Mother of three disabled children with a Neo-Nówka sketch: I have mixed feelings. It is about the topic of charity collection

Sketch Fri The “Christmas Eve 2022” of the Neo-Nowka cabaret caused an avalanche of comments in the media. There was talk of an attack on the authorities, an accurate listing of society’s ills, but also about what public money is spent on, and what is not – and should – be spent. «Do you know how many children could be cured for these millions? And we collect elks at charity auctions, ”says one of the characters in the sketch. At the point? We asked Agnieszka Oczkowska, a mother of three disabled children, who has been organizing collections for their treatment for years. “I have mixed feelings,” he admits.

  1. The Neo-Nówka cabaret in its famous skit referred to, among others, to the fact that the government, spending a lot of money on big projects, neglects people in need, incl. sick and disabled
  2. Whether this is true and whether these people and their families really feel aggrieved, says the mother of disabled children, whose annual cost of treatment exceeds PLN 100. zloty.
  3. For us and many similar families, fundraising is a big financial injection. They allow us to survive – he confirms
  4. However, as he adds, there is aid from the state, but it is still a “drop in the ocean of needs”
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

“How many children could be cured for these millions?”

«» Christmas Eve 2022 «are notes from the inept crisis management in recent months, writes Aleksander Hudzik in an article published on And although there are indeed many reasons to complain about the strategy of combating inflation, a pandemic or a number of problems affecting various sectors of the economy, the subject of these regrets cannot be forgotten.

– You live in an information cocoon. No external content is reaching you. You are only focused on one thing. You’re such a useful idiot, they keep doing you like that, and you just give in. They are having fun, they are throwing money to the left. They fired 70 million for envelope elections, 2 billion for blunt propaganda on TVP, including Ostrołęka, CPK, Turów and other moves. Do you know how many children could be cured for these millions? And we collect elks at charity auctions, and the government has it all – say the heroes of the sketch.

The reception of this part of the performance does not evoke laughter, but rather gloomy reflection on the accuracy of this diagnosis. At least in common feeling, because it turns out that the people themselves have ambivalent feelings about these words.

The rest of the text below the video.

“Raising money is a big financial injection”

Agnieszka Oczkowska is a mother of three disabled children. She is a lawyer by education, but she had no chance of realizing herself in the profession. He cannot do it, because according to the regulations, in order to receive the allowance for the carer of a disabled person, he must be professionally inactive. The amount of such an allowance is 2,1 thousand. PLN, regardless of whether one, two or three children are ill.

Children whose treatment costs Agnieszka over PLN 100 annually. zloty.

Agnieszka had no choice – she had to take matters into her own hands and find a way to find money that would ensure her family’s survival. One of them is organizing a fundraiser for the treatment and rehabilitation of children.

Disability in Poland is a luxury, although it is in no way associated with something nice. It gets harder every year. Everything is getting more expensive and the needs are only growing. State aid is negligible. Our legal system requires parents of disabled children to be managers for them. If they do not seek help from non-governmental organizations, do not organize collections, they are doomed to poverty, and extreme poverty at that – she said in an interview with Medonet.

For us and many similar families, fundraising is a big financial injection. – They allow us to survive. We have been using the help of the Siepomaga Foundation for years and thanks to the huge hearts of many strangers, our children live and have a chance to heal. 1 percent is also a huge support for us. a tax that I ask everyone and everywhere. I run the website, I also write about our everyday life on Facebook, on the website of the same name. I do not hide, I am already very tired, the reality scares me, but I am the manager of my children and I will do everything to make them live and enjoy this life – ensure.

You can read the story of Agnieszka and her children in the article below.

“Things have gone so far in our country that it is impossible to remain silent”

We asked Agnieszka how she feels when all of Poland is discussing a subject whose background is her everyday life, full of sacrifices and the struggle for survival. Initially, she approached the subject with caution.

– I promised myself once that I would not get involved in politics. However, things in our country have gone so far that it is hardly possible to remain silent – she added after a moment.

He has an ambiguous opinion about the Neo-Nówka sketch and the storm that followed.

Honestly, I have mixed feelings. We must be honest. When it comes to disabled and sick people for whom such collections are organized, as mentioned by Neo-Nówka, some steps for better are, however, taken. The president recently signed an act which, starting this year, enables taxpayers to donate not 1 percent, but 1,5 percent to the disabled. tax. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who donate this percentage, he says, adding that although the change is positive, it is still a drop in the ocean of needsbecause we are dealing with a widespread high price and crisis.

– Poland ceases to be a law-abiding state. We do not get great EU money because we do not meet the conditions. We lose a lot of money that could be intended for people in need of help who are looking for it, among others, as part of charity actions. In addition, the society is already so poor that it can barely make ends meet. And soon it will not be able to help those who are in need, Agnieszka forecasts.

Agnieszka Oczkowska is a mother of three children: Ewa, who suffers from galactosemia and numerous neurological disorders resulting from the late diagnosis of this disease, Frank, who was born without a right forearm, and was later diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and then a hypothalamic tumor, and the youngest, Jaś , struggling with galactosemia and complications of sepsis in the form of neurological disorders, epilepsy and chronic respiratory failure.

You can order diagnostic tests for genetic diseases, such as Gilbert’s syndrome or cystic fibrosis, through Medonet Market.

Each of the three children is subject to treatment based on pharmacotherapy and rehabilitation. All of this is very costly. If you want to support Agnieszka and her family in the fight for everyday life with disabilities, you can donate 1 percent. tax:

KRS 0000037904

Specific objective: 12729 Oczkowski Jan, Franciszek and Ewa

You can also help Ewa, Frank and Jasio by donating any amount to the fundraiser:

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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