Motivation of preschoolers, cognitive, learning, development, techniques
Motivating preschoolers is the business of every loving parent. It is necessary to develop your child, instill a love of knowledge, curiosity and responsibility. This is the way of becoming a personality.
Many parents send their child to school, assessing only his intellectual abilities. But pediatricians advise to start practicing only when he is ready psychologically and biologically.
Motivation of preschoolers to study at school
The biological age of school readiness can be recognized by the following characteristics:
- Dental. By grade 1, 4 front teeth should fall out.
- Bone. He is checked when his hand is ready – the child must put one point in each notebook cell in one minute. There must be at least 70 of them.
Psychological readiness is determined by the ability to perform certain actions. For example, doing what is necessary, even if you don’t like it.
The child’s cognition is happening all the time. But everyone has their own method, through which it is easier for him to receive information from the outside.
- Cognition by dominant abilities. For example, some children learn well with rhymes.
- Parents themselves influence the formation of a positive opinion.
- Cognition through stories that describe others.
- Interesting stories about the social life of schoolchildren.
There are many reasons that interfere with good learning. It is important for parents to understand the baby and try to find more effective ways for themselves.
What is needed for the development of a preschooler?
It is necessary to deal with future students from an early age. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is important to develop age-appropriate skills. It is easy to lose interest in school under heavy workload.
Development at this age takes place more on the subconscious. Games for preschoolers should formulate:
- Confidence.
- Purposefulness.
- Tenacity.
- The speed of decision making.
- Perseverance.
- Independence.
- Initiative.
Having developed these skills, the kid will stop giving in to difficulties. Learning will only bring him joy.
Nobody knows your children better than you. Take time to talk to them. Understand why learning is not interesting.
- Learn teaching rhymes.
- Praise.
- Reward.
- Tell stories of your own composition.
- Use riddles, crosswords, puzzles.
- Visit cultural monuments, exhibitions, museums.
A formed positive opinion about the school will certainly lead to high results. But do not think that you need to work only with preschool children. It is necessary to pay attention to the mood of older students.