Mrs. Beata from Świecie woke up during the operation. She was traumatized

“I felt like I was locked in a coffin” – Beata recalls in an interview with TVN 24. The woman was operated on for 30 minutes in full consciousness, but she could not move and let the doctors know that she felt everything. Years later, the court issued a judgment in this case. For the first time in Poland, a hospital will have to pay for intraoperative awakening.

  1. There has not been such a verdict in Poland yet: the court ordered the hospital in Świecie to pay Ms. Beata Szulz PLN 200. zloty
  2. In 2014, the woman woke up on the operating table. She felt everything her doctors did
  3. Such cases have happened in our country before. The court ruling opens the door for patients to seek redress
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

200 thousand PLN compensation for intraoperative awakening. The first such punishment in Poland

Although the cases of intraoperative recovery each year occur on average 1000 people worldwide, in Poland a court has so far never handed down a conviction in a similar case.

However, the story of Beata Szulz from Świecie turned out to be credible enough for the experts to conclude that there was a medical error – the anaesthesiologist participating in the operation was to give the patient an insufficient amount of a measure that disables consciousness. Therefore, Ms Beata, although she could not move, felt everything that the doctors were doing with her body for 30 minutes on the operating table.

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The court estimated the patient’s suffering at 200. zloty. The sentence may become a gateway for other Poles who have experienced intraoperative awakening as a result of malpractice.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Mrs. Beata woke up during the operation. She couldn’t move, every seam counted

Beata Szulz, a math teacher from Świecie, received muscle relaxants and gas to deprive her of consciousness. The patient was supposed to sleep through the entire operation under anesthesia. However, this did not happen. The woman, lying on the table, regained consciousness and was well aware of her position. She also felt every incision made with a scalpel or insertion of a needle while suturing the wound. At the same time, Beata could not do anything. The muscle relaxants prevented her from opening her eyes or moving her body to let the staff know she was feeling everything.

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Beata’s nightmare lasted for about 30 minutes.

– I lived hell on earth, counting all the stitches, every needle passing through the skin. It took about half an hour – said Beata in an interview with TVN 24 shortly after this event. Through my closed lids, I saw the doctor sew my body together. Finally, I heard: “You can wake up”.

The patient described her experiences in a very vivid way.

– I felt like I was locked in a coffin. Just. And it was terrifying to me. My first thought was whether I was alive at all, because it is terribly dark inside a person.

The anesthesiologist made a mistake. During the operation, she saw a hand move

Za znieczulenie pani Beaty odpowiadała anestezjolożka pracująca w szpitalu w Świeciu. Kobieta na sali sądowej zeznała, że zauważyła ruch ręki pacjentki, jednak postanowiła zignorować ten gest.

– She said that she was in a hurry, that she wrote her pen, that she went to the toilet, and all this happened during this operation – said lawyer Aneta Naworska.

When Ms. Beata regained control of her body, she notified the staff that she was aware the whole time. The medics did not believe her. One of the doctors said: “What are you also talking about?”. However, Beata remembered in detail what was discussed in the operating theater. As she quoted the nurses’ discussion about the entries in their children’s diary, it became clear that the woman was telling the truth.

Soon after the incident, a comment by the president of the hospital in Świecie appeared in the media.

– The human organism is such a complex mechanism that it is impossible to predict how it will react under given circumstances. Each procedure carries the risk of undesirable phenomena – said Tomasz Ławrynowicz. – The patient did not report any charges against the hospital. We’d like to explain everything exactly, so we asked her to meet us, but she declined.

The information that the hospital tried to come to an agreement with Ms Beata is firmly denied by attorney Aneta Naworska, the patient’s legal representative.

– The president of the hospital spoke to me at my express request and all suggestions on our part that we could reach an agreement were ignored, and the hospital never apologized to Beata and stubbornly insisted that there was no awakening, said attorney Naworska in the interview with Medonet.

It is not known whether the anaesthesiologist was dismissed from work or whether she was punished in some way.

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