Mother’s milk changes the behavior of babies!

Children fed only with mother’s milk for the first six months of life have fewer parenting problems later in life. This was shown by a study conducted in South Africa on a group of 1500 children. Those exclusively breastfed by 56 percent. they caused educational problems less frequently at the age of 7-11 compared to children breastfed for less than a month. What other benefits does breastfeeding bring?

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1/ 10 Why you should feed

Breastfeeding is a unique way of feeding newborns, infants and young children. Provides optimal nutrients, adapted to age and digestive abilities. Thanks to the mother’s milk, the young organism has a chance to develop healthy and properly. As a general rule, the more milk the baby receives from the mother, the better the health effect. Breastfeeding gives your baby natural immune protection, not only during the feeding period, but also afterwards. Thanks to this, children get sick less!

2/ 10 Benefits for the nursing mother

Breastfeeding has health benefits for women too. Oxytocin – a hormone secreted during feeding – contributes to the contraction of the uterine muscle, which prevents the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhages and allows for a better course of the puerperium. In addition, the adipose tissue stored during pregnancy is used for the production of milk, which is a protection against obesity for the woman. It should be noted that feeding for a minimum of 6 months reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and prevents osteoporosis.

3/ 10 A priceless bond

Breastfeeding is a unique opportunity to develop and strengthen the bond between a mother and her baby. The closeness of the mother during feeding is an opportunity for the baby to develop a sense of security as well as psychomotor development. Building this irreplaceable relationship between mother and child also has a very positive effect on the formation of positive relationships in the entire family.

4/ 10 Good advice

It is important to choose a comfortable position when feeding. An uncomfortable position can make the milk flow worse. Feeding can take a long time, especially at the beginning, so learn how to latch on to your baby well. This offers the opportunity to turn feeding into a time of rest and satisfaction.

5/ 10 Wraps as needed

It sometimes happens that a nursing mother develops the so-called food stagnation. This usually happens when the breast is not emptied of milk sufficiently. Stagnant food causes the breasts to become swollen, red and sore. In these situations, it is best to feed frequently. It is a good idea to make a warm compress on the breast before feeding, and a cold one after feeding. The stagnation of food should not be underestimated, so as not to cause inflammation.

6/ 10 Nursing mother’s diet

It is worth knowing that the mother’s diet has only a slight impact on the nutritional value of milk. However, you should remember what to pay special attention to in your diet. Whenever possible, a woman should eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sometimes replace meat with fish. Such a diet will provide the body with various nutrients. It is best to avoid products that contain preservatives or artificial colors. Nursing mothers should give up sweets, strong tea and caffeinated drinks, including coffee. You should also know that drinking alcohol adversely affects the development of a child, and smoking provides him with nicotine, which is poisonous with milk!

7/ 10 Do you wake up for feeding

It is recommended to feed at least 8 times a day. You should take into account the baby’s needs (hunger), but also pay attention to the mother, i.e. make sure that the breasts are not overfilled. It is also extremely important to feed at night so that there is continuity in the stimulation of the gland to produce milk. When your baby is awake and therefore sleepy, you can change the baby to a more sedentary position and then encourage active suckling.

8/ 10 Putting on weight

It is good to know that weighing the baby before and after feeding is unreliable. This is because the nutritional value of food varies as it changes throughout the day. During the first three months, a child’s weight gain is usually 800-1200 g / bw with a minimum value of 500 g / bw. However, in the following months, the weight gain decreases slightly and amounts to approximately 400-500 g / month. However, it should be remembered that the growth rate of children varies, some grow slower, others faster.

9/ 10 Troublesome pacifiers

Basically, not using a teat contributes to a more successful feeding. Unfortunately, giving your baby a pacifier shortens the time it takes to breastfeed. Therefore, babies who are breastfed should not receive teats, as this may cause problems with the proper suckling of the breast during feeding. The teat sucking mechanism differs from that of the breast.

10/ 10 How long to feed

It is recommended that the baby is exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months, which is beneficial for its immune and digestive systems. There is no need to give any additional food or drinks during this time. After exceeding 6 months, new foods should be introduced gradually into the child’s diet, and breastfeeding depending on the child’s needs. There is generally no upper age limit for breastfeeding. However, it is advisable to breastfeed until the end of the second year if possible.

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