
With its appearance, the muer weakly resembles the mushrooms we are used to. But still it is a mushroom, besides with very unusual names. It was in the East that he was called muer, and outside his homeland they came up with the most unusual names: from “tree eye” to “Judas ear”. But more often in different countries it is called a tree or Chinese mushroom.

What is muer

There is a legend that the first tree mushrooms appeared on the very tree on which Judas, who betrayed Jesus, hanged himself. When people saw that this unusual mushroom resembles an ear in its shape, they “christened” it the ear of Judas. In the scientific community, this organism is known under the Latin name Auricularia auricula, that is, ear-shaped auricularia.

Initially, only residents of China and Japan used muer as a food product. But with the growing popularity of oriental cuisine, the fact that tree mushrooms can be eaten has become known all over the world. And not just learned, but included in their diets. Although auricularia is a traditional product of oriental cuisine, it is also not alien to us. On the territory of Russia, these mushrooms are quite common, but few dare to collect them. But gourmets boldly buy the product in stores with oriental spices.

Auricularia bear little resemblance to traditional mushrooms. Their wrinkled caps rarely exceed 10 cm in diameter, and their thickness is usually no more than 5 mm. The jelly-like pulp of a fresh mushroom is almost odorless. With age, the muer can change color: from purple (at an early stage of development) to brown with a purple tint (at an “advanced” age). You can also determine the age of tree ears by texture: the older the body, the denser, rougher it is, and some even become cartilaginous. Muer rarely grows alone. Tree ears love to settle on deciduous (sometimes coniferous) trees in whole colonies. Their favorite trees are elder and alder. But this is ours. And the Chinese, apparently, do not have enough wild-growing ears, therefore, in this country, beloved mushrooms have long been specially grown (on various wood substitutes and straw).

Nutritional characteristics and chemical composition

Muer mushrooms are a very nutritious product. They contain an impressive amount of proteins, amino acids, healthy carbohydrates, but at the same time contain almost no fat. Hence such a low calorie content: a little more than 30 kcal per 100 g. This delicacy contains B vitamins, among which the most vitamin B5, vitamin C and many minerals important for maintaining health. It is interesting that the reserves of iron, phosphorus and calcium in tree ears are almost 2 times higher than the concentration of these substances in meat. Due to their rich phosphorus content, tree mushrooms are considered a substitute for fish in a vegan diet.

Useful Properties

Since ancient times, auricularia has been known in the East as a natural remedy, and today muer is used by fungotherapists all over the world.

The benefits of these organisms for the circulatory system are known. In particular, muer belongs to the products that prevent the excessive formation of platelets. Researchers studying this ability of the fungus compared it with the drug heparin, used in medicine to thin the blood.

Modern scientific research confirms that tree ears have the ability to lower cholesterol, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and prevent the growth of malignant tumors. In addition, scientists have found scientific confirmation that these unusual mushrooms are able to regulate the acidity of the stomach, treat inflammation and irritation on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. This product is useful for people with dysbacteriosis, gastritis, enterocolitis or chronic diarrhea. By the way, the last point of many can be pretty surprising: they say, what kind of mushrooms with diarrhea! In fact, the astringent effect of tree ears has already been proven in the laboratory. Diarrhea can be cured not only fresh, but also dried and powdered muer, which in a small amount can be added to other dishes that are more familiar to the patient.

Despite the very unusual appearance, the tree ear has something in common with, for example, porcini mushrooms. This is the presence in their composition of a large amount of fiber and chitin (chitosan). And this is another reason why muer is good for the digestive system. Fiber and chitosan are able to absorb toxic substances and remove them from the body like all known activated charcoal.

Thanks to this ability, muer can be useful in case of poisoning.

In addition to the benefits already listed, Chinese mushrooms have the properties of a natural antibiotic, are a natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. These mushrooms are useful for edema, as they contribute to the removal of fluid from the body.

The unique chemical composition of abalone makes them powerful natural antioxidants. Therefore, mushrooms are useful as a product with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is believed that muer helps slow down the aging process in the body.

