Move more to beat fatigue

When emotional and physical strength is running out, we want to just lie there and do nothing. But that approach doesn’t work for chronic fatigue, says physician Holly Phillips, bestselling author of Tired of Tiredness: Easy Ways to Recover from Chronic Overwork. She advises to treat like with like and, conversely, to become more active!

Usually, during periods of extreme fatigue, when we don’t have time to deal with the rush at work and household chores, we somehow don’t want to think about training. What kind of fitness, when you are already exhausted in the evening, and in the morning you dream of sleeping an extra half an hour? However, Holly Phillips argues that it is at such moments that physical activity will help you become more active and able to work.

Naturally, we are not talking about exhausting workouts or running marathons. To feel the invigorating effect of exercise, you do not need to give all the best to the last.

Light to moderate exercise (such as a half-hour brisk walk or a free swim in the pool) will reduce fatigue by activating the energy-producing mitochondria in cells. In addition, blood circulation is stimulated, which in turn gives strength and vigor.

Light to moderate exercise will reduce fatigue

“The tricky part is figuring out the type and amount of exercise that will kickstart your body into producing energy. Ideally, you should start with more enjoyable and less strenuous activities such as walking, yoga, cycling, swimming, and tai chi. This way you’ll look forward to your next class and be able to stop long before you’re exhausted,” writes Holly Phillips.

She gives some tips that will inspire even those who have never played sports to become more active.

Do what you like

If you have never played sports, you do not need to start exercising abruptly. Pick the type of physical activity you’ve always dreamed of trying. Let it be even something exotic like rock climbing, fencing or curling.

If you enjoy walking outdoors or cycling, walk and ride instead of going to the gym and working out on a treadmill or stationary bike. If you don’t like aerobics at the gym, buy a workout DVD and work out at home, or just put on your favorite tunes and dance, jump and jump.

Make a workout schedule

Don’t treat exercise as a secondary matter. The “if I have time and energy, I’ll go” approach usually does not work. A visit to a fitness club should be as important (if not always fun) as a meeting with the chef or Sunday dinner with your beloved grandmother. Don’t cancel your class if your friend suddenly invites you to the movies or shopping.

Write down your workout time in your diary. Research shows that one of the best ways to ensure you don’t quit your exercise program is to exercise early in the morning before any business or surprises get in the way.

Use exercise as your personal time-out

Working out is a natural way to take your mind off your daily routine, so appreciate it. Do not try to do something else at the same time, such as solving work issues on the phone while walking on a treadmill. Focus on the environment, sounds and smells, or listen to pleasant music in the player. If you make training enjoyable, they will invigorate the mind along with the body.

Move more in everyday life

If you do not have time for a full workout, do not completely abandon physical activity. Just take a brisk walk for at least 10 minutes during your lunch break, before work, or before bed. Do muscle-strengthening exercises (such as squats, lunges, and push-ups) while you watch TV.

Find a Fitness Companion

Find an accomplice with whom you can work out at the gym or take a walk in the fresh air at the same time. So you combine physical activity and communication. It will also increase the likelihood that you will follow the established program, because it will be uncomfortable for you to let a friend down. After all, you are counting on each other. This is a good incentive, especially for responsible people.

Create an uplifting mantra

Certain phrases and words that we say to ourselves in similar situations day in and day out help us act in the same way. Therefore, be sure to come up with a motto for yourself that will motivate you to move in moments of doubt. It could be something as simple as “Turn on!” or “I’m getting stronger every day.”

Let the environment inspire you

Before you go to bed, pack your gym bag and place it by the front door. Place your walking or jogging clothes near your bed so you can put them on as soon as you wake up. When everything you need is at hand, there is no need to waste time on fees. In addition, the prepared things will be an excellent visual reminder of your intentions.

Tune in to the fact that the reward for you will be good health

The most important thing! Regularly note how much more awake you feel in the afternoon and how much more energetic you start your business in the morning thanks to training. Indeed, nothing motivates to continue a certain activity as a specific result. Don’t expect it to show up after the first workout. In addition, you may need a little more time to find the type of physical activity that is right for you. But there will definitely be changes. And they will be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you.

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