
Many of us know this plant as the “noxious weed”, dog nettle. And herbalists and therapists call it motherwort and consider it the best medicinal plant for women’s health, cardiac and nervous systems. By the way, the ancient Greeks knew about the healing properties of dog nettle, respected this plant in Rus’, and Tibetan monks used it for treatment two thousand years ago.

What does a motherwort look like

Motherwort is a perennial upright plant from the same family as mint (Lyasnotkovye), although it does not at all resemble a fragrant relative in taste or smell. On the contrary, it is very bitter, and its smell is not the most pleasant. An adult plant in favorable conditions can form into a tall (almost 2 meters), branched grass bush with hollow stems. For some people, contact with the dark green “hairy” leaves of motherwort results in itching and allergies.

At the end of June, small flowers of pink, purple or white appear on the bushes. The flowering period of motherwort continues throughout the summer. As a rule, thickets of this grass are found in wet places, near garbage dumps, on gravel and limestone soil. This picky plant can appear in both sunny and dark areas of wastelands – hence its name. But the Latin name of this plant is translated as “lion’s tail”, since during the flowering period it resembles a brush of a lion’s tail.

What is useful for a person?

In terms of chemistry, motherwort is a combination of essential oils, alkaloids, glycosides, iridoids, flavonoids, terpenoids, caffeic, citric and malic acids, tannins, choline and vitamin A.

Studies conducted by the Chinese have indicated that beneficial chemicals usually found in motherwort reach their maximum concentration during the flowering period of grass. By the way, in ancient China, she enjoyed the fame of a long-lived plant. In Greece, motherwort infusions were given to pregnant women to facilitate the process of childbirth and calm the nerves after the birth of the baby. By the way, the Hellenes called this plant “mother’s grass.” In addition, the ancient Greeks used motherwort to strengthen the heart. And in medieval Europe, this herb was known as a medicine for cattle.

Today, this medicinal herb is known as:

  • heart tonic;
  • diuretic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • astringent;
  • carminative;
  • stimulating menstruation;
  • sedative.

Motherwort is considered useful for treating mild forms of Graves’ disease. It has antioxidant and immunostimulating properties, has a positive effect on the central nervous system. It is known that the juice of this herb accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, and also improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and bladder.

But motherwort is best known as a herb for the heart (the name of one of the varieties of this plant is motherwort heart). Its extract is useful in the treatment of chronic cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. Some varieties of dog nettle have a sedative effect, reduce muscle spasms and lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that the herb extract slows down blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, reduces the amount of fat in the blood, and also calms an overly fast heartbeat.

Herbalists use this plant to treat rheumatism, bronchitis and asthma.

The herb extract helps with an overactive thyroid gland, but at the same time it is completely safe for healthy people, since it does not affect the healthy secretion of thyroid hormones in any way. In traditional Chinese medicine, motherwort seeds are known as an effective diuretic. Other beneficial properties include the ability to speed up metabolism, improve digestion, relieve intestinal spasms and reduce swelling. For men, this plant will protect against prostate adenoma and problems with potency.

Benefits for the cardiovascular and nervous system

Many herbalists believe that there is no other plant in nature that is more beneficial for the heart and nervous system. The alkaloids contained in the motherwort have a mild vasodilating effect, and also have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, including the heart. Dog nettle extract has been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, which is also important for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system. Possessing a mild diuretic effect, motherwort regulates blood pressure. It also inhibits arterial calcification.

This herb has sedative properties, improves sleep, relieves anxiety, and regulates the heartbeat. Tea from it is useful for neuralgia and chronic fatigue. By the way, motherwort has more powerful sedative properties than valerian or lily of the valley. The digestive system will also benefit from such tea. In particular, herbal medicine from canine nettle improves well-being in case of indigestion and inflammation of the intestines.

Women’s health benefits

For the treatment of female diseases, herbalists use the flowering tops, leaves and stems of the plant. Decoctions and infusions of them are useful for the treatment of:

  • amenorrhea;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • endometriosis;
  • postpartum depression;
  • PMS.

Special chemicals found in motherwort have been found to be gentle on the uterus for irregular cycles. The same herb, according to herbalists, is useful for women with painful menstruation. Motherwort infusions and decoctions help fight anxiety, tachycardia, hot flashes, headaches and dizziness, sleep disturbances caused by PMS or menopause. In addition, researchers suggest that motherwort reduces the risk of uterine cancer, prevents infertility, improves female fertility, and also eases contractions. After childbirth, the extract of the plant is useful for calming the nerves, preventing postpartum depression (but during this period, the herb can be taken only with the permission of the doctor, so as not to cause bleeding).

During pregnancy, dog nettle is strictly prohibited, as it can provoke a miscarriage. Motherwort should also be avoided in women with heavy periods (because it can increase bleeding even more).

Daily rate and dosage

Motherwort is used as a sedative or diuretic in the proportion of 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water. The medicine is considered ready after 10 minutes of infusion. Herbalists do not recommend drinking more than 2 glasses of this tea per day. Single dosage – 1 tablespoon of infusion. Children under 2 years of age canine nettle medicines are prohibited. Given that motherwort is a very bitter herb, the unpleasant taste of the infusion can be improved with honey (sugar) and lemon. As for alcohol tinctures, in this form, motherwort can be taken no more than 3 times a day, 2-6 ml each.


As already mentioned, the herb extract is prohibited during pregnancy, immediately after surgical operations, as well as for people with bleeding disorders. Persons taking synthetic drugs for the treatment of the heart, before drinking herbal medicine, also need to consult a doctor, as in some cases, incompatibility of substances is possible.

