MPV – blood count index. Indications for testing, standards, interpretation of results

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MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) is one of many blood count factors. This test gives us knowledge about the size of thrombocytes, i.e. platelets, produced by the bone marrow. It allows you to recognize thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenia.

MPV study is one of the standard general examinations that should be performed once a year. It’s worth doing them too For example, when we notice blood in our stools or notice an unusually heavy menstruation, we suffer from frequent nosebleeds or we are prone to hematomas and bruises. Normal MPV result to 9–14 fl. MPV standards may vary slightly depending on the laboratory where the blood is tested. Our age, diet and physical activity also have a great influence on this parameter.

For the study morphology we should also prepare ourselves accordingly. It is best to take the sample in the morning on an empty stomach, when the supper on the day before the test was light, consumed at least 8 hours before the visit to the laboratory. Excessive physical activity, diarrhea, vomiting and menstruation can fake the result.

Lowered MPV

Thrombocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia, is a decrease in the number of platelets produced and is associated with a congenital disease only in a few cases. The most common reason for this decrease is the reduced production of thrombocytes or their increased consumption. Lowered MPVwell below normal range, may indicate a disturbance or loss of bone marrow. The decrease in the volume of thrombocytes also accompanies uremia, leukemia and antibiotic therapy, or simply reveals deficiencies in B vitamins and folic acid, which is necessary for the production of platelets.

Elevated MPV

Increased production of thrombocytes may be a consequence of acute inflammations, operations and injuries. Increased MPV score it is also noticed when the body is deficient in iron. It can also be a symptom of a neoplastic disease, usually associated with chronic leukemia.

Interpretation of MPV results

MPV indicator it is helpful in the diagnosis of many diseases of the platelet system, however, it must be remembered that it is not a specific criterion for analyzing the patient’s health condition. It should be interpreted together with other parameters, such as P-LCR (percentage of larger platelets), PLT (thrombocyte count) or PDW (it indicates the number of platelets that are abnormal in volume). When MPV as the only one in the results morphology deviating from the norm, usually not a cause for concern.

Any deviation from the norm should be discussed with your doctor instead of interpreting yourself. You can do this through the haloDoctor platform. Register and then choose a convenient e-visit date.

MPV morphology – pregnancy

In women Pregnant Results morphology blood levels may be abnormal and is not unusual. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes increases and the hemoglobin value decreases due to iron deficiency. Analysis of the results morphology blood should be done by the doctor in charge of the pregnancy and, if necessary, he / she may recommend the indicated supplements.

Regular testing during pregnancy is very important both for the health of the future mother and the baby. You can sign up for a home blood donation at Medonet Market.

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