Movement reduces the risk of cancer. Why? An exciting discovery from England
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A team of researchers from Newcastle University in England says they are the first to discover how exercise reduces cancer risk. “Our results are really exciting as they reveal a newly discovered mechanism,” says one of the study’s authors. What happens to the body after exercise, and what does it have to do with cancer?

  1. After exercise, the body secretes a substance that activates the repair of damaged cells and slows the growth of colon cancer and other cancers
  2. This substance is interleukin 6
  3. Scientists emphasize that it is worth moving regularly at least a little. “Physical activity of any type and length can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, but more is better”
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

A substance that activates the repair of damaged cells

“Earlier research has suggested that more exercise means a lower risk of colon cancer. Our results support these conclusions, ”emphasizes Dr. Sam Orange, one of the authors of the study published in the International Journal of Cancer. In it, researchers point out that they were the first to discover how exercise reduces cancer risk.

They found that after strenuous exercise, the body secretes a substance that activates the repair of damaged cells and slows the growth of colon cancer. Exercise also protects against other cancers. The compound that induces repair processes in cells is interleukin 6 (IL-6).

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“If the exercise is repeated many times a week and over a long period of time, cancer-fighting substances like IL-6 have the potential to affect damaged cells that repair their DNA, and this slows the growth of cancer,” explains the expert.

How exercise reduces cancer risk – scientists have discovered a new mechanism

16 men aged 50 to 80 who were at risk of colorectal cancer because of their lifestyle (they were overweight and not exercising) participated in a study by researchers at Newcastle University. The researchers collected their blood samples before and after the 30-minute moderate exercise session. They did a similar study before and after resting after exercise. As it turned out?

  1. “You will sooner die of a heart attack than of this cancer.” Ewelina, 31, suffers from colorectal cancer

First, scientists detected more interleukin-6 in the blood of unresolved volunteers. Second, they treated colon cancer cells with blood samples. Blood drawn shortly after exercise slowed the growth of cancer cells. Further tests showed that the interleukin limited the extent of DNA damage in these cells, indicating that exercise helps to repair it by protecting it from cancer.

“Our results are really exciting as they reveal a newly understood mechanism underlying how physical activity reduces the risk of colon cancer. This mechanism does not depend on weight loss »- emphasizes Dr. Orange.

«A better understanding of these mechanisms could help to make precise recommendations for preventing cancer through exercise. It can also help develop drugs that mimic some of the effects of exercise »adds the expert.

Movement reduces the risk of cancer. What exercises do scientists propose?

According to the researchers, it is worth moving regularly at least a little. «Physical activity of any type and length can improve health and reduce the risk of colon cancer, but more is better. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle should start moving more often and try to integrate exercise into their daily routine »- says Dr. Orange.

«Importantly, it is not only the risk of colon cancer that can be reduced by living more actively. There are clear links between more exercise and a lower risk of other cancers as well, including breast and endometrial cancer »notes Dr. Adam Odel of York St John University, who did not participate in the study.

Meanwhile, colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers. According to scientists, in Great Britain it constitutes 11 percent. all cancer cases. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world and affects mainly people in developed countries. In Poland, it was fourth among men and fifth among women. Annually in our country it is diagnosed in over 10 thousand. people.

  1. Colon cancer symptoms – how do you recognize them?

Meanwhile, scientists estimate that with the help of exercise, the risk can be reduced by an average of about 20%. They offer exercises in the gym, walking, cycling to work, as well as housework and gardening. In further research, scientists want to find the most effective type of movement.

In the early stages, colon cancer develops without symptoms. That is why regular preventive examinations are so important. One of them is the M2PK mail-order study – diagnostics of colorectal cancer, available on Medonet Market. It is recommended to do them once a year.

PAP / Marek Matacz

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