Motivation to the detriment: reasons why you should not lose weight

In getting rid of excess weight, if it is really excess, there is nothing but pluses. The body gets rid of unnecessary stress, the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and many other diseases decreases, and life itself becomes more comfortable. However, people often try to lose weight at any cost, by all means, following the wrong motivation – and such attempts most often end in failure.

“I will lose weight and he will fall in love with me”

Women who are (or think they are) overweight often blame the extra pounds for their love failures. Having fallen in love, they make every effort to please the object of sighing, but when he does not show any signs of attention, they take it for granted. “Still he would love me, because I’m fat. I’ll lose weight, and he will definitely appreciate me! “

Inspired by this phrase, many rush to the gym, go on diets, and someone really manages to lose weight – but this particular man, as a rule, does not change his attitude. Therefore, it is important to understand and accept one thing: if he did not initially plan to enter into a romantic relationship with you, then this is unlikely to happen after losing weight. After all, they only meet on clothes, and then an incredible number of other factors turn on – character, temperament, intellect, similarity of tastes and interests, and so on.

And even if you imagine that a miraculous transformation will help to win a man’s heart, then it turns out that only appearance was important for your chosen one. This characterizes him not from the best side – let’s say you get better again, what then? However, no one says that a man’s attitude can change over time – but this has nothing to do with weight.

Either he will still see how wonderful you are, or, as they say, not destiny. So do not get hung up on one person, and even more so do not choose losing weight for his sake as motivation – it will be too painful to experience disappointment, and this is fraught with the reverse weight gain. Be sure: even if this love remains unrequited, you will definitely have other fans, and it is possible that among them there will be the one with whom you want to live your whole life.

“Summer’s soon. I need to lose weight “

As soon as the first spring flowers bloom, an uncountable number of articles on the topic “How to lose weight by summer” appear on the pages of women’s magazines and portals dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. In this, of course, there is nothing bad, but the very message “to lose weight by summer” sets us up to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor our diet, and go in for sports only two or three months a year.

In fact, in the fall, it turns out, you can relax? And in winter you don’t even need to strain? Such a message implies rapid weight loss, which can seriously harm health, and sometimes it will not be weight loss at all. Pay attention to the advertisements of all kinds of weight loss centers that offer to lose a dozen kilograms: they always promise to do it in a short time and do not say anything about what will happen next. And you can really get rid of 5-10 kg in a week, but you will not lose a single gram of fat.

How so? It’s very simple. It is easier for the body to extract energy from carbohydrates, and the first thing it will put into the firebox is glycogen – a “handy” supply. Each gram of glycogen is associated with 4 grams of water, and it goes with it, so the weight goes down. In addition, during this time, while a person is on a severe diet, the contents of the intestine are released, but at the same time, new receipts are much less – here’s another minus for you.

But such a scheme does not work for a long time, and all these lost reserves are easily replenished. And even if you decide to devote not a week to losing weight, but two or three months, it is still an extreme and ineffective approach. By the way, the main problem of those losing weight is not to lose weight, but to keep it, because you really want to take a break after the body shape starts to please the eye (and this is how, by the way, “losing weight by summer” usually do). Therefore, if you have already decided to lose weight, you must understand that proper nutrition (which has nothing to do with popular hard diets) will always have to be adhered to, constantly following the main commandment of everyone who really wants to lose weight: do not overeat and move more.

“Everyone ran and I ran”

In recent years, it seems that the world has gone crazy over weight loss. We are constantly shown the wonderful transformations of the stars (keeping silent about the fact that often not without the help of plastic surgeons), social networks are full of photos of elastic pop and fitness positions, advertising of magic weight loss products also does not leave us alone. In other words, in modern culture, losing weight is fashionable and approved, and no one asks the question whether you need to do it at all.

Indeed, you often see messages like “Girls, I don’t know what to do!” In specialized online communities! Height 168, weight 50, and should not be more than 47! I tried all diets, I eat no more than 800 kcal per day, but the weight is still! Help!”. And instead of writing in response: “Urgently start eating normally and gain everything to normal, anorexia is just around the corner,” the same weight loss-obsessed girls begin to cheer up a like-minded woman, convincing her to hold on and believe in the victory of thinness over common sense.

Therefore, do not rush into the maelstrom of losing weight with your head – or, more precisely, without your head. First, look at yourself in the mirror, just put aside fashion magazines with photos of 42nd models. Maybe you don’t need to lose weight at all? Maybe we are not talking about extra, but about missing kilograms. After all, everything is good in moderation, and if, with excess weight, reasonable weight loss will really add to health, then with normal or insufficient weight it will go exclusively to the detriment.

“I will lose weight to live a full life”

In fact, this world is not very friendly to overweight people. For some reason, clothing manufacturers believe that people over 48 or, at best, size 50 do not exist in nature. Those who make chairs for theaters and cinemas, not to mention airplanes, are sometimes clearly inspired by the story of the Procrustean bed.

It is worth coming to the doctor with any complaint, and the answer is the same: “What did you want with such a weight?” Perhaps, there is a chance not to hear her unless at a dentist’s appointment. And this is not to mention the offensive comments on the streets and in social networks from people who are not too well-mannered. It is especially sad when overweight people, consciously or unconsciously, are humiliated by stars and opinion leaders.

Whitney Thor lives a full life despite being overweight

It is not surprising that overweight people begin to feel that the joys of life are for the most part inaccessible to them. Many are embarrassed to sign up for a fitness club or dance, and cannot even imagine in a nightmare to take part, say, in a city race or a bicycle parade. “I’ll lose weight and start living like everyone else,” they think.

Of course, the idea of ​​losing weight in itself is worthy of respect, but it is not at all necessary to postpone a full life for later or somehow relate it to the fluctuations of the arrow of the scales. You need to live life to the fullest right now, and what will happen there with kilograms is the second question.

An example of this is the “dancing fatty” Whitney Thor, the heroine of the popular TLC program “My Full Life”. Weighing 170 kg, she dances professionally and even gives lessons, and together with her group participates in all kinds of competitions and parades. Whitney was once slim, but due to polycystic ovary disease, she gained weight dramatically. She went on all kinds of diets, tried with all her might to lose weight, and she succeeded, but then the pounds returned, and with them despair. And Whitney came to the conclusion: it doesn’t matter whether you are thin or fat, this should not interfere with a bright and eventful life. She founded the No Body Shame movement, which fights discrimination against obese people, and has many followers around the world. At the same time, Whitney manages to meet with friends, quarrel and make peace with her boyfriend, visit her parents and star in a television project.

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