The more children there are, the less chances you have to live longer!
They guessed about it, but so far they were afraid to speak. Now it’s official: motherhood literally sucks life out of women. These are the results of research conducted by scientists from George Mason University, USA.
In unusual studies, scientists were assisted by 2 women aged 20 to 40 years. And they described in detail all the changes that occur in a woman’s body if she has children. It was found that the contraction of the telomere, the final part of the chromosome associated with longevity, in mothers is comparable to women 11 years older than them, but without children.
What are telomeres and what does it all mean? Good question: telomeres are the terminal part of the chromosome associated with longevity. They get shorter with age, so experts associate longer telomeres with better health and longer life. The conclusions are disappointing: the more children there are, the shorter the telomeres, which means that there is much less chance of longevity.
“We found that women who had five or more children had shorter telomeres compared to those who did not, and relatively short compared to those who had one, two, three, or four children. Basically, your children are sucking the life out of you, the researchers noted.
The scientists were also upset by the fact that, presumably, mothers have much less chances of longevity than people with bad habits and overweight.
But the participants in the experiment were not particularly upset. Almost all of them agreed that they get very tired of their duties and that rest away from their children helps them, but at the same time they admitted that the family brings them happiness, and they are ready to sacrifice a lot in order to be with their children.
What do you think, is motherhood a bad effect on the body?
Everything is just like that
You can get tired, but it’s not so radical
I think that motherhood does not affect longevity
I’m sure it’s the other way around