightly with a plastic lid, stored in the refrigerator.
Mulberry jam for the winter with cherries
Cherry well dilutes the sugary sweetness of mulberry, has a powerful aroma. In a duet, two berries are exceptionally combined.
To make jam according to the recipe, take:
- mulberry – 1 kg;
- cherry – 0 kg;
- sugar – 700 g
Algorithm of actions:
- Mulberries and cherries are washed and allowed to drain.
- Eliminate bones.
- Spread in a container in layers, sprinkling with sugar.
- When the workpiece starts up enough juice, it is placed on moderate heat. After boiling, stand for 5 minutes.
- Let cool and bring to a boil again. Simmer for 5 minutes.
- The third time, the jam is left to boil for a quarter of an hour.
- The finished product is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up, wrapped in a warm cloth.
When wrapped, the jam should cool naturally.
White mulberry jam with raspberries
Delicious and beautiful jam is obtained by combining white mulberry with raspberries. Aesthetically, it is attractive, has an unusual taste and helps with colds better than pharmacy syrups.
To make jam take:
- pure water – 240 ml;
- raspberries – 300 g;
- white mulberry – 960 g;
- sugar – 600 g
Algorithm of actions:
- Mulberry berries are selected ripe, whole. Rinse, allow excess moisture to drain.
- Berries with granulated sugar are poured into the container in layers.
- Withstand 3-5 hours to extract the juice.
- Boil the mulberry until it starts to boil over moderate heat.
- Reduce the heat, pour in boiling water, boil for 10 minutes.
- If foam appears, remove.
- Allow to cool, heat again and simmer for 10 minutes.
- To give sourness to sweet berries, lemon juice is allowed.
- The jam is poured into prepared containers, hermetically sealed.
Citrus mulberry jam at home
You should definitely try the combination of the familiar mulberry tree with tropical, exotic notes of citrus.
To make jam take:
- mulberry berries – 1 kg;
- oranges – 2 pieces;
- sugar – 1 kg.
Algorithm of actions:
- Mulberry berries are washed from dust, long stalks are removed, and allowed to drain.
- In a wide container, the mulberries are crushed with sugar and set aside to release the juice.
- Oranges are cut into pieces along with the peel.
- Using a blender, citrus fruits are mashed.
- Combine mulberries with lemon gruel, heat until sugar dissolves.
- Allow the mass to cool and repeat the heating again.
- The final stage of thermal boiling lasts about half an hour.
- The finished jam is ready to be rolled up in pre-treated jars.
Terms and conditions of storage
Mulberry should be consumed immediately after harvesting the berries or processed as soon as possible. It doesn’t last long. To enjoy the taste of summer and valuable qualities longer, the berry is frozen, dried, and preserved.
In a dry room with good ventilation, dried mulberries are stored for up to two years. Frozen berries are stored until the next harvest if they are not thawed several times. Mulberry jam is not stored for a long time. If large volumes are prepared, the product is recommended to be consumed 18 months in advance.
The basement or cellar must be dry, with a stable temperature and ventilation. Raw, grated mulberries are placed on the shelves of refrigerators.
Reviews of mulberry jam
Mulberry jam must definitely dilute the pantry stocks of a woman who takes care of her loved ones. The berry, familiar to everyone, is a source of useful substances, and resourceful housewives have learned to give an unusual taste and aroma to jam. Thus, the sweet mulberry can please a person, saturate the body and heal all year round.