Motorhome: motorhome, camper, trailer, choice

On the roads of Europe and America, cars with caravans or entire mobile homes are often found. They are still rare in our country, but more and more people are thinking that it would be nice to have a house on wheels. Someone needs it to travel around their native country, someone wants to travel around Europe. About the features and types, about the pros and cons of owning, and we’ll talk further. 

Advantages and disadvantages

Like every phenomenon or thing, a house on wheels has its pros and cons. In order not to be disappointed later, you must first carefully weigh the pros and cons, and then make an informed choice. And there are plenty to choose from. In addition to the type – a trailer for a car or a self-propelled camper – you need to choose the size. After all, there are motor homes that can carry your car, have a pool on the roof. And there are made on the basis of a three-wheeled moped.

There is a motor home that can carry your car))


Dreaming of buying a motor home can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first is outdoor recreation lovers who are tired of tent life and want a little more comfort. The second are those who like to travel around Europe, who are tired of paying solid sums for hotels, fooling around with reservations, etc. And the third category is the owners of summer cottages, who do not want to bother with construction.

It does not make sense to think especially for summer residents. Finding a suitable used model, which will only need to be taken / brought a couple of times a year, is not a problem. You can invest in a fairly modest budget (from $ 2000). Everyone else will need a much larger amount, so you need to think carefully. In this regard, consider the advantages and disadvantages of motorhomes themselves and traveling on them. Let’s start with the pros:

  • Having a motorhome, you do not pay for hotels while traveling, you are not tied to a specific place, date and time, you choose the speed of movement, the duration of the stop, etc. yourself.
    Here is an example of a motorhome with high traffic))
  • You can take as many things with you as you can fit in a trailer or cabin, you can take cats and dogs, bicycles, canoes, scooters with you. Anything that fits in or behind a motorhome.
  • There are models that allow you to travel not only on asphalt. You can find a motor home based on trucks with high traffic.

In general, having a motor home, you are your own boss. It is a large degree of freedom and independence with a sufficiently high level of comfort that attracts.


Now for the disadvantages. A little more about them so that unpleasant moments are not a surprise. So, here are the cons of traveling in a motorhome. It should be said right away that in Russia and the neighboring countries, parking for campers with the possibility of replenishing resources is a rarity. Yes, you can do this at some gas stations or parking lots. But not at all. And for a fee. A separate problem is the roads. Not everyone and not always travel on the tracks. Many people drive off-road. Few mobile homes can handle our roads. There are such models, but the prices for them ….

Traveling in Europe is different, and that’s the part we’ll talk about next.

  • It is necessary to have a list of parking lots specifically for campers along your route. Those that the navigator sees in cities are for ordinary cars. For the most part, they are underground and have a height limit of 2,2 meters. Not every camper will pass. And it is also necessary to restore life support systems, which is impossible at such parking lots. So having a list of stops along your route will greatly increase the convenience of your trip.
  • Parking lots for campers are usually located not on high-speed highways, but on quiet roads, which does not affect the quality of the coverage, but for an overnight stay you will have to turn off, and this is an additional cost.
    You can’t tell right away that this is a house on wheels
  • You have to pay for parking. In general, it turns out 10-20 euros for a daily parking, which, of course, is incomparable with a hotel fee, but still … You can, of course, do without them by driving somewhere to a river, lake, etc. But not everywhere. In Europe, this can be fraught with a fine.
  • If you have a minibus or bus based motorhome, driving through European cities with their narrow streets is a problem. In this sense, it is easier with a trailer: we left it in the parking lot, drove to the city by car.
  • Large trailers and motorhomes require a special category of driver’s license.

And another common problem. If you live in an apartment, you do not have your own plot of land, the motor home must be stored somewhere. The cost of annual storage is commensurate with the cost of traveling for two for a couple of weeks to not the cheapest country. Like this.

It has to be placed somewhere.

