Mudra (ya) yoga of the fingers

The similarity in the sound of the Sanskrit “mudra” and the Russian “wisdom” can hardly be called an accident. In our hands lies the power of intuitive knowledge, the key to the harmony of soul and body.

Mudras are called certain positions of the fingers. For yogis, they mean the creation of some kind of energy configuration that allows you to influence the soul and body. They relieve stress, remove toxins, relieve pain and tension, improve the functioning of various organs, increase the overall tone and defenses of the body, help to find peace, concentration and unity with the outside world.

Where did the mudras come from

Mudras came from the depths of millennia, from the pre-Aryan period of Indian history. Hindus believe that these movements were transmitted to people by Shiva, one of the three supreme gods of the Hindu pantheon, through his dance – he is called the “World-Creating Power of Cosmic Dance.” Ritual mudra gestures were used in temple dances – these characteristic hand movements can be seen in Indian cinema.

All gestures are associated with internal and external energy processes that obey the universal laws of nature.

“From Hinduism mudras came to Buddhism,” says yoga teacher Elena Ulmasbayeva. – Nine basic mudras, called Buddha mudras, were used to denote different stages of meditation. Then they became one of the elements of Buddhist iconography – each position of the hands in the image of the Buddha carried a certain symbolism.

Many of these movements are universal, because the hands are a tool for interacting with the world, and gestures are one of the ways of non-verbal communication. Similarities of these ritual gestures can be found in different cultures: for example, the OK sign is similar to the Knowledge mudra. This is explained by the fact that all our gestures are connected with internal and external energy processes that obey the universal laws of nature.

Way of influencing the soul and consciousness

Elena Ulmasbayeva, director of the Iyengar Yoga Center: “If a person begins to perform mudras in a state of tension, anxiety, stress, his attention is switched, and the tension gradually disappears. In general, the effect of exposure can be considered at several levels.

If we accept the idea that a person is not just a physical body, but a kind of energy substance that is inextricably linked with the subtle structures of the external world, then we can say that by practicing mudras, we close certain energy channels. Thus, we interact with the world of which we are a part, restore harmony with it.

From the point of view of Ayurveda or traditional Chinese medicine, we work with certain acupuncture points located on the palms and fingers. Finally, from the point of view of yoga, mudra is one of the ways to work with the body, and through it we influence our soul and consciousness. This is a scientifically proven idea: the development of fine motor skills of the fingers affects the development of the brain, which is widely used in pediatrics. It seems to me that it makes sense to teach mudra to children – in the form of a game. These developmental exercises strengthen the connection with the body and will only bring benefits.

Practice in any conditions

Mudras are easy to perform and can become a regular practice. This is one of the few ways to practice yoga on your own, in almost any conditions – which is optimal for people who always do not have enough time. Exercises can be performed in any convenient position: sitting, standing, lying down. Hands should be kept at chest level.

“Some mudras can be practiced in any life situations when there are a few free minutes, for example, on the beach or taking a bath, or when a person finds himself in a stressful situation, for example, in traffic jams,” says hatha yoga teacher Alexander Skoptsov. “In such cases, you can keep your hands on your knees or along the body – as it will be convenient for you.”

First you need to align your breathing: exhalation should be longer than inhalation (for example, inhalation – by three counts, exhalation – by five). Then you can begin to perform mudras with both hands, without tension, gently pressing on the pads of your fingers and breathing measuredly through your nose.

You can enhance the effect of mudras with the help of breathing exercises, attitudes, visualization, herbs, nutrition, music and color.

If you want to deal with a specific problem, then you can choose 2-3 appropriate exercises. They should be done daily three times a day – each mudra for 2-5 minutes. According to Gertrude Hershey, renowned yoga instructor and author of Mudras. Yoga in your hands”, the effect in acute conditions can be observed after 1-3 days, and in chronic diseases – after a few weeks.

There is another system: perform 3-4 mudras daily twice a day – in order to recharge your batteries in the morning and relax in the evening. Thanks to this set of simple exercises, you can always be in shape. They can be performed while sitting in the lotus position, combined with balance asanas, or combined with meditation. There are ways to enhance the effect of mudras – through breathing exercises, attitudes, visualization, herbs, nutrition, music and color.

Wisdom of knowledge

One of the most important configurations. The complex is recommended to start with it.

Indications: emotional tension, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy or depression. Improves brain function, activates memory, promotes concentration.

Performance: the index finger connects easily to the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened, but not tense.

Wise of life

Indications: a state of rapid fatigue, lack of strength, stress. The implementation of this mudra helps to strengthen vitality, increases efficiency, gives energy and improves well-being.

Performance: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the rest are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra of health

Indications: It is used for preventive purposes and as an additional remedy for various diseases.

Performance: connect the tips of the thumbs; connect the tips of the little fingers. Bend the ring fingers of both hands and point them inward. Place the index finger of the left hand between the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. Straighten the index finger of the right hand.

Mudra of energy

Indications: to relieve pain, remove toxins from the body.

Mudra helps to determine desires, to concentrate on a visual image. Essential for planning for the future.

Performance: we connect the pads of the middle, ring and thumb together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened.

Ambulance: life-saving mudra

Indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the heart, myocardial infarction. Under these conditions, it is necessary to immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief comes immediately, it is believed that it acts like nitroglycerin, if suddenly it is not at hand.

Performance: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, we fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with pads, the little finger remains straightened.

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