In people with diseases of the digestive system, against the background of the use of motherwort, stomach irritation, cramps or diarrhea may occur.

In some cases, contact with fresh motherwort leaves can cause an allergic reaction and sometimes severe dermatitis. The juice of the plant, applied to the skin, increases sensitivity to UV radiation, which is fraught with the occurrence of sunburn.

How to prepare

This medicinal plant is best harvested during the flowering period, when its juice contains the most beneficial substances. It is advisable to take tall plants (reaching half a meter in height) and with a stem thickness of half a centimeter. Only the tops of dog nettles are suitable as a healing potion. After collection, they are spread in an even layer on paper in a warm but ventilated place and turned over from time to time. In order to preserve the maximum medicinal components in the herb, it is important to avoid direct sunlight during the drying period. Properly dried grass can be stored for 3 years.

Medicine from motherwort at home

From motherwort, you can prepare different dosage forms:

  • infusion;
  • syrup;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • decoction.

Aqueous infusions and syrups from the ground part of the plant are useful as a tonic for the heart and the female reproductive system. An alcoholic tincture of leaves and flowers is useful for eliminating various infectious diseases, and a decoction of motherwort seeds is useful for washing eyes with conjunctivitis, inflammation, or banal eye fatigue.

Infusion for hypertension

This medicine is useful for hypertensive patients. An infusion of 3 tablespoons of herbs and a glass of boiling water (infuse for at least an hour and a half) is taken three times a day for a tablespoon. To increase the effectiveness of the medicine, it is advisable to drink on an empty stomach.

Alcohol tincture

For 30 g of fresh motherwort leaves, take 250 ml of alcohol (or vodka, cognac, gin). The leaves are crushed and poured with alcohol. Insist in a glass container in a dark place for a month. The finished medicine is taken 10 drops per day.

In especially severe cases, you can drink 10 drops three times a day. Useful for tachycardia, hysteria, panic attacks, gastritis.

Remedy for gastrointestinal diseases

If you pour 2 tablespoons of motherwort with half a liter of boiling water and insist for 2 hours, you will get a remedy for the digestive system. This medicine can be taken three times a day, 2 tablespoons (preferably before meals).

PMS medicine

To relieve irritability during PMS, pain in the chest and regulate the cycle in women, a decoction of 3 parts of sacred vitex, 2 parts of viburnum, motherwort and smilax root, as well as 1 part of dried oat stems will help. For infusion, you will need 2-3 teaspoons of a mixture of medicinal herbs and a glass of boiling water. You can drink 2-4 cups of this drink per day. As a medicine, tea is started on the day of ovulation and continues to be taken until the first day of the next cycle.

Collection for the thyroid gland

To prepare this medicine, you will need motherwort, mint, green walnut skins, valerian root (1 part each) and hawthorn berries (2 parts). Pour a tablespoon of this herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water. Strain after half an hour. The finished medicine should be taken 100 ml twice a day before meals. The duration of the treatment course is a month. Repeat after 10 days rest.

Medicine for vegetovascular dystonia

In equal parts, mix lemon balm, St. John’s wort, valerian root and motherwort. For 2 teaspoons of the vegetable mixture, take a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least 15 minutes. Drink half a glass before bed.

Use in the food industry

Fresh or dried motherwort flowers are sometimes used as a condiment in soups. Pairs especially well with peas and lentils. At one time, brewers added motherwort flowers to beer as an aromatic component. And for herbal tea, it is equally useful to use the flowers and leaves of the plant – both fresh and dried.

Use in cosmetology

Due to its unique chemical composition, motherwort is a good raw material for cosmetics.

For hair

A decoction of dog nettle is especially useful for oily hair. To rinse the curls, a decoction prepared from a tablespoon of grass and a liter of water is suitable (cook for 5 minutes, then leave for 3 hours). Dilute the finished infusion with 3 liters of clean water. Rinse clean hair with the resulting liquid.

Motherwort, nettle and oak (in a ratio of 1:2:2) are also a good remedy for hair, in particular, a decoction of these plants with regular rinsing makes hair shiny and prevents hair loss. Instead of nettle, you can also take burdock root.

To restore shine and healthy look to dry hair, you can use a vegetable mask. In equal portions, mix castor oil, tinctures of calendula and motherwort, add a little water. This tool must be applied to the hair and kept for about an hour.

You can also strengthen weakened hair with the help of plants. To do this, take motherwort, oak bark and onion peel in equal quantities. For 5 tablespoons of the mixture you will need 1 liter of water. Steam for about an hour. Cool the finished broth and strain. Rub into the scalp before washing.

For the skin

Motherwort is useful for fighting acne vulgaris. The juice of this plant has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, prevents excessive secretion of sebum, tightens pores. To treat a rash, it is useful to add motherwort, chamomile, sage and oak bark boiled in 2 liters of water to the bath. It is enough to take 50 g of herbal ingredients. A decoction of sage, linden flowers and dog nettle is useful to wipe the face, and herbal thick can be used as a mask for problem skin. To improve the complexion of the skin, you can make a mask of yeast, cream, honey and a few drops of alcohol tincture of motherwort. Warm the gruel a little for a couple and apply for 20 minutes on the skin. Remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton swab dipped in milk or warm water.

As you can see, there are many ways to use motherwort in home cosmetics. By mixing the herb extract with different ingredients, you can prepare useful products for skin and hair.

Phytotherapy occupies far from the last place in our life. Many, wanting to protect themselves from unnecessary “chemistry”, seek to treat a variety of diseases with the help of medicinal herbs. And motherwort confidently took its niche in herbal medicine. Also, quite a long time ago.

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