Here are briefly all the pros and cons of owning and traveling in an auto-home. So there is something to think about. Reflections on the appropriateness of such an acquisition will be given below.

Types of motorhomes

A mobile home can be of two types:

  • trailer;
  • on the basis of a minibus or bus.

The second option is also called a motorhome or camper (or auto-home). They are not very large – based on minibuses. The same Mercedes Sprinter, Fiat, Gazelle, UAZ-Pickup and Cargo, there are specially produced by various European and domestic firms. There are entire liners that can fit cars.

It’s also a camper

The trailer house can be stationary, it can be folding. There are also tent trailers. The first type is transported in a “residential” form, the second and third – folded. Folding house-trailer unfolds only in the parking lot. Its advantages are less looseness on the way, less height, which means there are no travel restrictions. Cons – it takes time to expand / fold it. The whole procedure takes about five minutes, but immediately after stopping, you will not be able to rest.

Trailer-tent – a combination of a trailer with an “attached” tent. Since the size of mobile trailers is usually small, there is little space and a large campaign will not work. A tent trailer usually has a dining area in the center in the part that is on wheels, two sleeping rooms along the edges in the same place and a fairly spacious tent, the edges of which are attached to the body of the van. Often there is also a canopy in front of the tent – so that you can spend time outdoors.

The difference between a motorhome (in the background) and a trailer tent (in front)

When compared in terms of comfort, bus-based motorhomes provide more comfort than any type of trailer. The camper may have a toilet with a shower, a small kitchenette. The trailer can only have sleeping places, in some models a gas stove is installed, and even then it is usually attached outside. If necessary, the sleeping place is transformed into a dining area – a small table and two sofas. This is all that mobile homes in trailers have to offer.

To have or not to have

First, about which type of motorhome is better to choose – a trailer or a camper van. To travel around Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, if you have a car of sufficient power and maneuverability, you should think about purchasing a mobile tent house. They have a smaller mass and dimensions, it is easier to pull them than a full-fledged residential trailer. If you do not want a trailer and need more comfort, you can take both a trailer and a motorhome. But models based on trucks and semi-trucks are more suitable. Particular attention should then be paid to the suspension and clearing, as well as to the strength and reliability of the cabin / trailer assembly. This is if you like to ride in the outback and primers are not new to you. If you plan to drive only on highways, you can watch less passable models.

Motorhome in a trailer

It is worth saying that traveling in a motorhome in Russia is not very convenient, since there is no infrastructure. There are, of course, organizations that organize such tours and provide “refueling” points. But this is no longer a solitary journey, and there is no talk of any autonomy and independence.

This is with regard to the use of motorhomes in Russia. If you need it to travel around Europe, then there are no restrictions on “passability”, since the roads are excellent everywhere. But again, the question arises about the appropriateness of ownership. You still have to get to the border, but the motor home “eats” decently in any modification. So the cost of gasoline is more than … Many come to the decision – to reach a certain point, and then rent a motorhome. This option is not a bit more expensive, but much more convenient.

This model was developed for the pampas – German Bimobil

In any case, if you don’t have experience traveling in a motorhome yet, but really want to have one, rent a car or trailer, spend a couple of weeks traveling. This is where your decision will take shape. At the same time, decide exactly on the characteristics and options that you would like to have.

Campers – a set of possible amenities and services on the road

Let’s start with the fact that such a motor home is large. Length – from 6 meters, width – 220-230 cm, height – at least three. If you have not driven such cars before, it will take time to get used to driving such a large and heavy car. Difficulties can arise when parking – two parking spaces are required, as well as free space for maneuvering. Campers are “summer” – without insulation and “winter” – with insulated walls. With equal parameters, the width of the second is 5-10 cm larger – due to the greater thickness of the walls.

The travel van can have different “stuffing” and equipment

Inside, a motorhome based on a bus or minibus can have the following support systems:

  • battery for salon;
  • external network for 230 V;
  • water supply;
  • gas cylinders (usually 2 pcs) to ensure the operation of a small stove, water heating and some other systems.

