For a long time in Poland there is a proverb: “a healthy mind in a healthy body!”. This is not without reason, physical activity affecting the body also makes itself felt in matters of the spirit. Our well-being improves, our resistance to stress improves, we become happier thanks to the movement. We just have to discover it! Here are 8 health-promoting effects of healthy movement and physical activity!
How does movement affect our health? 8 curiosities!
- Movement is an effective way to longevity. Daily physical activity is of great importance for maintaining good health and shape at any age!
- Daily physical exercises have a great effect on the psyche. They improve the functioning of people with depression and neuroses. They allow you to focus on your physicality and fatigue, making stress and everyday problems a thing of the past!
- Movement is also a great remedy for all kinds of cardiovascular diseases. With the right exercises, you can easily lower your blood pressure and enjoy your health much longer.
- Of course, exercise is also a way to lose weight. What’s more, exercise performed for a long time allows you to get rid of unnecessary “bad” cholesterol from the body, significantly lowering its level in our body. So sport helps to burn fat, get a dream, beautiful figure, and also has a health-promoting effect on many organs of our body.
- Studies also show that movement has a great effect on menstruating women, reducing pain in the first days of menstruation and counteracting the effects of premenstrual tension. On “these” days, the traffic should be low-intensity, but longer.
- Nutrition and regeneration of the body occur much faster thanks to movement, because it increases blood and lymph circulation. It prevents the formation of many diseases associated with the so-called “sedentary lifestyle”.
- The right amount of physical exercise on a daily basis also prevents any degeneration of the spine. It works well on bones and muscles, also supporting the work of joints. Physical activity also protects against osteoporosis and increases the amount of bone capacity.
- Movement perfectly prevents the formation of cellulite or varicose veins. The only side effect is tired legs, which, however, can be easily treated with products, ointments and creams available in pharmacies.