Mrs. Janina died and then came back to life in the morgue. This is Lazarus syndrome

When 91-year-old Janina Kołkiewicz from Ostrów Lubelski stopped showing signs of life, the family called an experienced doctor. After examination, she was pronounced dead. The woman was taken to the morgue, where a medical miracle happened – when the undertaker opened the bag after a few hours, it turned out that the old woman was alive. Interestingly, there is no question of a medical error.

  1. Technically, Mrs. Janina was dead for several hours. Her circulation stopped
  2. Medicine knows cases of such returns to the living. It happens that people “resurrect” after a few hours
  3. Lazarus syndrome most often occurs after unsuccessful CPR
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Janina Kołkiewicz dies. After a few hours, it comes back to life

Ms Janina from Ostrów Lubelski near Lublin in 2014 was a sick 91-year-old girl. The woman had atherosclerosis, “Wyborcza” described her as a “little contact” person, which may also indicate, for example, senile dementia. In the morning of November 6, 2014, Tadeusz Kołkiewicz went to his advanced aunt’s room to check if she was okay. A disturbing silence alerted him. It turned out that Ms Janina does not look like she has fainted this time (which has happened to her before), but she left this world.

An experienced doctor, Wiesława C., was summoned to the site. At that moment, she had been working in the profession for 28 years, so when she found the patient dead, one could be sure that it was not a malpractice. The 91-year-old had no pulse, the pupils did not respond to light, and the post-mortem concentration was also starting. The cause of death was entered on the death certificate: cardiopulmonary syndrome, and Ms Janina’s body was taken to the morgue.

  1. Also check: She was “dead” for several hours. How was it possible to save her?

Here, however, the story of Ms Janina’s life does not end at all, but even … begins anew. A dozen or so hours after death, when the undertaker opened the bag with the corpse, it turned out that the old woman was moving her eyes and even her hand. The doctor summoned to the scene examined Ms Janina and decided that she was, of course, alive. After observation, she also concluded that there was no need to take the patient to the hospital. So she was taken home, and the very next day, as if nothing had happened, she ate breakfast. When asked if she remembers where she was, she replies: “I haven’t been anywhere”.

Lazarus syndrome. Dozens of such cases have already been described

Although in 2014 Ms. Janina was written about not only by Polish but also foreign media, in fact she was not one of a kind. In 2014, a 78-year-old man from the Mississippi state was also “risen”. In 2001, a 66-year-old with a ruptured aneurysm suffered a cardiac arrest during surgery, and a 17-minute resuscitation did not bring any results. 10 minutes later it turned out that the patient was alive and the operation could be continued.

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In 2007, a report appeared in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, which showed that since 1982 there have been many more cases of “resurrection” among patients. 25 similar cases have been reported in the literature over the past 38 years, and the researchers say this is an underestimated number.

The vast majority of return from beyond the grave (82%) occurred within 10 minutes of cessation of resuscitation in a patient whose circulation had stopped. Moreover, 45 percent. the patients had no major neurological problems after the “incident”.

What is Lazarus syndrome?

The case of Ms Janina from Ostrów Lubelski was classified as the so-called Lazarus syndrome. The name comes from the biblical parable of a man who, four days after his death, was “made alive” by Jesus. Scientists to this day are not sure why such events occur. Especially in cases similar to the story of a 91-year-old Polish woman.

Unexpected “resurrection” most often occurs as a result of unsuccessful resuscitation, and here scientists have several theories as to why circulation in the dead does return. First, it may be a mistake, i.e. an incorrect death certificate. Such situations occur sporadically in connection with hypothermia, i.e. when the patient is so cold that his vital functions drastically slow down. Then it is actually hard to hear your heartbeat.

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But there are other explanations for Lazarus syndrome, such as a delayed response to medications administered during resuscitation (including adrenaline). Circulation may not return until several minutes after the heart massage, also as a result of too much pressure in the chest or from elevated levels of potassium in the blood. When the medics stop CPR, the body returns to normal and the heart starts working again.

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