Inside there can be a shower with a water heater, a toilet (with a dry closet), a kitchen with a gas stove and a refrigerator, an air heater and several beds – from two to six. With the rational use of resources, a motor home can autonomously exist for two or three days. The water supply is used up the fastest. In the basic configuration, the supply of liquid is designed for a day, with savings it can last for a day and a half. Therefore, when choosing a parking place, pay attention to the possibility of replenishing the water supply or bring an additional container with you. The second resource that is quickly exhausted is the battery charge. The problem is solved by the presence of a generator (gasoline or diesel).

There are models with this layout (Dethleffs Evan)

There are camper yards where the motorhome can be connected to the network by means of a carrier. On such sites, posts with sockets stick out. A motorhome is connected to them (for a fee).

Travel service

When traveling in a motorhome, you have to monitor the availability of water. The stock needs to be replenished, and the used water must be drained (there is a special container that is emptied through the drain hole). The water level is usually monitored on the driver’s panel (indicators) and on the panel in the cabin.

Another maintenance operation is cleaning and filling the dry closet. The container must be emptied (in Europe there are specially designated places on campsites) and filled with funds, depending on the type. So you also need funds for a dry closet on the road and you can’t forget them. How often should this operation be done? Once every two days with regular use and once a week when used only when absolutely necessary.

Filling with water

Two gas cylinders are usually placed in the kitchen compartment. One working, the second – reserve. Gas cylinders are connected not only to the stove. From them, gas is still supplied to heat the water in the shower, to the air heater. The gas also powers the refrigerator. If the cylinders are filled completely, they last for two weeks of moderate use.

The state of the power supply of the cabin of the motorhome is displayed on a special panel, which is usually located above the front door. Sometimes water level indicators are immediately displayed. This panel turns on / off the power to the passenger compartment. There is an opportunity to check the battery level of the car and the passenger compartment (there are two of them). When the charge is low, the light alarm (red light) turns on. There is light above the kitchen compartment, at the entrance to the bathroom, there are several lamps in the cabin, each bed has separate lamps with switches.

General arrangement and operation

The central place in the cabin is a table with benches. The number of seats depends on the “human capacity” of the model. Opposite the table is usually placed a gas stove and a sink. Both the stove and the sink are closed with lids – a work surface is obtained. Near the stove there are two or three sockets for 230 V. They only work if the camper is connected to the network through a carrier. There is also a refrigerator. Usually it runs on battery or mains, but in some models it can also run on gas. There is a switch to select the power source. You can put some specific one or select the “auto” mode, in which the unit decides for itself which network to feed it from.

The kitchen compartment is often located next to the door.

If there is an air heater. There are two options – gas and diesel. The heater can work in two modes: summer and winter. In summer mode, only water heating is turned on (from 40 ° to 60 °), in winter mode, the air is still heated. The air temperature in the cabin is regulated by a separate knob. The number of modes depends on the model, but usually there are at least five. The air is heated by a convector, which heats up a small volume in a matter of minutes. The convector is turned off and on automatically – according to the readings of the temperature sensors that are in the cabin.

If the motorhome has a toilet and shower, this compartment is fenced off. In the normal state, a toilet and a washbasin, a locker for every little thing are available. To take a shower, you need to “remove” the doors of the shower cabin. At the same time, they will close the door, the washbasin will sink into the wall, there will be a little more space, but still not too spacious. Since the supply of water is very limited, showers are generally rarely used.

Beds, windows and wardrobes

Camper is the most comfortable mobile home. It has enough space for a good rest. The number of beds depends on the model. There is a motorhome for two people, there is for six, respectively, the number of beds is different. But, in any case, you can relax with a sufficient level of comfort. Sleeping places can be located:

  • Above the driver’s seat is a double full-size bed. You need to climb it along the ladder, you won’t be able to sit on such a bed, but in size it is suitable even for large people. The length is usually about 2 meters or a little more (depending on the camper model).
  • Several beds can be arranged in the cabin – up to 4:
    This is an inside view. Sleeping places are visible
    • in the rear part, across to the direction of travel, there may be two single berths, one above the other;
    • the table and benches are transformed into a one-and-a-half bed, which can be expanded into a double bed, but then the passage under the cabin turns out to be blocked.

