Motivational phrases that were a refuge in a year marked by the pandemic
The famous phrases that had a greater reception among the followers of ABC Bienestar on Instagram in 2020 extol values such as resilience, solidarity, acceptance and patience

Each start of a new Year for many people it is the arrival of a breath of fresh air. And that has been even more evident after a 2020 marked by the confinement, The restricciones uncertainty, the fear and the evolution of a pandemic that, much to our regret, will continue to be present in our lives throughout 2021. However, it is curious to see that, despite the disappointing predictions about the effects of the pandemic, the change of a single digit is capable of generating such a volume of esperanzas, desires o delusions. Proof of this was the barrage of messages with “balance sheets of the year”, “summary of lessons learned” or “statements of intent” that surfaced and multiplied on Instagram in the early stages of the long-awaited 2021.
But unlike what happened at the beginning of other years the “List of objectives” it has taken a back seat to expressions such as “we will see it”, “step by step” or “game by game”. After several months of plans postponed sine day or frustrated, projects redirected and priorities changed now, what seems to matter the most is, as you can read in some messages, “Let’s not get worse”. But getting to that “acceptance” or at least getting on the path to “resilience” has not been easy. In fact, we have been able to verify this evolution of “feelings” through a journey through the reaction to inspirational and motivational phrases with which every morning in 2020 we have said “good morning” to the more than 50.000 followers of the ABC Bienestar account on Instagram.
We run through some of those morning greetings that received a greater number of “likes” or that provoked a greater number of reactions on this social network since the first news about the pandemic in Spain was released.
10 phrases that comforted us in the year of the pandemic
Some lived the months of confinement “condemned” to understand each other with their partners in an unprecedented intense coexistence. Others, however, lived it separately from their partners or loved ones. The feelings were on the surface and this phrase by Mario Benedetti came to caress and tear many souls in equal parts.
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Selective memory, logical prudence, and defiant optimism. The three pillars to face the future contained in this phrase by Isabel Allende were especially applauded by the followers of ABC Bienestar.
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During the summer, many people were left without vacations, either due to financial difficulties, the loss of a family member or the fear of contagion. It was not easy to accept that situation, but when we put the accent (through the phrase of the marketing theorist Seth Godin) on the need to build a life from which we did not have the need to flee, there were not few who applauded.
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Applause on the balcony, help between neighbors and relatives, empathy … The displays of solidarity were frequent during the toughest moments of the pandemic. And this is reflected in the good reception achieved by this revealing phrase by Julio Cortázar.
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The compulsory use of masks led us to seek new ways of communication and new forms of expression. Maybe that’s why you especially liked this phrase by the German writer OK Bernhardt.
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Another phrase that was able to comfort and give esperanza In the situation of unease that we live in the beginning of the second wave is that of the Lebanese essayist and poet Khalil Gibran.
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At the peak of the evolution of the pandemic, there were many voices of experts from the field of psychology and personal development who insisted on the need to take advantage of those moments of introspection to improve self-awareness and self-esteem. This phrase by the psychologist Laura Chica, which caused a special impact, is an example of this need for introspection.
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And in the midst of all that uncertainty and that need for introspection, doubts, blockages or misinterpretations about ourselves arose, as this phrase from the American speaker and motivation expert Denis Waitley collects, which was especially liked.
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Contradictory information, confusing data, comings and goings, crossings of accusations … There was a time when we had to close our eyes, think about the values that could help us the most at a time like this and embrace what this Persian proverb proposes.
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And finally, after months of denial, emotional avoidance, tension, anger, sadness, uncertainty and disbelief … came the acceptance that we collected by quoting this phrase attributed to Confucius.
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Ultimately, some had to be patient, others had to accept what the pandemic brought without our asking and others had to be strong yes or yes. They could not choose. And that is precisely what this popular phrase by Bob Marley collects.
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