Mukhina’s golden needle reviews

Mukhina’s golden needle reviews

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“Mukhina’s Golden Needle” is the name of a unique and very effective weight loss program, which has long and effectively been used in the St. Petersburg clinic of beauty and weight loss “ORIGITEA”. What is this technique based on and how does it work? Are there any contraindications? Is the golden needle really that lifesaver that many of us still have to dream of? Let’s figure it out – the time has come.

Golden needle Mariyat Mukhina will help you lose weight without dieting

The golden needle technique is based on the philosophy of oriental medicine. And the creator of the unique author’s program of influence on the human body is Mariyat Mukhina, hence the beautiful name already known to many. But since we have agreed to reveal secrets, Mukhina’s technique should be told in more detail.

Acupuncture is the treatment of the human body by acting on specific points with needles. The main advantage of acupuncture is the natural healing of the body without the use of drugs and surgery.

So Mukhina’s golden needle is an implant, which is installed for a certain period in the area of ​​the tragus of the auricle. The presence of a golden needle in the ear provides a prolonged effect on acupuncture points. Thus, the needle of Mariyat Mukhina provides weight loss for the patients of the clinic.

The technique of the golden needle, practiced at the ORIGITEA clinic, is a unique author’s invention. It is patented and recognized in many countries. Thanks to the golden needle, many patients were able to regain their excellent physical shape.

The advantages of the golden needle technique are:

  • no need to follow a strict diet;
  • high efficiency;
  • security;
  • beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • aesthetics of the needles used and a wide range of models.

In St. Petersburg, the technique of the golden needle is practiced by the clinic “ORIGITEA”, it is located at: st. Frunze, 16 (metro Park Pobedy, Moskovskaya), phone for recording: 8 (812) 607-44-33, 607-44-34.

And how the golden needle technique works and why it helps faster and more efficiently than dieting and the gym – read on the next page.

Why aren’t gyms and diets helping?

Being overweight is a problem for many people today. Not everyone is able to independently regain their previous physical form. As a rule, overweight people initially try different diets.

But, alas, practice shows that no strict diet brings the body anything but stress. The idea of ​​all widely advertised and discussed on the Internet diets lies in the strict rejection of any food group. Accordingly, such a diet cannot be normal and is stressful for the body.

Moreover, the a strict diet can be harmful to health… In addition, after the end of such restrictions, when you return to the normal menu, extra pounds are also returned. Additionally, it should be noted that a strict diet brings many psychological problems. Nervousness and irritability are almost always inherent in people who sharply began to limit themselves.

The second way after a diet, which in most cases is chosen by overweight people, is physical activity. It is possible to lose weight by playing sports, but are you ready to exhaust yourself with training almost every day? Most business people simply don’t have time for sports. The modern pace of life leaves very little free time that you want to spend with family or friends, and not in the gym. In addition, physical activity for losing weight should be of high intensity; not everyone who wants to lose weight is ready for this.

How to lose weight without discomfort and risk? The answer to this question is on the next page!

How to lose weight without risk and discomfort?

Installing the golden needle of TV presenter Irina Muromtseva

How to lose weight without discomfort and risk? The question is by no means rhetorical. And the answer to it is ready to give in the St. Petersburg clinic “ORIGITEA”.

“We invite you to visit our clinic and try the possibilities of the golden slimming needle! To everyone who does not intend to torture themselves with diets and high-intensity physical activity, we offer a safe and effective technique of the golden needle by Mariyat Mukhina, which will help you get rid of extra pounds forever, “ORIGITEA doctors guarantee.

“The golden needle, which will be installed in your ear tragus, has an aesthetic appearance and will not attract much attention from others. By installing the golden needle Mukhina, you can lead a normal life, – experts explain. – The needles we use in our work are really made of gold. We made sure that the patients of the clinic had the opportunity to choose the model range of gold needles, so you can choose the optimal configuration for yourself. “

And one more important point: the golden needle of Mariyat Mukhina does not cause complicationsth.

“This method of losing weight is the safest of all those existing today. No diet combined with physical activity will allow you to achieve a quick weight loss effect. In the clinic “ORIGITEA” you will be provided with the opportunity to easily lose excess weight. We provide comprehensive support for patients who are interested in losing weight and not returning to it anymore. The proposed weight loss program according to the author’s program of Mariyat Mukhina will allow you to become slimmer, younger and feel more confident, ”the doctors convince.

