Felt in different colors
A pair of scissors
A black marker
A small piece of fabric
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Step 1:
Download and print the templates that you will use to make your mouse.
Cut out the outlines and place the different models on cardboard.
Trace the outlines with black felt and cut them out.
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Step 2:
Place each of the cardboard templates on the felt of your choice, trace the outlines with black felt and cut them out.
You get two mouse heads, two ears, two inner ears and two bodies, that’s normal …
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Step 3:
Then glue the felt on each side of your cardboard templates.
Then, glue in order: the ears behind the head, and the head on the body.
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Step 4:
Make the tail of your mouse by cutting 3 long threads of wool. Tie them at one end and make a pretty braid. At the end of the mat, tie a knot with another yarn or a small piece of fabric. You can also use a cord as a tail.
Then tape the tail to the back of your mouse’s body.
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Step 5:
Now is the time to give your mouse face some expression.
Cut small pieces of wool that will be used for the mustaches.
Cut out two small circles of felt for your mouse’s eyes and another for its nose.
Then glue the pieces of wool, the nose and the eyes.
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Step 6:
To finish your mouse, glue the second body behind the first, but only on the upper end. This way, you can always pass between them the page of your book on which your reading stopped.
Finally glue the second head behind the first (to hide the base of the ears).