Mulberry: health benefits and harms
At the beginning of summer, mulberries can be found in the markets. Black berries are saturated with the warmth of the southern sun, making them an indispensable source of vitamins and healthy substances.

Mulberry berries – black, sweet – are most often found in the south of Our Country. A tree growing in the southern regions is unpretentious in care, but the fruits are difficult to transport: they easily wrinkle and quickly deteriorate. Therefore, the most delicious will be the mulberry just plucked from the branch. We understand together with a nutritionist what benefits and harm these sweet berries can bring to our health.


Mulberry is the fruit of a tree from the Mulberry family, the leaves of which serve as the main food for the silkworm. The plant is widely distributed in warm climates: in the subtropics of Eurasia, as well as in Africa and North America. The cultivation of mulberry began 2500 years ago.

There are many types of berries, but the two most common are white and black mulberries. Not only the fruits are valued, but also the wood of the mulberry tree – musical instruments are made from it. However, logging has been banned in Our Country since 2011.

The composition and calorie content of mulberry

Mulberry has a rich vitamin composition – it contains a lot of carotene, vitamin C, as well as B vitamins. There are a lot of microelements in berries, especially potassium, magnesium and sodium.

Caloric value on 100 g43 kcal
Proteins1,44 g
Fats0,39 g
Carbohydrates8,1 g

The benefits of mulberry

Mulberry relieves swelling well, because it has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Therefore, it is useful for people with heart and kidney diseases, in which fluid retention occurs in the body.

Berries contain a lot of dietary fiber, which improves digestion. However, an excess of mulberries in the diet can cause diarrhea, so you should follow the measure. In small quantities, berries help with constipation.

“Mulberry helps to strengthen immunity and bone tissue, improve metabolism in the body and slow down the aging process,” says nutritionist Yulia Pigareva.

The benefits of mulberry for women

Mulberry contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which has a positive effect on appearance and slows down aging. Antioxidants protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which makes the skin more elastic and toned.

The benefits of mulberry for men

Berries contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which quickly provide the body with energy during increased physical activity. Also, mulberry has an anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the risk of prostate diseases caused by bacterial growth.

The benefits of mulberry for children

Mulberry saturates the body with vitamins, which are so important for active growth. White mulberry rarely causes allergies, so it can be gradually introduced into the diet of children from the moment they show food interest.

Mulberry harm

– Mulberry is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. Its use should be abandoned with exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea. Often the trees on which the fruits grow are located near roads, so it is important to thoroughly wash the berries before eating them, Yulia Pigareva warns.

Due to the high sugar content, mulberries are not recommended for diabetics.

The use of mulberry in medicine

Mulberry is often used in folk medicine as a cough remedy. Often it is part of dietary supplements to regulate bowel function.

Berries are recommended to be consumed during beriberi – their rich composition can compensate for the lack of vitamins.

The use of mulberry in cooking

Black mulberry is the most fragrant, so it is used more often in cooking. Drinks, preserves, jams are prepared from berries.

Mulberry jam

Fragrant jam that allows you to enjoy the taste of mulberry all year round

Mulberry1 kg
Sugar1 kg
Lemon acid3 kg

Rinse the mulberry, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 7 hours to let the juice flow. Next, put the berries with sugar on the stove in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly and boil again for 5 minutes. Repeat the cycle 5-6 times until the jam is ready: it boils down and becomes thick.

At the end, add citric acid and mix. Sterilize jars, fill with jam and roll up. Turn over and leave to cool. Then store in the refrigerator.

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Dessert with mulberries and sour cream

A healthy and simple dessert. Garnish with mint before serving

Mulberry100 g
Fatty sour cream200 g
Biscuit shortbread cookies2 piece.
Honeyto taste

Whisk sour cream with honey. Kill a couple of tablespoons of sour cream in a blender with berries.

Crush cookies into crumbs. Put half on the bottom of the bowl or bowl. Put half of the sour cream with honey on top, then mulberry puree, the remaining cookies and the rest of the sour cream with honey. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak the cookies, decorate with berries and mint.

How to choose and store mulberries

Mulberry is white-yellow or black in color, depending on the variety. A reddish color means that the berry is not yet ripe. The mulberry should be dense enough, should not secrete juice or have a weather-beaten pitchfork. The berry spoils very quickly, so pay attention to the smell of fermentation – it should not be.

Store fresh mulberries only in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. Berries can be dried and frozen, extending the shelf life up to several months. Dry the mulberry in the sun or in a dryer at a low temperature.

Popular questions and answers

What is another name for mulberry?

In the southern regions of our country, in which it grows, mulberry is called differently – fig tree, mulberry, tyutina, mulberry, mulberry. Another name for the plant is mulberry, or mulberry tree.

Is dried mulberry healthy?

Dried berries are useful in the same way as fresh ones, but it should be borne in mind that its calorie content is much higher due to the high concentration of sugars. Therefore, dried mulberries are recommended to be eaten in very limited quantities.

When does the mulberry season start and end?

The ripening period depends on the region – in the south the season starts earlier. Mulberry usually ripens in June, the season ends in July. Berries are difficult to pick because they do not ripen at the same time – some immediately fall to the ground when ripe, others, while still green, hang on a tree.

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