Champignons are considered the most popular and famous mushrooms in the world, but not all varieties of this genus can be eaten. One of these is the motley champignon – a representative of the Champignon family, best known as Meller’s champignon. It is considered a little-studied and rare specimen, classified as an inedible mushroom.

What does champignon look like

Motley champignon: description and photo

The hat of this species is convex, the size varies from 5 to 15 cm. Most often it is painted in light ocher or cream color. On the surface of the cap are wide scales of a smoky gray or brown hue. Under the hat are plates, the color of which depends on the age of the fungus. So, in a young specimen, they are pale pink, then gradually acquire a dark brown hue.

The mushroom has a stem 6 to 10 cm long and 1 to 1,5 cm thick, with a large ring and an inflated base. Its lower part is covered with flaky scales. In a young variegated champignon, the leg is painted white, in an older one it is yellow, and the old specimen gives out a brown leg. The pulp of champignon is variegated white in color, on the cut it acquires a brown tint. Exudes an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of rubber. Spores are broadly ellipsoid, 5,5×3,5 µm. Spore powder is dark brown. 

Motley champignon: description and photo

Where does champignon grow

Champignon motley prefers a temperate climate. Most often it grows in mixed and deciduous forests, in gardens and parks, as well as in meadows. It is located on fertile, often alkaline soil. As a rule, it appears in the second half of summer in small groups. It occurs quite rarely.

Grind the agaricus

Is it possible to eat champignon motley

Motley champignon: description and photo

This species is classified as a poisonous mushroom, although its toxicity is not noted in some reference books. Nevertheless, variegated champignon is considered to be inedible due to an unpleasant odor and possible negative consequences.

Important! There is an easy way to help distinguish variegated champignon from edible relatives. To do this, you need to press on the fruiting body, at Meller the flesh will quickly turn yellow, and if you cut off the stem at the root, it will turn dark yellow or even brown.

Symptoms of poisoning

The use of variegated champignon in food can cause poisoning, its main symptoms are as follows:

  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • fever, chills;
  • pain and cramps in the stomach;
  • increased sweating.

First aid for poisoning

At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to eliminate the poison from the body as soon as possible. To do this, it is recommended to take an absorbent or drink a couple of glasses of salt water and induce vomiting. This procedure must be repeated at least 2 times. To cleanse the intestines, you can use an enema. After providing first aid, the victim must go to the hospital for full treatment in order to avoid serious problems in the future.


It is quite easy to confuse champignon with its edible relatives. If the mushroom picker doubts the choice, then a thermal test can be carried out. To do this, you just need to lower an unfamiliar specimen into boiling water. If, after immersion, the water acquires an orange tint, it exudes a sharp and unpleasant aroma, it means that a person has come across a rather rare and poisonous Miller. You should be aware that even after heat treatment, toxic substances remain in it that can cause poisoning within 2 hours after its use.

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