Tree fungus has beneficial properties for the lungs, and therefore Chinese doctors advise smokers to include this product in their diet as often as possible. Muera contains some reserves of iodine, which is the main mineral for the thyroid gland. Combining algae with tree mushrooms can be an excellent remedy for treating or preventing iodine deficiency.

Use in alternative medicine

In Chinese medicine, muer is known as a cure for anemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones and gallbladder. For the treatment of seasonal colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, Chinese healers from ancient times used a milky decoction of abalones, and to combat edema, they used the most ordinary rice, cooked without salt, but with the addition of dried abalones.

But do not think that the healing properties of this amazing product were known only in ancient China. The Eastern Slavs also respected the healing abilities of tree mushrooms. They applied mushrooms to swellings, muer remedies were used to treat inflammation in the throat, as well as for the so-called angina pectoris.

Dangerous properties of muer

It is better to exclude these exotic mushrooms from your diet for nursing mothers and women planning to become mothers soon. In addition, tree ears are prohibited not only for pregnant women, but also at the stage of planning a child. This product is not suitable for people suffering from allergies, dermatitis and eczema. Tree ears (or rather, absolutely all mushrooms) are strictly prohibited for people with liver diseases. With caution, Chinese mushrooms should be treated by people with increased secretion of the thyroid gland, since the muer even more activates the thyroid gland. People with diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute period, this product is also prohibited (coarse fiber contributes to even greater irritation of the mucous membranes). In scientific circles, there is no unequivocal opinion about the introduction of muer into the diet of people with cholecystitis or other diseases of the gallbladder. Experts of the classical school of cardiology do not advise people with heart disease to be overly fond of mushrooms, since excess fiber intake can in some cases be dangerous for them (increases pressure in the abdominal cavity, and this can affect blood pressure). You can not give this product to children under 14 years of age, since their bodies are not yet able to digest chitin, which is abundant in muer.

Tree mushrooms in cooking

Muer is a famous delicacy of Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai cuisine. In Japan, this unusual product, prepared with tiger lily buds, has been the main feature of imperial receptions for centuries. In our stores, muer, if it appears, is already dried, when it resembles charred paper, but it tastes sweet with a slight smell of smoke. Tree ears can also be used in dried form, if ground into a powder and added to soups and other dishes as a condiment. And you can soak tree ears.

If mushrooms should become a separate dish, then before using them, you will definitely have to fill them with water and leave for at least half an hour. The structure of these organisms allows them to absorb moisture very quickly and in large quantities. After 2 hours, the dried muer will increase in volume by almost 10 times. Some gourmets advise changing the water in which the mushrooms get wet several times. In addition, each time alternate cold and warm liquid, after which the product is sent for a day in the refrigerator (of course, in water).

After the mushroom reaches its original size, you can start cooking. Soaked tree ears can be kept in liquid in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. But it would be more correct to prepare the product immediately.

Like most forest mushrooms, muer requires a long heat treatment. To make the product soft and fully cooked, boil it for at least 2 hours, and already boiled ears can be added to soups, salads and other dishes. Pre-boiled mushrooms can be fried, stewed, added to cold snacks, and whole ones can be stuffed. Pickled muer is very popular in oriental cuisine. If the boiled ears are cut into strips, they can be added to the broth instead of noodles. In Korea, muer is fried in olive oil with red pepper and cilantro.

Due to their almost neutral taste, these mushrooms go well with different food groups. For example, if you add fried onions, chicken fillet, ginger, garlic and a little soy sauce to tree ears and stew everything together for 10 minutes, you get a dish that any gourmet will appreciate. Muer goes well with meat, boiled rice and potatoes. The well-known funchose salad is also prepared using tree mushrooms.

Some argue that soaked muer is more like seafood than mushrooms. But whoever and whatever sees in the unusual form of the Chinese mushroom, its beneficial properties do not change from this. In different countries, this product is called differently, but in almost any of them this useful exotic is highly valued.

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