Motorist’s Day in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
This day was conceived as a professional day, but it has become popular: it is celebrated by everyone who considers himself a car driver. When is Motorist Day celebrated? Let’s find out

Day of the worker of road and urban transport – this is the official name of the celebration, which is popularly known as the Day of the motorist (or the Day of the driver). As the name implies, the protagonists of this holiday are professional drivers – people driving trucks, buses, trams, trolleybuses, taxis and so on. In addition, it is customary to congratulate everyone involved in the maintenance of vehicles and their production: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers and designers, managers and employees of transport enterprises.

The purpose of the celebration is to show the importance of motor transport in the country’s economy, to pay tribute to all workers in this industry, because they make our daily life more convenient and easier.

Today, the holiday has lost its original meaning: now it is celebrated not only by professional drivers, but also by amateurs – in a word, everyone who has a car.

When is Motorist Day in 2022

Drivers celebrate their professional holiday on the last Sunday of October. Motorist’s Day in 2022 falls on 30th number.


The idea to honor motorists was born in the USSR. And by the way, at the same time it was implemented. In 1976, the Presidium of the Supreme Council (SC) of the Soviet Union issued a decree “On the Day of Motor Transport Workers”: this document was a response to an appeal from citizens in which they expressed regret about the lack of their professional triumph among Soviet drivers.

And in 1980, another decree “On holidays and memorable days” was signed. It included, among other things, the celebration established four years earlier: by a new document it was renamed “Motorist’s Day”.

By the way, the last day of the fourth week of October was chosen as the date of celebration. And in 1980 (and in the future) they did not change it.

The holiday was very popular in the USSR. However, they did not forget about the celebration even after the collapse of the Union: the people will continue to honor professional drivers at the end of the second autumn month.

And in 1996, the authorities decided to unite the Days of the motorist and the road builder, that is, those who drive on the roads, and those who are responsible for the condition of these roads. Thus, the “Day of workers of motor transport and road facilities” appeared in the Federation.

Four years later, it became clear that the idea was not very successful. As a result, in 2000, the President of the Federation signed a decree on the division of celebrations: the road workers were given the third October Sunday, and the fourth was left for motorists.

But the story doesn’t end there either. For in 2012, drivers again decide to unite with someone – this time with employees of urban public transport. It was then that the “Day of the Road and Urban Transport Worker” was established, which is still celebrated in our country, but is still called the Day of the Motorist.


On this day, it is customary to congratulate professional motorists. Moreover, the heroes of the occasion receive congratulations not only from their loved ones, but from the authorities, politicians and local officials.

And in transport, cargo and passenger companies, special attention is paid to the holiday. Concerts are organized, and the management gives awards, certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees.

But since the holiday has long become popular, the celebrations on its occasion have acquired the same character. For example, at the end of October, retro car parades, car races and various competitions (for example, for the best auto tuning and car equipment) are often held in many cities. And where there is an opportunity, races and high-speed races are organized.

In addition, numerous exhibitions are held on Driver’s Day, where everyone is introduced to cars, their device and principles of operation, as well as the history of the automotive industry.

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