The motor home has several windows that are covered with blinds. Can be opened for ventilation. They must be closed when driving, but when parked in daylight they give enough light, and opening all the windows can quickly ventilate the interior.

In the upper part there are cabinets with shelves for things and utensils. All doors have locks so that things do not fly out when moving. So that the dishes do not rumble during maneuvers, it is advisable to put something soft and elastic in such cabinets before starting to move (terry towels, for example).

A Brief Overview of Trailer Homes

Trailer houses are also called cottages on wheels. Because there are models with all the amenities. Such a mobile home can be placed in those areas where construction is not allowed. It will be registered as a residential trailer, so it does not fall under the scope of the monitoring organizations. There are models of mobile homes in a trailer with only a minimum – sleeping places and a dining area. Here, everyone chooses according to their requirements. There are several types of trailer houses.

This is also a motorhome in a trailer … Futuria with a swimming pool, a garage for a sports car, a living room and a bedroom

Fixed trailer with rigid walls

There are such trailers for a different number of beds – from 2 to 6. Length – from 3,6 meters, height – from 2,5 meters, width – from 2,2 m. They can be with or without insulation. In terms of amenities, it can not be inferior to a motorhome: a kitchen with a sink and a refrigerator, a bathroom with a shower and a dry closet, room heating. But such a set can only be in a rather large trailer.

Motorhome in a trailer – section and one of the possible layouts

The simplest models can only provide a place to eat and sleep. And keep in mind that during transportation it is impossible to be in the trailer. When choosing, in addition to a set of amenities, pay attention to the mass (with loaded water, gas, etc.). You need to evaluate whether your car can move such a mass.

trailer tent

This type of camper van. Almost all of them are for summer operation, since there is no insulation. When folded, the height of the trailer is just over a meter. By the number of “rooms” and beds, they are different. Sleeping places are usually organized in the trailer itself, and the rest of the rooms are under an awning, which is located on the ground. Such a motorhome is usually equipped with a small gas stove and a sink. The stove is connected to a gas cylinder, water is supplied to the sink using a small submersible pump, which is lowered into a container of water. There are three varieties:

  • With rigid walls and roof.
  • With rigid walls and a roof-awning.
  • The upper part of the walls is made of fabric, the roof is plastic.
    Trailer tent with soft walls and ceiling

This category has its own price hierarchy. Not only do they differ in size and number of beds, there is also a significant difference in material consumption, which invariably affects the price. The most expensive are tent trailers with rigid walls and a roof. The other two categories are roughly equal in value.

Semi-truck trailer

This motor home is called “slap”. This is because it is placed in a semi-trailer of certain models of cars – with an open trunk. Part of it hangs over the cab, part is in the back, and a small “tail” hangs down from behind.

Such a residential trailer in cars with a solid cargo capacity and an open trunk

Such models are still rare in our country, and there are not so many of them abroad. For owners of semi-trucks, a very good solution.

And what to choose?

A mobile home on a trailer is a good choice if you have a car with a powerful engine that can pull a lot of weight. Such a unit costs two or three times less than a camper (travel van). But when choosing, pay attention to the total mass and length of the caravan. If the norms are exceeded, a different category of driver’s license is required. And keep in mind that most trailers are not designed for off-road driving. There are models for bad roads, but their price tag is much higher.

And this is with rigid walls, and even with a descending telescopic roof

A tent trailer is already a less comfortable rest, but more models that can be pulled off-road. They are a great replacement for a regular tent. It’s better to sleep in a trailer than on the ground. And you can cook, swim, relax under an awning.

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