But what is the secret of the unique technique of the golden needle? Why is it so effective? More on that on the next page.

How does the gold needle work?

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is a method of treatment in which special needles are inserted into certain points and areas of acupuncture on the surface of the human body.

Human health depends on the harmony of his inner world. An important part of this harmony is the chi point, the life force point. Acupuncture helps restore vitality and brings physical and mental health to the patient.

Acupuncture can heal many ailments. It is used for heart disease, osteochondrosis, for the correction of metabolism. With its help, you can strengthen bones, get rid of excess weight, migraines. After completing the procedure, you can easily quit smoking, stop abusing alcohol. Acupuncture very effectively fights stress, the whole body is charged with health, strength and internal energy awaken.

“Trust your health to technologies that have been tested for centuries and are relevant to this day,” advise the specialists of the ORIGITEA clinic and offer a whole range of effective procedures.

1. Auricular acupuncture system

Reduces appetite and cravings for sweets, normalizes the diet. To do this, the doctor acts on the points of “hunger and thirst”, which are located in the tragus of the auricle.

2. Corporate acupuncture system

Allows you to tighten the skin, that is, to prevent sagging due to stretching of excess adipose tissue. Indeed, for all losing weight patients, it is very important not only to reduce body weight, but also to get rid of ugly skin folds, which, accompanying the process of losing weight, do not give aesthetics to a thinned body and negate all the desire to become healthy and acquire the right eating habits. An important advantage of Mukhina’s author’s program is the improvement of the figure, since the corporal technique invented by her makes it possible to carry out figure correction even in cases where there is no need to reduce body weight.

3. Acupuncture lifting

A medical procedure, aimed primarily at improving the general condition of the body, through the action of thin needles in acupuncture points located in places where nerve endings, vessels and problem areas of the body accumulate. It is based on the reaction of the skin, facial muscles and the human nervous system to reflexogenic effects.

The positive effect is expressed in:

  • increased skin turgor;
  • improving elasticity;
  • achieving a lifting effect;
  • normalization of the endocrine, digestive, nervous systems of the body;
  • elimination of the syndrome of subclinical depression and chronic fatigue.

Acupuncture lifting can remove problems such as fine wrinkles, folds on the body, under-eye circles and a double chin in just a few sessions. For several years, the nasolabial and glabellar folds will leave you. And to achieve the best result, increase the tone of the body, our patients visit a massage therapist. The doctor-massage therapist of the ORIGITEA clinic has a wide range of massage techniques and will select the best massage course for you individually.

4. Lipolytic massage

Aimed at body shaping, reduction of local fat deposits. In women, they are most often formed in the breeches (buttocks, thighs) and lower abdomen (apron).

5. Liposculpture massage

Provides a lymphatic drainage effect precisely in problem areas prone to uneven deposition of fatty masses and the appearance of cellulite. Activation of microcirculation gives a lasting lifting effect. At the same time, close attention is paid to the selective effect on certain zones, the strength and technique of which vary, which doubles the effectiveness of liposculpture massage compared to the classical one. The masseur models an individual silhouette for each specific client.

If you want to lose weight quickly and safely – come to the ORIGITEA clinic!

Weight loss and correction are issues of concern to many. Overweight is the cause of dangerous diseases: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, problems with the spine and joints, the inability to experience the joy of motherhood.

The specialists of the ORIGITEA clinic will help you lose weight, rejuvenate your face and body skin. A team of doctors will work for you: therapist, nutritionist, acupuncturist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, osteopath.

The main goal of the clinic is to take maximum care of the health of our patients, to improve and rejuvenate the body, to orient people towards active longevity.

Achievements of patients of the St. Petersburg clinic “ORIGITEA”:

  • decrease in body weight;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • reducing the load on the joints;
  • increased vitality.

Come to the clinic of beauty and weight loss “ORIGITEA”, where you will be helped to lose weight safely and effectively!

Highly qualified doctors and specialists of the clinic are waiting for you at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Frunze, 16 (metro Park Pobedy, Moskovskaya).

Phone for recording: 8 (812) 607-44-33, 607-44-34.

ATTENTION: Throughout March, every Wednesday in the clinic “ORIGITEA” there is a 10% discount on an appointment with an acupuncturist!

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