Mother’s Day 2022 in Our Country and the world: the history and traditions of the holiday
This important date is celebrated in many countries. Do you know when Mother’s Day will be held in 2022 in Our Country and the world? ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells about the dates, history and traditions of this wonderful holiday

“Mom” is the main word for each of us, as well as the person behind it. We are completely dependent on our mother as children, and we come to her for advice when we grow up and finally understand: mom was right. The bond between mother and child is unbreakable and unshakable, like the force of love that unites them.

It is not surprising that the world has its own, special days dedicated to mothers. They are held all over the world: in different countries, different dates are set for this. We will tell you when Mother’s Day takes place in Our Country and in the world in 2022, and how best to celebrate it.

When is Mother’s Day celebrated in Our Country and the world in 2022

In our country, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Mother’s Day in 2022 will be held 27 November.

At the same time, more than 20 countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. Among them are the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Turkey, Japan, Brazil and Australia. International Mother’s Day in 2022 will fall on 8 May.

A number of other countries celebrate this holiday on separate days.

March 3Georgia
first Sunday of March

(in 2022 it is the 6th)

United Kingdom
March 21Egypt
7 AprilArmenia
first Sunday in May

(in 2022 it is the 1th)

Hungary, Spain, Portugal and Lithuania
9 MayGreece
10 MayPhilippines
third Sunday in May

(in 2022 it is the 15th)

26 MayPoland
last Sunday in May

(in 2022 it is the 29th)

Sweden and France
third Sunday of September

(in 2022 it is the 18th)

14 OctoberByeloOur Country

You can congratulate mothers on their “professional” holiday on any of these dates, they will surely be pleased. However, do not forget that warm words of gratitude and love should be spoken much more often than 1-2 days a year.

history of the holiday

Even the ancient Greeks had a mother cult: in March, in honor of Rhea, the progenitor of the gods, various mysteries took place. In Britain, the fourth Sunday of Lent was considered Mothering Sunday. In the XVII-XIX centuries, all the mothers of the country were congratulated on this day.

In the United States, one of the first to celebrate the holiday was Julia Ward Howe in 1872. At that time, this idea did not meet with support. But the initiative of her compatriot Anna Jarvis in 1907 found a response. Virginia became the first state in 1910. It was there that Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time. And 4 years later, by decision of US President Woodrow Wilson, it spread throughout the country.

The first attempt to establish Mother’s Day in Our Country took place as early as 1915. This day fell on December 1, but was not fixed in the national calendar. Later, already in the USSR, the teacher Elmira Huseynova came up with the initiative to create Mother’s Day, and on October 30, 1988 she held it in one of the Baku schools.

In the 1990s, the idea of ​​creating Mother’s Day came back again. The initiator was Alevtina Aparina, deputy of the State Duma of the Federation, member of the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. And in 1998, the President of the Federation signed a decree on the establishment of a holiday, the purpose of which was to remind the important role of the mother in the life of every person.

Holiday traditions

Although Mother’s Day in Our Country is a young holiday, it has already acquired its own traditions. So, he got his own symbol – forget-me-not. By the way, images of teddy bears with forget-me-nots in their paws are also an attribute of the holiday. The All- social action “Mom, I love you!” is dedicated to this day.

Concerts, competitions, promotions, exhibitions are held all over the country. Mother’s Day is especially loved in schools and kindergartens. Children are happy to tell poems about mothers, draw their portraits and make gifts with their own hands. In institutions, impromptu exhibitions are often held with photographs of employees and their parents.

Of course, on this day it is worth visiting the dearest person – mother, and it is better not empty-handed. After all, the meaning of the holiday is that we pay attention to our mothers. A gift or just a bouquet of flowers will certainly please mom.

Other countries also have their own holiday culture. In Great Britain and Ireland, for example, it is customary to cook a cake called “Simnel” on Mother’s Sunday. This is a cake with pieces of dried fruits and candied fruits, spices, almond paste and marzipan.

Interesting Facts

  • The word “mother” sounds similar in many languages. It is believed that it comes from the sounds that the child makes.
  • In the USSR, there were special awards for mothers. The Motherhood Medal was awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or 6 children. Those who gave birth and raised 7, 8 or 9 children were awarded the Order of Maternal Glory. And if there are 10 or more children, the order and the title of “Mother Heroine” are awarded.
  • How many children can one woman give birth to? So far, the record is 69. It was set in the 27th century by the wife of a peasant Fyodor Vasiliev – history has not preserved her name. She gave birth XNUMX times: several times there were twins, triplets and even four children at the same time. Moreover, despite the high infant mortality characteristic of that time, only two children of this family died in infancy.

Mother’s Day Movie Compilation

To create a festive mood, use our selection. After these movies, you will definitely want to hug your mom.

  1. Obnoxious Ladies, (2016). In the original, the film is even called “Mother’s Day”. Several families with their own problems are getting ready to celebrate Mother’s Day.
  2. Moms (2012). Eight short stories about maternal love.
  3. Promise at Dawn (2017). Autobiographical story of the writer Romain Gary about the influence of mother’s love on a person’s whole life.
  4. Tully (2018). A poignant story about the underside of motherhood.
  5. Stepmother (1998). The classic story with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon.
  6. Bring back Ben (2018). A mixture of family drama and action movies.
  7. Florida Project (2017). The story of an unlucky mother and her little daughter.
  8. Fashion Mommy (2008). A young woman suddenly has to replace the mother of her nephews.
  9. I don’t know how she does it (2011). Comedy about the difficulties of combining motherhood and work.
  10. Gilmore Girls (2000-2007). The series is about the life of a mother and daughter, more like best friends.

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