Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

At the end of summer, the housewives are preparing vegetables for the winter. Each family has its own preferences. But sometimes you want to cook something new, with exquisite taste. There is one “many-faced” vegetable dish for the winter called “mother-in-law’s tongue.” Why “many”? Yes, because the snack can be prepared from a variety of vegetables. And mother-in-law’s language is called for two reasons. First – vegetables are cut in the form of tongues. The second is a very spicy appetizer, burning, like a caustic mother-in-law.

Tomatoes for the winter of mother-in-law do not need any special products. They are always available in the fall in the bins of any hostess. In one version, we will use red tomatoes, in the other, green ones. Try the recipes, you might like both.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Important information

Before you start cooking spicy tomatoes for the winter, get to know some important points:

  1. Use for winter harvesting vegetables without damage and rot.
  2. If you are making a blank from red tomatoes, then choose such specimens so that there are no white and green blotches on the pulp.
  3. For green tomato snacks, it is advisable to use fruits that are slightly pinkish inside.
  4. Be careful with hot or hot peppers. The fact is that excess can make the dish inedible. The dish should be spicy, but in moderation.
  5. In order for the bitter green pepper to give the future preparation all its flavor, and not bitterness, pour over boiling water before cutting.
  6. Mother-in-law’s tongue tomatoes for the winter require the use of vinegar according to the recipe. In some versions, it is 70% essence, in others – table 9 or 8% vinegar. Take exactly the one indicated in the recipe. Self-breeding is fraught with health problems.
  7. Use only well-washed and steamed jars and lids for tomatoes for the winter of mother-in-law. Some experienced housewives recommend wiping the inside of the lids with medical alcohol before rolling.
  8. The mother-in-law’s salad, cooked for the winter, is laid out immediately after being removed from the stove in dry jars.

That, perhaps, is all. Now get down to business!

Snack of red tomatoes for the winter

This spicy, low-calorie salad (only 76 calories per 100 grams) gets its name from its spicy taste, as it doesn’t contain tongue-shaped vegetables. The number of ingredients is limited, the cooking time is about two hours. The main feature is chili peppers and garlic.

So what do you need to stock up on:

  • ripe fleshy red tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • turnip and garlic – 100 grams each;
  • chili pepper – 1 pod;
  • dill and parsley – 30 grams each;
  • any refined vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 3 tablespoons with a slide;
  • salt 60 grams;
  • table 9% vinegar – 50 ml.

How to cook

First, we wash all the vegetables and herbs, changing the water several times, dry well.

Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

We chop the onion in half rings.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Grind the garlic with a garlic press or grater.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

In hot pepper, remove the tail and seeds. We cut into small cubes.

Advice! Use gloves to avoid burns.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Greens according to the recipe cut into large pieces.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

We put the workpiece in a saucepan, pour in the oil, salt, sugar. Table vinegar is poured immediately into the cold mass.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Important! The ingredients must stand for at least 30 minutes to release the juice.

In its raw form, put the mass in sterile jars and put on top of the lid. No need to twist!

Snack tomatoes for the winter of the mother-in-law’s tongue, according to the recipe, must be sterilized. How to do it right? At the bottom of a large saucepan, lay a piece of cloth, pour water. As soon as the water boils, note the time. Sterilization takes a third of an hour.

Comment! Water should only reach the shoulders of the jars.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

We take out the cans and roll them up with tin or screw caps. Who is comfortable. Turn over and cover with a blanket. In this position, the mother-in-law’s tomatoes should stand for at least a day until they cool completely. This is an important point, since you are making preparations for the winter. We put it in the basement or refrigerator for storage.

Green tomato appetizer

As a rule, red tomatoes go to any blanks, and not everyone knows what to do with green fruits. True connoisseurs of spicy snacks prefer green tomatoes. Although some housewives add eggplant slices.

We will tell you how to cook spicy green tomatoes for the winter. The main thing is that the appetizer turned out to be burning, because it is not for nothing that it is called mother-in-law’s tongue.

Attention! This is not a salad, but green tomatoes stuffed in an unusual way.

The ingredients below are not a panacea. You can always experiment in your kitchen, add your own zest to the recipe.

We will need:

  • 1200 g green tomatoes;
  • one medium carrot;
  • large head of garlic;
  • a bunch of green parsley leaves;
  • one leaf of lavrushka;
  • one clove bud;
  • 5-6 coriander seeds;
  • one chili pepper;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • a tablespoon of 9% vinegar;
  • one tablespoon of salt and sugar.

Step-by-step recipe

Important! Since we have to stuff tomatoes for the winter, we choose green fruits that are hard to the touch, with no signs of damage. Inside they should be pinkish.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Step one – preparing the stuffing

We wash all vegetables and parsley under running water or in a basin, changing the water several times, and dry it on a towel.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

We clean the carrots, clean the garlic (the bottom must be cut off).

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

For a snack for the winter, grind carrots with a blender, then add garlic. Vegetables will not only be chopped, but also mixed well. If there is no such device, you can use a meat grinder or a grater with small holes.

Mother-in-law’s tongue with tomatoes: recipe

Remove tough stems from washed and dried parsley. Only tender leaves are used. Add to carrot-garlic mixture and beat again. The result is an orange-green filling for spicy tomatoes.

Step Two – Stuff the Tomatoes

  1. To prepare snacks for the winter on green tomatoes, we make cruciform cuts. Do not cut the tomatoes to the end, otherwise the filling will not hold. Take a small spoon and fill each green tomato. Look at the photo how delicious it looks.


  2. Carefully place the tomatoes in a hot glass jar.
  3. The marinade is prepared from a liter of water and the spices indicated in the recipe. From the moment of boiling, it is boiled for 5 minutes, then pour in the vinegar. Don’t omit the whole chili at once. First a piece, after tasting, you can add more.
  4. Pour the green tomatoes with the mother-in-law’s tongue with the prepared marinade for the winter and set to sterilize in cold water. When the water boils, wait 15 minutes and take out the jar. Immediately roll up, turn over and under a fur coat until completely cooled.

Awesomely delicious mother-in-law’s tongue tomatoes for the winter according to this recipe can be stored even in a room.

Recipe for tomatoes with zucchini:

Spicy appetizer from zucchini “Teschin language”

Opinion of nutritionists

About the appetizer of the mother-in-law, the opinion of nutritionists is almost the same. They consider this product low-calorie, low in protein, so they recommend a snack for people who want to lose weight.

In winter, as a rule, the body needs vitamins and microelements. It’s all there in the mother-in-law’s tongue appetizer. In addition, the presence of garlic has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, as well as the risk of thrombosis. Tomatoes contain fiber, vitamins, keratin and a large amount of minerals. A snack helps a lot if a person suffers from constipation.

The dish is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver due to its spiciness. Children in small quantities can be given mother-in-law’s tongue tomatoes only from the age of 10.

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