Motherwort herb
Motherwort herb is actively used in herbal medicine, which is valued for its extensive medicinal properties and has a wide scope. In addition to the sedative effect, the plant has a lot of other useful properties.

Motherwort is a wild medicinal herb that does not require special conditions for growth. It can be found in abandoned fields, wastelands, or near settlements. Some species are also grown as cultivated plants. This herbal raw material is often used in medicine, but it is important to know all its indications and contraindications, use in different groups of patients.

This is a perennial plant belonging to a large family – Lamiaceae. Bushes can reach 2 m, but usually do not grow above 30 – 50 cm. The stems inside are empty, have a reddish color, tetrahedral and with a margin. In herbal medicine, only three of the known 25 species are used. The most valuable are the tops of the grass, with stems no more than 5 mm. Both fresh and dried types of raw materials are used. Different varieties of grass collected and harvested in accordance with all the rules are stored for no more than 3 years.

Medicinal properties of motherwort herb

This plant shows its beneficial properties due to the rich biochemical composition, a complex of vitamin-mineral and biologically active compounds. First of all, it is an essential oil. It has an antimicrobial, rather powerful sedative and weaker anti-inflammatory effect.

Motherwort herb contains a number of tannins. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, suppress pathogenic microbes, and normalize the intestinal microflora. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Motherwort is rich in bioflavonoids – rutin in combination with quercetin, which protect small vessels from fragility and damage, increase the elasticity of red blood cells, normalize coagulation and capillary blood flow.

Saponins were found in motherwort – they have a diuretic and mild sedative effect, irritating effect on glandular tissues, which helps in enhancing the separation of mucus and sputum. Therefore, motherwort can help in the treatment of severe coughs.

The vitamins found in this plant, especially tocopherol and carotenoids, help in stimulating the immune system and improving performance. They also normalize the contractility of the heart muscle, protect tissues from the effects of free radicals and aging.

A number of alkaloid compounds found in motherwort grass help in correcting metabolic processes, improving the functioning of brain cells, giving a slight diuretic effect, stabilizing heart rate, and correcting blood pressure figures. Of all the alkaloids, stachidrine and choline are especially active – they are the most in the plant.

Additional useful components in the composition of this herb are ascorbic acid and isovaleric acid, natural sugars and bitterness. Also, the plant has a lot of sulfur, calcium and sodium, potassium, which are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, there are glycosides and organic acids that have cardiotrophic (support the heart) and angioprotective (protect blood vessels) properties.

Herb motherwort is widely used in herbal medicine in the treatment or prevention of various pathologies. First of all, the plant, due to its composition, exhibits general strengthening effects, stimulates the immune system to fight infections and cell changes, and helps increase resistance to SARS and microbial diseases.

The sedative, sedative effect of this plant is also actively used in medicine. Motherwort in various forms is used for depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders associated with stress and overexertion.

The plant has a diuretic effect, so it is used in the fight against edema, including against the background of vascular and heart diseases.

The plant has a slight anticonvulsant effect, which allows it to be used as part of a combination therapy for convulsive seizures in epilepsy and other disorders.

It is used in the treatment of colds with coughs, as motherwort helps to turn a dry, obsessive cough into a wetter, more productive one. It also helps in reducing inflammation, irritation and excitation of the brain center of cough. Stimulates faster recovery.

The herb has an antispasmodic effect, which helps in the correction of cardiovascular pathologies, normalization of pressure and heart function. Helps in correcting plasma glucose levels and lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

It is used for a number of diseases:

  • headaches (cluster, tension or from drugs), as well as migraines;
  • tachycardia and heart problems;
  • insomnia, any sleep disturbance;
  • bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • menopause, including with hot flashes;
  • hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Important! For any disease, motherwort preparations should be prescribed only by a doctor, choosing their form and dose.

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Motherwort herb contraindications

Although it is a very popular and useful plant, its inept use or ignoring contraindications can lead to serious consequences, especially for people with serious metabolic disorders, the elderly, pregnant women and children.

Firstly, an overdose of motherwort herbal remedies is possible, especially in tablets or tinctures. It is considered a harmless herb and is often not followed according to instructions for use. With a single overdose of different versions of motherwort preparations, severe drowsiness, up to lethargy, as well as nausea with bouts of vomiting can develop. In addition, an acute grass allergy is possible in the form of a rash and digestive problems, or dermatitis with cumulative effects and prolonged rashes against the background of severe itching.

There are also a number of strict contraindications to its use in adults or children. These include:

  • hypotension and frequent lowering of pressure (including as a reaction to the weather);
  • peptic ulcer or gastritis with high acidity, especially in the acute stage;
  • bradycardia or heart rate variability with a tendency to slow it down, heart block;
  • vein lesions, including phlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis.

Extremely carefully, motherwort preparations should be used by people whose activities are associated with concentration, potentially dangerous activities and driving a car – it gives a sedative effect, which threatens with accidents and injuries. Also, a ban on taking motherwort is imposed on the period of pregnancy, especially in the initial stages, up to 16-20 weeks. There is evidence that motherwort is capable of provoking uterine bleeding. It is also prohibited for women immediately after an abortion or during menstruation.

The use of motherwort herb


2 tbsp. spoons of dry chopped grass pour 2 cups of water (boiled, chilled) and leave for up to 8 hours. Then stir the infusion, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day on an empty stomach. The course lasts no more than a month.

An aqueous infusion of motherwort is indicated during the period of remission of pancreatitis to stimulate the work of the organ. It is also recommended in the treatment of bowel problems.

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Mix motherwort, St. John’s wort, horsetail and tricolor violet in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. spoon collection and pour a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 30 minutes, then insist for another half an hour in heat. Strain. Take a decoction of a third cup two or three times a day for no more than 10 days.

Decoctions are indicated in the treatment of constipation, cystitis, prostatitis, liver support while taking medication.


100 g of dry raw materials, place in a jar and pour 500 ml of alcohol. Leave in a dark and dry place with a tightly ground lid for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain the tincture. Take 30 drops diluted in 100 ml of water in the morning and at night. Course up to 14 days.

This tincture is indicated for neurosis and stress, increased pressure. A similar tincture can be bought at a pharmacy.

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Reviews of doctors about motherwort herb

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr:

– In herbal medicine, motherwort is used quite actively. It is indicated for neuroses, cardiovascular diseases (including arterial hypertension), as well as for general nervous excitability (including in children). Motherwort helps to reduce blood pressure, eliminate sleep disorders, and gives a good effect in combination with cardiovascular drugs. It is important to note one of its features – a detailed effect develops after a few weeks of use.

When treating, it is important to take into account contraindications – hypersensitivity and all those that were listed earlier.

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