We should return to the original, holistic perception of ourselves in order to understand: what we consciously do for the good of our body will also benefit the soul.
«В моей семье никто никогда не занимался спортом: мои родители – ученые, и они привыкли считать, что спорт – это глупость и пустая трата времени, – рассказывает 23-летняя Марина. – А я, хоть и понимаю, что физические нагрузки мне просто необходимы, чтобы меньше болеть, все-таки не могу себя заставить». Такое презрение «умных» к физкультуре и вообще любой работе над собственным физическим состоянием отражает присущий нашему сознанию дуализм: словно у материального тела и нематериальной души существует конфликт интересов. В поколении Марины отношение к своему телу, казалось бы, изменилось: сегодня занятия фитнесом становятся частью имиджа, атрибутом высокого социального статуса. Да и классический бодибилдинг («строительство тела») вытесняют более гармоничные занятия в духе body&mind: йога, тайчи, пилатес. Современный человек не подвергает сомнению факт, что физические упражнения полезны для здоровья. Но – наука доказывает – тренировка тела улучшает и наше психическое состояние.
One and indivisible
Man is a holistic being: the bodily and spiritual are combined in each of us, and the neglect of one in favor of the other leads to a variety of somatic and mental illnesses. When negative experiences do not find a way out, they manifest themselves in different bodily states – a person has problems with the stomach, heart or skin … “That is why in the process of psychotherapy we help patients relieve emotional stress, primarily with the help of various techniques for working with the body,” says Gestalt therapist Olga Dolgopolova. – Let’s say we successfully solve some problem by analyzing it or emotionally living it; but, if the tension caused by it in the body does not go away, the body again gives a signal to the person with the help of various uncomfortable sensations. Cramps, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach – and we have a new reason to worry. There is a vicious circle.
Placebo effect
Fitness classes have a kind of “placebo effect”: we begin to feel better regardless of whether there were objectively observable changes in our body (for example, changes in blood pressure, proportion of muscle mass, blood sugar). The realization that we are exercising can change our perception of our own body and convince us that it has become more beautiful, more flexible or leaner. Even those who, for example, failed to lose weight through exercise, still begin to perceive their figure less critically, say psychologists Heather Hausenblas and Anna Campbell from the University of Florida (USA) *. Their analysis of 57 published studies on exercise and health showed that physical activity increased self-esteem, regardless of the actual effect of exercise, and even those who exercise only once a week, on a day off, acquire a more positive attitude towards their body. .
The process itself is important
“Results, indicators are really not that important,” agrees psychologist Guzal Loginova, a specialist in dance movement therapy. – We tend to attach too much importance to them due to upbringing and social attitudes. Let’s remember how champions are prepared: the most severe training, iron discipline. But our health does not directly depend on physical parameters. “A sports model of health, in which efforts are aimed at achieving results, and motivation is built on competition, is just one of the ways to maintain an optimal state of the body,” agrees body-oriented psychotherapist Vasily Semichastnov. “Not every one of us fits into this model, but everyone can find the optimal (that is, health-bearing) nature of movements and exercise regimen for themselves.”
Move with pleasure
“Our body is “arranged” so that we can move a lot and intensively,” explains Guzal Loginova, “and the key to this process is the feeling of pleasure: in the process of movement, our brain produces endogenous opiates, and physical activity naturally becomes a pleasant habit.” However, in the minds of many of us, doing fitness only for the sake of pleasure seems to be a frivolous, frivolous matter, as if “pleasure” and “benefit” are incompatible concepts. “In the word “pleasure”, some of us hear something reprehensible: carnal pleasures, sexual pleasure,” says Vasily Semichastnov. – This is how the denial of the body, which is generally inherent in Western culture, involuntarily manifests itself. So the challenge is – through pleasure – to find your own approach to movement, to give a voice to your body.” But how to do that?
Ask yourself “why”
“To do this, it is important to understand in what state we feel best,” explains Vasily Semichastnov. Having determined this, we will be able to choose for ourselves the appropriate nature of movements and motor skills. “If, for example, a person describes his “optimal state” as an emotional lift, a positive attitude, then most likely he will call the “best” physical state lightness, mobility, free breathing, the psychotherapist continues. – Another person finds joy in intense physical work, and he will highlight such concepts as “stability”, “strength”, “pleasure from intense exercise.” For people of an intellectual warehouse, as a rule, the sensations of a clear head, a quick and easy flow of thoughts are especially pleasant, but it is for them that it is most difficult for specialists to choose techniques for working with the body, rather static gymnastics like yoga is more suitable for them. Yoga, which is popular today, is just the kind of physical activity that can satisfy the most demanding intellectuals: those who seek in exercises not only “meaningless” care of the body, but awareness of their movements and muscle efforts, control of thoughts and release of emotions, freshness and flexibility worldview.
Впрочем, не только йога – любые движения, которые помогают телу принять оптимальную форму, преодолеть скованность, снять панцирь напряжения, раскрепощают и наши чувства, позволяют более естественно выражать эмоции. Начиная искать свой двигательный стиль – самостоятельно или при помощи специалиста, – мы получаем возможность не только чувствовать себя лучше, но и полнее узнать себя.
* A. Campbell, H. Hausenblas «Effects of exercise interventions on body image». Journal of Health Psychology, 2009, vol. 14, № 6.
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Why don’t we exercise?
“It’s too expensive; class time is inconvenient; travel far; the group (unlike me) has been exercising for a long time, and in general, you first need to lose weight … ”20% of users admitted that they cannot force themselves to do fitness, although they are sure that they need it*. Olga Mineeva, clinical psychologist and family psychotherapist, comments.
“My figure is far from perfect, and during classes it is especially noticeable,” complains 47-year-old Tatyana. “I unwittingly compare myself with the rest, and from this my shortcomings grow many times over.” “There is no person in my life for whom I would be ready to suffer on simulators three times a week,” admits 28-year-old Tamara. “If there is no one to evaluate my athletic forms, then why are they needed at all?”
Having given weighty arguments to themselves, many do nothing for themselves – even at a convenient time in their comfortable apartment and completely free of charge. It is hardly possible to explain such a position by laziness, Olga Mineeva believes. Its roots are in our upbringing.
Елена Карцева
* The survey was conducted in November 2009.