MP Piekarska has breast cancer. He accuses the Ministry of Health of taking away free examinations from women

KO deputy Katarzyna Piekarska admitted publicly that two weeks ago she was diagnosed with a malignant breast cancer. The Ministry of Health criticized that it withdrew from an important preventive program in breast cancer. The ministry denies “disseminated false information”.

  1. Do you care about women’s lives? Back off this, and quickly! – with these words, the MP criticized the decision of the Ministry of Health to withdraw from the program of free prophylactic examinations for women at risk
  2. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski replied that the program was “redefined”, but this was not a limitation in access to research
  3. In addition, the health ministry denied on Twitter “widely disseminated false information about the end of the preventive program in breast cancer diseases”
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The KO deputy criticizes the ministry

The MP Katarzyna Piekarska said on Twitter that two weeks ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She added that as a sick person she did not understand why the Ministry of Health withdrew from the free prophylaxis program. It included women particularly exposed to this type of cancer.

The rest of the article below the video material.

The MP added the material of TVN’s “Fakty” to her entry. The quoted doctor Małgorzata Stawicka-Niełatna, a specialist in the field of laboratory medical genetics from the Department of Clinical Genetics and Pathomorphology of the University of Zielona Góra explains:

The program was created for this and it was carried out for so many years to ensure a certain systematic, constant and safe care for such a risk group as carriers of mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes

The KO MP herself added in an interview for the «Fakt» newspaper:

I have the impression that someone is just stupid. Because if early detection and early prophylaxis can save someone’s life, it must be done. Best to say, “Sorry, we made a mistake” and restore funding for this research. Because a lot of people because they won’t be free, they just won’t go. This may mean that they will go too late and it will be too late to save their lives

The ministry denies “false information”

The Ministry of Health denied on Twitter “disseminated false information about the end of the preventive program in oncological diseases of the breast.” It also ensured that the program is working and, in addition, there will be more money for it at the beginning of September.

The information provided by “Fakty” was also referred to on Friday by the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, who noted that the program had been “redefined”. He added that “it is not a limitation”.

“In recent years, we have been carrying out a lot of genetic tests, first of all we have increased the panel of genetic tests, which is verified at birth, including for the detection of SMA” – said the head of the Ministry of Health on Friday.

As part of the long-term program National Oncology Strategy (NSO), the “Program of care for families of high, hereditary risk of developing malignant neoplasms” has been implemented in Poland for several years. It was to apply until the end of 2021. Its operation was extended until August 2022. According to prof. Jan Lubiński, the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund are updating the formula of the program.

We will certainly follow the further fate of this topic. We will inform MedTvoiLokony readers when decisions are made regarding financing.

Deputy about the diagnosis – “my legs buckled under me”

The deputy described the details of the diagnosis in an interview with the Fakt newspaper. She performed a prophylactic examination in a mammobus. It has neglected them because of the pandemic. Before that, she tried to do research every year. This time a tumor was detected in the study. As she herself admitted when she saw the result, “her legs buckled under her”. In an interview, she noted the importance of such research:

(…) prevention is a really important matter. Because if it weren’t for the mammography I did, this tumor would not be palpable until about six months, that is, when it would be quite large. Given his position, I wouldn’t have felt him myself

Breast cancer in statistics

Neoplastic diseases are the second most common cause of death among Poles. Annually, nearly 100 die from cancer. people, which means that almost 300 people die every day because of this.

However, according to OECD data, the mortality rate from breast cancer per 100 women in Poland increased to 41,8 (forecast) in 2020 from 32,1 in 2015.

Breast cancer diagnosis – three important tests

The following tests are helpful in detecting breast cancer: breast ultrasound and mammography. However, the simplest method that gives the earliest chance of detecting changes is breast self-examination. Unfortunately, the Polish National Health Test 2022 shows that only 28% of breasts are regularly examined, i.e. at least once a month. women (2 percentage points more than in 2020). Every fourth woman in Poland has never performed such a test.

Breast self-examination is a careful examination of the breasts in order to detect any changes. The test should be performed regularly once a month, a few days after the end of your period.

You want to assess the risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast, ovarian and liver cancer. Laboratory oncological prophylaxis for women is available at Medonet Market. Order today.

When it comes to mammography, 36% have done it in the last two years. women aged 45-54 and 63 percent. (5 percentage points less than in 2020) of women aged 55-64.

Mammography is an X-ray examination. Every woman aged 50-69 can have this test every two years free of charge as part of the preventive screening program. Mammography allows you to detect 90-95 percent early. neoplastic changes, and in the early stages of development, any neoplasm can be completely curable.

The second important test in the prevention of breast cancer is breast ultrasound. Despite the fact that it is recommended from the age of 30, once a year, unfortunately not many Polish women do it. In the last year, it was only 19 percent. As much as 40 percent. she has never done this test in her life, even though it is recommended once a year from the age of 30.

The National Health Test of Poles is the largest health survey on the Polish Internet (according to available data). In 2020, 401 people took part in it, and in 195 – 2021 people.

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