Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan

Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: slow digestion, gastric hypoacidity, chronic hepatitis, chronic gastritis.

In Chinese energy, this formula is used to disperse food and energy stagnation from the Liver.

Associated symptoms : epigastric and abdominal distension, slow digestion, bad breath, irregular stools, belching, bloating, decreased appetite.


As this formula comes in different forms and concentrations, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. This product can be used long term.


Several people complain of slow digestion, slow liver. Modern life is difficult to digest: a meal taken on the sly or skipped, compensated by eating too abundant and too rich in the evening. This exhausts the digestive system and causes the accumulation of poorly digested food leading to bloating, pain and discomfort.

Digestion is an essential function for the life of the human being. Digestive functions can be disrupted in two main situations: Deficiency of Energy in the digestive system and Fullness caused by food stagnation. Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan owes its effectiveness to its harmonizing action. This formula tones the digestive system and disperses food stagnation by increasing peristalsis and gastric secretion. Its harmonizing action makes it very safe. Can be used long term and for a wide variety of digestive issues.


This formula is cited in the volume Shen Shi Zun Sheng Shu (Book for the respect of life), written by Shen Jin Ao in 1773.


  • Digestion problems associated with gastric hyperacidity: acid regurgitation, heartburn, stomach ulcers.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Mu Xiang

Radix auklandiae lappae (brined root orAuklandia)

Mobilizes and regulates Energy, stimulates the Spleen.

Yi Zhi Ren

Fruit Alpinia oxyphylla (black cardamom fruit)

Warms the Spleen and disperses the Cold, warms the Kidneys and preserves the Essence.

Cang Zhu

Rhizoma atractylodis (Atractylode rhizome prepared).

Dries up Moisture, tones the Spleen, drives out Wind Moisture.

Sheng Jiang

Rhizoma zingiberis officinalis (dried ginger)

Harmonizes the average hearth, stops nausea and vomiting.

Qing Pi

Green pods citrus reticulata (immature tangerine skin)

Drains the Liver and breaks up the Clusters, reduces stagnation.

Chen Pi

Pericarpium citri reticulatae (tangerine skin)

Circulates Energy, Tones Spleen, Dries Moisture.

Fu Ling

Sclerotium poriae cocos (filamentous fungus)

Drains Moisture, tones the Spleen, diuretic.

Chai Hu

Radix bupleuri (buplévre root)

Harmonizes, releases and disperses Heat, unties Liver Energy, raises Yang Energy.

Hou Po

Cortex magnolia officinalis (magnolia bark)

Circulates Energy, Dries Up Moisture, Dissolves Clusters.

Bing Lang

Semen arecae catechu (areca seeds)

Circulates Energy, dissolves stagnation, kills intestinal parasites.

Zhi Ke

Orange citrus fruit (bitter orange)

Mobilizes Energy, reduces stagnation.

Wu Yao

Radix lindera (Chinese allspice root

Circulates Energy, stops pain, warms the Kidneys.

Lai Fu Zi

Semen raphani sativi (radish seed)

Promotes digestion, transforms clusters of food, lowers energy.

Shan Zha

fruit crataegi (hawthorn fruit)

Promotes digestion, transforms clusters of food, invigorates the blood.

On the shelves

The products of the following companies meet the good manufacturing practices ofAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of Chinese Pharmacopoeia products.


  • Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan. Mark : Minshan, made by Lanzou Foci Herb Factory, Lanzhou, China.


  • Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan. Mark : Tanglong, manufactured by Gansu Medicines & Health Products Import and Export Corporation, Lanzhou, China.

Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine equipment.

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